5130 lines
156 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-07-09 13:40:25 +00:00
var htmx = (function() {
'use strict'
// Public API
const htmx = {
// Tsc madness here, assigning the functions directly results in an invalid TypeScript output, but reassigning is fine
/* Event processing */
/** @type {typeof onLoadHelper} */
onLoad: null,
/** @type {typeof processNode} */
process: null,
/** @type {typeof addEventListenerImpl} */
on: null,
/** @type {typeof removeEventListenerImpl} */
off: null,
/** @type {typeof triggerEvent} */
trigger: null,
/** @type {typeof ajaxHelper} */
ajax: null,
/* DOM querying helpers */
/** @type {typeof find} */
find: null,
/** @type {typeof findAll} */
findAll: null,
/** @type {typeof closest} */
closest: null,
* Returns the input values that would resolve for a given element via the htmx value resolution mechanism
* @see
* @param {Element} elt the element to resolve values on
* @param {HttpVerb} type the request type (e.g. **get** or **post**) non-GET's will include the enclosing form of the element. Defaults to **post**
* @returns {Object}
values: function(elt, type) {
const inputValues = getInputValues(elt, type || 'post')
return inputValues.values
/* DOM manipulation helpers */
/** @type {typeof removeElement} */
remove: null,
/** @type {typeof addClassToElement} */
addClass: null,
/** @type {typeof removeClassFromElement} */
removeClass: null,
/** @type {typeof toggleClassOnElement} */
toggleClass: null,
/** @type {typeof takeClassForElement} */
takeClass: null,
/** @type {typeof swap} */
swap: null,
/* Extension entrypoints */
/** @type {typeof defineExtension} */
defineExtension: null,
/** @type {typeof removeExtension} */
removeExtension: null,
/* Debugging */
/** @type {typeof logAll} */
logAll: null,
/** @type {typeof logNone} */
logNone: null,
/* Debugging */
* The logger htmx uses to log with
* @see
logger: null,
* A property holding the configuration htmx uses at runtime.
* Note that using a [meta tag]( is the preferred mechanism for setting these properties.
* @see
config: {
* Whether to use history.
* @type boolean
* @default true
historyEnabled: true,
* The number of pages to keep in **localStorage** for history support.
* @type number
* @default 10
historyCacheSize: 10,
* @type boolean
* @default false
refreshOnHistoryMiss: false,
* The default swap style to use if **[hx-swap](** is omitted.
* @type HtmxSwapStyle
* @default 'innerHTML'
defaultSwapStyle: 'innerHTML',
* The default delay between receiving a response from the server and doing the swap.
* @type number
* @default 0
defaultSwapDelay: 0,
* The default delay between completing the content swap and settling attributes.
* @type number
* @default 20
defaultSettleDelay: 20,
* If true, htmx will inject a small amount of CSS into the page to make indicators invisible unless the **htmx-indicator** class is present.
* @type boolean
* @default true
includeIndicatorStyles: true,
* The class to place on indicators when a request is in flight.
* @type string
* @default 'htmx-indicator'
indicatorClass: 'htmx-indicator',
* The class to place on triggering elements when a request is in flight.
* @type string
* @default 'htmx-request'
requestClass: 'htmx-request',
* The class to temporarily place on elements that htmx has added to the DOM.
* @type string
* @default 'htmx-added'
addedClass: 'htmx-added',
* The class to place on target elements when htmx is in the settling phase.
* @type string
* @default 'htmx-settling'
settlingClass: 'htmx-settling',
* The class to place on target elements when htmx is in the swapping phase.
* @type string
* @default 'htmx-swapping'
swappingClass: 'htmx-swapping',
* Allows the use of eval-like functionality in htmx, to enable **hx-vars**, trigger conditions & script tag evaluation. Can be set to **false** for CSP compatibility.
* @type boolean
* @default true
allowEval: true,
* If set to false, disables the interpretation of script tags.
* @type boolean
* @default true
allowScriptTags: true,
* If set, the nonce will be added to inline scripts.
* @type string
* @default ''
inlineScriptNonce: '',
* If set, the nonce will be added to inline styles.
* @type string
* @default ''
inlineStyleNonce: '',
* The attributes to settle during the settling phase.
* @type string[]
* @default ['class', 'style', 'width', 'height']
attributesToSettle: ['class', 'style', 'width', 'height'],
* Allow cross-site Access-Control requests using credentials such as cookies, authorization headers or TLS client certificates.
* @type boolean
* @default false
withCredentials: false,
* @type number
* @default 0
timeout: 0,
* The default implementation of **getWebSocketReconnectDelay** for reconnecting after unexpected connection loss by the event code **Abnormal Closure**, **Service Restart** or **Try Again Later**.
* @type {'full-jitter' | ((retryCount:number) => number)}
* @default "full-jitter"
wsReconnectDelay: 'full-jitter',
* The type of binary data being received over the WebSocket connection
* @type BinaryType
* @default 'blob'
wsBinaryType: 'blob',
* @type string
* @default '[hx-disable], [data-hx-disable]'
disableSelector: '[hx-disable], [data-hx-disable]',
* @type {'auto' | 'instant' | 'smooth'}
* @default 'smooth'
scrollBehavior: 'instant',
* If the focused element should be scrolled into view.
* @type boolean
* @default false
defaultFocusScroll: false,
* If set to true htmx will include a cache-busting parameter in GET requests to avoid caching partial responses by the browser
* @type boolean
* @default false
getCacheBusterParam: false,
* If set to true, htmx will use the View Transition API when swapping in new content.
* @type boolean
* @default false
globalViewTransitions: false,
* htmx will format requests with these methods by encoding their parameters in the URL, not the request body
* @type {(HttpVerb)[]}
* @default ['get', 'delete']
methodsThatUseUrlParams: ['get', 'delete'],
* If set to true, disables htmx-based requests to non-origin hosts.
* @type boolean
* @default false
selfRequestsOnly: true,
* If set to true htmx will not update the title of the document when a title tag is found in new content
* @type boolean
* @default false
ignoreTitle: false,
* Whether the target of a boosted element is scrolled into the viewport.
* @type boolean
* @default true
scrollIntoViewOnBoost: true,
* The cache to store evaluated trigger specifications into.
* You may define a simple object to use a never-clearing cache, or implement your own system using a [proxy object](
* @type {Object|null}
* @default null
triggerSpecsCache: null,
/** @type boolean */
disableInheritance: false,
/** @type HtmxResponseHandlingConfig[] */
responseHandling: [
{ code: '204', swap: false },
{ code: '[23]..', swap: true },
{ code: '[45]..', swap: false, error: true }
* Whether to process OOB swaps on elements that are nested within the main response element.
* @type boolean
* @default true
allowNestedOobSwaps: true
/** @type {typeof parseInterval} */
parseInterval: null,
/** @type {typeof internalEval} */
_: null,
version: '2.0.0'
// Tsc madness part 2
htmx.onLoad = onLoadHelper
htmx.process = processNode
htmx.on = addEventListenerImpl = removeEventListenerImpl
htmx.trigger = triggerEvent
htmx.ajax = ajaxHelper
htmx.find = find
htmx.findAll = findAll
htmx.closest = closest
htmx.remove = removeElement
htmx.addClass = addClassToElement
htmx.removeClass = removeClassFromElement
htmx.toggleClass = toggleClassOnElement
htmx.takeClass = takeClassForElement
htmx.swap = swap
htmx.defineExtension = defineExtension
htmx.removeExtension = removeExtension
htmx.logAll = logAll
htmx.logNone = logNone
htmx.parseInterval = parseInterval
htmx._ = internalEval
const internalAPI = {
const VERBS = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'patch']
return '[hx-' + verb + '], [data-hx-' + verb + ']'
}).join(', ')
const HEAD_TAG_REGEX = makeTagRegEx('head')
//= ===================================================================
// Utilities
//= ===================================================================
* @param {string} tag
* @param {boolean} global
* @returns {RegExp}
function makeTagRegEx(tag, global = false) {
return new RegExp(`<${tag}(\\s[^>]*>|>)([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/${tag}>`,
global ? 'gim' : 'im')
* Parses an interval string consistent with the way htmx does. Useful for plugins that have timing-related attributes.
* Caution: Accepts an int followed by either **s** or **ms**. All other values use **parseFloat**
* @see
* @param {string} str timing string
* @returns {number|undefined}
function parseInterval(str) {
if (str == undefined) {
return undefined
let interval = NaN
if (str.slice(-2) == 'ms') {
interval = parseFloat(str.slice(0, -2))
} else if (str.slice(-1) == 's') {
interval = parseFloat(str.slice(0, -1)) * 1000
} else if (str.slice(-1) == 'm') {
interval = parseFloat(str.slice(0, -1)) * 1000 * 60
} else {
interval = parseFloat(str)
return isNaN(interval) ? undefined : interval
* @param {Node} elt
* @param {string} name
* @returns {(string | null)}
function getRawAttribute(elt, name) {
return elt instanceof Element && elt.getAttribute(name)
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {string} qualifiedName
* @returns {boolean}
// resolve with both hx and data-hx prefixes
function hasAttribute(elt, qualifiedName) {
return !!elt.hasAttribute && (elt.hasAttribute(qualifiedName) ||
elt.hasAttribute('data-' + qualifiedName))
* @param {Node} elt
* @param {string} qualifiedName
* @returns {(string | null)}
function getAttributeValue(elt, qualifiedName) {
return getRawAttribute(elt, qualifiedName) || getRawAttribute(elt, 'data-' + qualifiedName)
* @param {Node} elt
* @returns {Node | null}
function parentElt(elt) {
const parent = elt.parentElement
if (!parent && elt.parentNode instanceof ShadowRoot) return elt.parentNode
return parent
* @returns {Document}
function getDocument() {
return document
* @param {Node} elt
* @param {boolean} global
* @returns {Node|Document}
function getRootNode(elt, global) {
return elt.getRootNode ? elt.getRootNode({ composed: global }) : getDocument()
* @param {Node} elt
* @param {(e:Node) => boolean} condition
* @returns {Node | null}
function getClosestMatch(elt, condition) {
while (elt && !condition(elt)) {
elt = parentElt(elt)
return elt || null
* @param {Element} initialElement
* @param {Element} ancestor
* @param {string} attributeName
* @returns {string|null}
function getAttributeValueWithDisinheritance(initialElement, ancestor, attributeName) {
const attributeValue = getAttributeValue(ancestor, attributeName)
const disinherit = getAttributeValue(ancestor, 'hx-disinherit')
var inherit = getAttributeValue(ancestor, 'hx-inherit')
if (initialElement !== ancestor) {
if (htmx.config.disableInheritance) {
if (inherit && (inherit === '*' || inherit.split(' ').indexOf(attributeName) >= 0)) {
return attributeValue
} else {
return null
if (disinherit && (disinherit === '*' || disinherit.split(' ').indexOf(attributeName) >= 0)) {
return 'unset'
return attributeValue
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {string} attributeName
* @returns {string | null}
function getClosestAttributeValue(elt, attributeName) {
let closestAttr = null
getClosestMatch(elt, function(e) {
return !!(closestAttr = getAttributeValueWithDisinheritance(elt, asElement(e), attributeName))
if (closestAttr !== 'unset') {
return closestAttr
* @param {Node} elt
* @param {string} selector
* @returns {boolean}
function matches(elt, selector) {
// @ts-ignore: non-standard properties for browser compatibility
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
const matchesFunction = elt instanceof Element && (elt.matches || elt.matchesSelector || elt.msMatchesSelector || elt.mozMatchesSelector || elt.webkitMatchesSelector || elt.oMatchesSelector)
return !!matchesFunction &&, selector)
* @param {string} str
* @returns {string}
function getStartTag(str) {
const tagMatcher = /<([a-z][^\/\0>\x20\t\r\n\f]*)/i
const match = tagMatcher.exec(str)
if (match) {
return match[1].toLowerCase()
} else {
return ''
* @param {string} resp
* @returns {Document}
function parseHTML(resp) {
const parser = new DOMParser()
return parser.parseFromString(resp, 'text/html')
* @param {DocumentFragment} fragment
* @param {Node} elt
function takeChildrenFor(fragment, elt) {
while (elt.childNodes.length > 0) {
* @param {HTMLScriptElement} script
* @returns {HTMLScriptElement}
function duplicateScript(script) {
const newScript = getDocument().createElement('script')
forEach(script.attributes, function(attr) {
newScript.setAttribute(, attr.value)
newScript.textContent = script.textContent
newScript.async = false
if (htmx.config.inlineScriptNonce) {
newScript.nonce = htmx.config.inlineScriptNonce
return newScript
* @param {HTMLScriptElement} script
* @returns {boolean}
function isJavaScriptScriptNode(script) {
return script.matches('script') && (script.type === 'text/javascript' || script.type === 'module' || script.type === '')
* we have to make new copies of script tags that we are going to insert because
* SOME browsers (not saying who, but it involves an element and an animal) don't
* execute scripts created in <template> tags when they are inserted into the DOM
* and all the others do lmao
* @param {DocumentFragment} fragment
function normalizeScriptTags(fragment) {
Array.from(fragment.querySelectorAll('script')).forEach(/** @param {HTMLScriptElement} script */ (script) => {
if (isJavaScriptScriptNode(script)) {
const newScript = duplicateScript(script)
const parent = script.parentNode
try {
parent.insertBefore(newScript, script)
} catch (e) {
} finally {
* @typedef {DocumentFragment & {title?: string}} DocumentFragmentWithTitle
* @description a document fragment representing the response HTML, including
* a `title` property for any title information found
* @param {string} response HTML
* @returns {DocumentFragmentWithTitle}
function makeFragment(response) {
// strip head tag to determine shape of response we are dealing with
const responseWithNoHead = response.replace(HEAD_TAG_REGEX, '')
const startTag = getStartTag(responseWithNoHead)
/** @type DocumentFragmentWithTitle */
let fragment
if (startTag === 'html') {
// if it is a full document, parse it and return the body
fragment = /** @type DocumentFragmentWithTitle */ (new DocumentFragment())
const doc = parseHTML(response)
takeChildrenFor(fragment, doc.body)
fragment.title = doc.title
} else if (startTag === 'body') {
// parse body w/o wrapping in template
fragment = /** @type DocumentFragmentWithTitle */ (new DocumentFragment())
const doc = parseHTML(responseWithNoHead)
takeChildrenFor(fragment, doc.body)
fragment.title = doc.title
} else {
// otherwise we have non-body partial HTML content, so wrap it in a template to maximize parsing flexibility
const doc = parseHTML('<body><template class="internal-htmx-wrapper">' + responseWithNoHead + '</template></body>')
fragment = /** @type DocumentFragmentWithTitle */ (doc.querySelector('template').content)
// extract title into fragment for later processing
fragment.title = doc.title
// for legacy reasons we support a title tag at the root level of non-body responses, so we need to handle it
var titleElement = fragment.querySelector('title')
if (titleElement && titleElement.parentNode === fragment) {
fragment.title = titleElement.innerText
if (fragment) {
if (htmx.config.allowScriptTags) {
} else {
// remove all script tags if scripts are disabled
fragment.querySelectorAll('script').forEach((script) => script.remove())
return fragment
* @param {Function} func
function maybeCall(func) {
if (func) {
* @param {any} o
* @param {string} type
* @returns
function isType(o, type) {
return === '[object ' + type + ']'
* @param {*} o
* @returns {o is Function}
function isFunction(o) {
return typeof o === 'function'
* @param {*} o
* @returns {o is Object}
function isRawObject(o) {
return isType(o, 'Object')
* @typedef {Object} OnHandler
* @property {(keyof HTMLElementEventMap)|string} event
* @property {EventListener} listener
* @typedef {Object} ListenerInfo
* @property {string} trigger
* @property {EventListener} listener
* @property {EventTarget} on
* @typedef {Object} HtmxNodeInternalData
* Element data
* @property {number} [initHash]
* @property {boolean} [boosted]
* @property {OnHandler[]} [onHandlers]
* @property {number} [timeout]
* @property {ListenerInfo[]} [listenerInfos]
* @property {boolean} [cancelled]
* @property {boolean} [triggeredOnce]
* @property {number} [delayed]
* @property {number|null} [throttle]
* @property {string} [lastValue]
* @property {boolean} [loaded]
* @property {string} [path]
* @property {string} [verb]
* @property {boolean} [polling]
* @property {HTMLButtonElement|HTMLInputElement|null} [lastButtonClicked]
* @property {number} [requestCount]
* @property {XMLHttpRequest} [xhr]
* @property {(() => void)[]} [queuedRequests]
* @property {boolean} [abortable]
* Event data
* @property {HtmxTriggerSpecification} [triggerSpec]
* @property {EventTarget[]} [handledFor]
* getInternalData retrieves "private" data stored by htmx within an element
* @param {EventTarget|Event} elt
* @returns {HtmxNodeInternalData}
function getInternalData(elt) {
const dataProp = 'htmx-internal-data'
let data = elt[dataProp]
if (!data) {
data = elt[dataProp] = {}
return data
* toArray converts an ArrayLike object into a real array.
* @template T
* @param {ArrayLike<T>} arr
* @returns {T[]}
function toArray(arr) {
const returnArr = []
if (arr) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
return returnArr
* @template T
* @param {T[]|NamedNodeMap|HTMLCollection|HTMLFormControlsCollection|ArrayLike<T>} arr
* @param {(T) => void} func
function forEach(arr, func) {
if (arr) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
* @param {Element} el
* @returns {boolean}
function isScrolledIntoView(el) {
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect()
const elemTop =
const elemBottom = rect.bottom
return elemTop < window.innerHeight && elemBottom >= 0
* @param {Node} elt
* @returns {boolean}
function bodyContains(elt) {
// IE Fix
const rootNode = elt.getRootNode && elt.getRootNode()
if (rootNode && rootNode instanceof window.ShadowRoot) {
return getDocument().body.contains(
} else {
return getDocument().body.contains(elt)
* @param {string} trigger
* @returns {string[]}
function splitOnWhitespace(trigger) {
return trigger.trim().split(/\s+/)
* mergeObjects takes all the keys from
* obj2 and duplicates them into obj1
* @template T1
* @template T2
* @param {T1} obj1
* @param {T2} obj2
* @returns {T1 & T2}
function mergeObjects(obj1, obj2) {
for (const key in obj2) {
if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// @ts-ignore tsc doesn't seem to properly handle types merging
obj1[key] = obj2[key]
// @ts-ignore tsc doesn't seem to properly handle types merging
return obj1
* @param {string} jString
* @returns {any|null}
function parseJSON(jString) {
try {
return JSON.parse(jString)
} catch (error) {
return null
* @returns {boolean}
function canAccessLocalStorage() {
const test = 'htmx:localStorageTest'
try {
localStorage.setItem(test, test)
return true
} catch (e) {
return false
* @param {string} path
* @returns {string}
function normalizePath(path) {
try {
const url = new URL(path)
if (url) {
path = url.pathname +
// remove trailing slash, unless index page
if (!(/^\/$/.test(path))) {
path = path.replace(/\/+$/, '')
return path
} catch (e) {
// be kind to IE11, which doesn't support URL()
return path
//= =========================================================================================
// public API
//= =========================================================================================
* @param {string} str
* @returns {any}
function internalEval(str) {
return maybeEval(getDocument().body, function() {
return eval(str)
* Adds a callback for the **htmx:load** event. This can be used to process new content, for example initializing the content with a javascript library
* @see
* @param {(elt: Node) => void} callback the callback to call on newly loaded content
* @returns {EventListener}
function onLoadHelper(callback) {
const value = htmx.on('htmx:load', /** @param {CustomEvent} evt */ function(evt) {
return value
* Log all htmx events, useful for debugging.
* @see
function logAll() {
htmx.logger = function(elt, event, data) {
if (console) {
console.log(event, elt, data)
function logNone() {
htmx.logger = null
* Finds an element matching the selector
* @see
* @param {ParentNode|string} eltOrSelector the root element to find the matching element in, inclusive | the selector to match
* @param {string} [selector] the selector to match
* @returns {Element|null}
function find(eltOrSelector, selector) {
if (typeof eltOrSelector !== 'string') {
return eltOrSelector.querySelector(selector)
} else {
return find(getDocument(), eltOrSelector)
* Finds all elements matching the selector
* @see
* @param {ParentNode|string} eltOrSelector the root element to find the matching elements in, inclusive | the selector to match
* @param {string} [selector] the selector to match
* @returns {NodeListOf<Element>}
function findAll(eltOrSelector, selector) {
if (typeof eltOrSelector !== 'string') {
return eltOrSelector.querySelectorAll(selector)
} else {
return findAll(getDocument(), eltOrSelector)
* @returns Window
function getWindow() {
return window
* Removes an element from the DOM
* @see
* @param {Node} elt
* @param {number} [delay]
function removeElement(elt, delay) {
elt = resolveTarget(elt)
if (delay) {
getWindow().setTimeout(function() {
elt = null
}, delay)
} else {
* @param {any} elt
* @return {Element|null}
function asElement(elt) {
return elt instanceof Element ? elt : null
* @param {any} elt
* @return {HTMLElement|null}
function asHtmlElement(elt) {
return elt instanceof HTMLElement ? elt : null
* @param {any} value
* @return {string|null}
function asString(value) {
return typeof value === 'string' ? value : null
* @param {EventTarget} elt
* @return {ParentNode|null}
function asParentNode(elt) {
return elt instanceof Element || elt instanceof Document || elt instanceof DocumentFragment ? elt : null
* This method adds a class to the given element.
* @see
* @param {Element|string} elt the element to add the class to
* @param {string} clazz the class to add
* @param {number} [delay] the delay (in milliseconds) before class is added
function addClassToElement(elt, clazz, delay) {
elt = asElement(resolveTarget(elt))
if (!elt) {
if (delay) {
getWindow().setTimeout(function() {
addClassToElement(elt, clazz)
elt = null
}, delay)
} else {
elt.classList && elt.classList.add(clazz)
* Removes a class from the given element
* @see
* @param {Node|string} node element to remove the class from
* @param {string} clazz the class to remove
* @param {number} [delay] the delay (in milliseconds before class is removed)
function removeClassFromElement(node, clazz, delay) {
let elt = asElement(resolveTarget(node))
if (!elt) {
if (delay) {
getWindow().setTimeout(function() {
removeClassFromElement(elt, clazz)
elt = null
}, delay)
} else {
if (elt.classList) {
// if there are no classes left, remove the class attribute
if (elt.classList.length === 0) {
* Toggles the given class on an element
* @see
* @param {Element|string} elt the element to toggle the class on
* @param {string} clazz the class to toggle
function toggleClassOnElement(elt, clazz) {
elt = resolveTarget(elt)
* Takes the given class from its siblings, so that among its siblings, only the given element will have the class.
* @see
* @param {Node|string} elt the element that will take the class
* @param {string} clazz the class to take
function takeClassForElement(elt, clazz) {
elt = resolveTarget(elt)
forEach(elt.parentElement.children, function(child) {
removeClassFromElement(child, clazz)
addClassToElement(asElement(elt), clazz)
* Finds the closest matching element in the given elements parentage, inclusive of the element
* @see
* @param {Element|string} elt the element to find the selector from
* @param {string} selector the selector to find
* @returns {Element|null}
function closest(elt, selector) {
elt = asElement(resolveTarget(elt))
if (elt && elt.closest) {
return elt.closest(selector)
} else {
// TODO remove when IE goes away
do {
if (elt == null || matches(elt, selector)) {
return elt
while (elt = elt && asElement(parentElt(elt)))
return null
* @param {string} str
* @param {string} prefix
* @returns {boolean}
function startsWith(str, prefix) {
return str.substring(0, prefix.length) === prefix
* @param {string} str
* @param {string} suffix
* @returns {boolean}
function endsWith(str, suffix) {
return str.substring(str.length - suffix.length) === suffix
* @param {string} selector
* @returns {string}
function normalizeSelector(selector) {
const trimmedSelector = selector.trim()
if (startsWith(trimmedSelector, '<') && endsWith(trimmedSelector, '/>')) {
return trimmedSelector.substring(1, trimmedSelector.length - 2)
} else {
return trimmedSelector
* @param {Node|Element|Document|string} elt
* @param {string} selector
* @param {boolean=} global
* @returns {(Node|Window)[]}
function querySelectorAllExt(elt, selector, global) {
elt = resolveTarget(elt)
if (selector.indexOf('closest ') === 0) {
return [closest(asElement(elt), normalizeSelector(selector.substr(8)))]
} else if (selector.indexOf('find ') === 0) {
return [find(asParentNode(elt), normalizeSelector(selector.substr(5)))]
} else if (selector === 'next') {
return [asElement(elt).nextElementSibling]
} else if (selector.indexOf('next ') === 0) {
return [scanForwardQuery(elt, normalizeSelector(selector.substr(5)), !!global)]
} else if (selector === 'previous') {
return [asElement(elt).previousElementSibling]
} else if (selector.indexOf('previous ') === 0) {
return [scanBackwardsQuery(elt, normalizeSelector(selector.substr(9)), !!global)]
} else if (selector === 'document') {
return [document]
} else if (selector === 'window') {
return [window]
} else if (selector === 'body') {
return [document.body]
} else if (selector === 'root') {
return [getRootNode(elt, !!global)]
} else if (selector.indexOf('global ') === 0) {
return querySelectorAllExt(elt, selector.slice(7), true)
} else {
return toArray(asParentNode(getRootNode(elt, !!global)).querySelectorAll(normalizeSelector(selector)))
* @param {Node} start
* @param {string} match
* @param {boolean} global
* @returns {Element}
var scanForwardQuery = function(start, match, global) {
const results = asParentNode(getRootNode(start, global)).querySelectorAll(match)
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
const elt = results[i]
if (elt.compareDocumentPosition(start) === Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) {
return elt
* @param {Node} start
* @param {string} match
* @param {boolean} global
* @returns {Element}
var scanBackwardsQuery = function(start, match, global) {
const results = asParentNode(getRootNode(start, global)).querySelectorAll(match)
for (let i = results.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const elt = results[i]
if (elt.compareDocumentPosition(start) === Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) {
return elt
* @param {Node|string} eltOrSelector
* @param {string=} selector
* @returns {Node|Window}
function querySelectorExt(eltOrSelector, selector) {
if (typeof eltOrSelector !== 'string') {
return querySelectorAllExt(eltOrSelector, selector)[0]
} else {
return querySelectorAllExt(getDocument().body, eltOrSelector)[0]
* @template {EventTarget} T
* @param {T|string} eltOrSelector
* @param {T} [context]
* @returns {Element|T|null}
function resolveTarget(eltOrSelector, context) {
if (typeof eltOrSelector === 'string') {
return find(asParentNode(context) || document, eltOrSelector)
} else {
return eltOrSelector
* @typedef {keyof HTMLElementEventMap|string} AnyEventName
* @typedef {Object} EventArgs
* @property {EventTarget} target
* @property {AnyEventName} event
* @property {EventListener} listener
* @param {EventTarget|AnyEventName} arg1
* @param {AnyEventName|EventListener} arg2
* @param {EventListener} [arg3]
* @returns {EventArgs}
function processEventArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
if (isFunction(arg2)) {
return {
target: getDocument().body,
event: asString(arg1),
listener: arg2
} else {
return {
target: resolveTarget(arg1),
event: asString(arg2),
listener: arg3
* Adds an event listener to an element
* @see
* @param {EventTarget|string} arg1 the element to add the listener to | the event name to add the listener for
* @param {string|EventListener} arg2 the event name to add the listener for | the listener to add
* @param {EventListener} [arg3] the listener to add
* @returns {EventListener}
function addEventListenerImpl(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
ready(function() {
const eventArgs = processEventArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3), eventArgs.listener)
const b = isFunction(arg2)
return b ? arg2 : arg3
* Removes an event listener from an element
* @see
* @param {EventTarget|string} arg1 the element to remove the listener from | the event name to remove the listener from
* @param {string|EventListener} arg2 the event name to remove the listener from | the listener to remove
* @param {EventListener} [arg3] the listener to remove
* @returns {EventListener}
function removeEventListenerImpl(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
ready(function() {
const eventArgs = processEventArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3), eventArgs.listener)
return isFunction(arg2) ? arg2 : arg3
//= ===================================================================
// Node processing
//= ===================================================================
const DUMMY_ELT = getDocument().createElement('output') // dummy element for bad selectors
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {string} attrName
* @returns {(Node|Window)[]}
function findAttributeTargets(elt, attrName) {
const attrTarget = getClosestAttributeValue(elt, attrName)
if (attrTarget) {
if (attrTarget === 'this') {
return [findThisElement(elt, attrName)]
} else {
const result = querySelectorAllExt(elt, attrTarget)
if (result.length === 0) {
logError('The selector "' + attrTarget + '" on ' + attrName + ' returned no matches!')
return [DUMMY_ELT]
} else {
return result
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {string} attribute
* @returns {Element|null}
function findThisElement(elt, attribute) {
return asElement(getClosestMatch(elt, function(elt) {
return getAttributeValue(asElement(elt), attribute) != null
* @param {Element} elt
* @returns {Node|Window|null}
function getTarget(elt) {
const targetStr = getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-target')
if (targetStr) {
if (targetStr === 'this') {
return findThisElement(elt, 'hx-target')
} else {
return querySelectorExt(elt, targetStr)
} else {
const data = getInternalData(elt)
if (data.boosted) {
return getDocument().body
} else {
return elt
* @param {string} name
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldSettleAttribute(name) {
const attributesToSettle = htmx.config.attributesToSettle
for (let i = 0; i < attributesToSettle.length; i++) {
if (name === attributesToSettle[i]) {
return true
return false
* @param {Element} mergeTo
* @param {Element} mergeFrom
function cloneAttributes(mergeTo, mergeFrom) {
forEach(mergeTo.attributes, function(attr) {
if (!mergeFrom.hasAttribute( && shouldSettleAttribute( {
forEach(mergeFrom.attributes, function(attr) {
if (shouldSettleAttribute( {
mergeTo.setAttribute(, attr.value)
* @param {HtmxSwapStyle} swapStyle
* @param {Element} target
* @returns {boolean}
function isInlineSwap(swapStyle, target) {
const extensions = getExtensions(target)
for (let i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
const extension = extensions[i]
try {
if (extension.isInlineSwap(swapStyle)) {
return true
} catch (e) {
return swapStyle === 'outerHTML'
* @param {string} oobValue
* @param {Element} oobElement
* @param {HtmxSettleInfo} settleInfo
* @returns
function oobSwap(oobValue, oobElement, settleInfo) {
let selector = '#' + getRawAttribute(oobElement, 'id')
/** @type HtmxSwapStyle */
let swapStyle = 'outerHTML'
if (oobValue === 'true') {
// do nothing
} else if (oobValue.indexOf(':') > 0) {
swapStyle = oobValue.substr(0, oobValue.indexOf(':'))
selector = oobValue.substr(oobValue.indexOf(':') + 1, oobValue.length)
} else {
swapStyle = oobValue
const targets = getDocument().querySelectorAll(selector)
if (targets) {
function(target) {
let fragment
const oobElementClone = oobElement.cloneNode(true)
fragment = getDocument().createDocumentFragment()
if (!isInlineSwap(swapStyle, target)) {
fragment = asParentNode(oobElementClone) // if this is not an inline swap, we use the content of the node, not the node itself
const beforeSwapDetails = { shouldSwap: true, target, fragment }
if (!triggerEvent(target, 'htmx:oobBeforeSwap', beforeSwapDetails)) return
target = // allow re-targeting
if (beforeSwapDetails.shouldSwap) {
swapWithStyle(swapStyle, target, target, fragment, settleInfo)
forEach(settleInfo.elts, function(elt) {
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:oobAfterSwap', beforeSwapDetails)
} else {
triggerErrorEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:oobErrorNoTarget', { content: oobElement })
return oobValue
* @param {DocumentFragment} fragment
function handlePreservedElements(fragment) {
forEach(findAll(fragment, '[hx-preserve], [data-hx-preserve]'), function(preservedElt) {
const id = getAttributeValue(preservedElt, 'id')
const oldElt = getDocument().getElementById(id)
if (oldElt != null) {
preservedElt.parentNode.replaceChild(oldElt, preservedElt)
* @param {Node} parentNode
* @param {ParentNode} fragment
* @param {HtmxSettleInfo} settleInfo
function handleAttributes(parentNode, fragment, settleInfo) {
forEach(fragment.querySelectorAll('[id]'), function(newNode) {
const id = getRawAttribute(newNode, 'id')
if (id && id.length > 0) {
const normalizedId = id.replace("'", "\\'")
const normalizedTag = newNode.tagName.replace(':', '\\:')
const parentElt = asParentNode(parentNode)
const oldNode = parentElt && parentElt.querySelector(normalizedTag + "[id='" + normalizedId + "']")
if (oldNode && oldNode !== parentElt) {
const newAttributes = newNode.cloneNode()
cloneAttributes(newNode, oldNode)
settleInfo.tasks.push(function() {
cloneAttributes(newNode, newAttributes)
* @param {Node} child
* @returns {HtmxSettleTask}
function makeAjaxLoadTask(child) {
return function() {
removeClassFromElement(child, htmx.config.addedClass)
triggerEvent(child, 'htmx:load')
* @param {ParentNode} child
function processFocus(child) {
const autofocus = '[autofocus]'
const autoFocusedElt = asHtmlElement(matches(child, autofocus) ? child : child.querySelector(autofocus))
if (autoFocusedElt != null) {
* @param {Node} parentNode
* @param {Node} insertBefore
* @param {ParentNode} fragment
* @param {HtmxSettleInfo} settleInfo
function insertNodesBefore(parentNode, insertBefore, fragment, settleInfo) {
handleAttributes(parentNode, fragment, settleInfo)
while (fragment.childNodes.length > 0) {
const child = fragment.firstChild
addClassToElement(asElement(child), htmx.config.addedClass)
parentNode.insertBefore(child, insertBefore)
if (child.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE && child.nodeType !== Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
* based on,
* derived from Java's string hashcode implementation
* @param {string} string
* @param {number} hash
* @returns {number}
function stringHash(string, hash) {
let char = 0
while (char < string.length) {
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + string.charCodeAt(char++) | 0 // bitwise or ensures we have a 32-bit int
return hash
* @param {Element} elt
* @returns {number}
function attributeHash(elt) {
let hash = 0
// IE fix
if (elt.attributes) {
for (let i = 0; i < elt.attributes.length; i++) {
const attribute = elt.attributes[i]
if (attribute.value) { // only include attributes w/ actual values (empty is same as non-existent)
hash = stringHash(, hash)
hash = stringHash(attribute.value, hash)
return hash
* @param {EventTarget} elt
function deInitOnHandlers(elt) {
const internalData = getInternalData(elt)
if (internalData.onHandlers) {
for (let i = 0; i < internalData.onHandlers.length; i++) {
const handlerInfo = internalData.onHandlers[i]
removeEventListenerImpl(elt, handlerInfo.event, handlerInfo.listener)
delete internalData.onHandlers
* @param {Node} element
function deInitNode(element) {
const internalData = getInternalData(element)
if (internalData.timeout) {
if (internalData.listenerInfos) {
forEach(internalData.listenerInfos, function(info) {
if (info.on) {
removeEventListenerImpl(info.on, info.trigger, info.listener)
forEach(Object.keys(internalData), function(key) { delete internalData[key] })
* @param {Node} element
function cleanUpElement(element) {
triggerEvent(element, 'htmx:beforeCleanupElement')
// @ts-ignore IE11 code
// noinspection JSUnresolvedReference
if (element.children) { // IE
// @ts-ignore
forEach(element.children, function(child) { cleanUpElement(child) })
* @param {Node} target
* @param {ParentNode} fragment
* @param {HtmxSettleInfo} settleInfo
function swapOuterHTML(target, fragment, settleInfo) {
/** @type {Node} */
let newElt
const eltBeforeNewContent = target.previousSibling
insertNodesBefore(parentElt(target), target, fragment, settleInfo)
if (eltBeforeNewContent == null) {
newElt = parentElt(target).firstChild
} else {
newElt = eltBeforeNewContent.nextSibling
settleInfo.elts = settleInfo.elts.filter(function(e) { return e !== target })
while (newElt && newElt !== target) {
if (newElt instanceof Element) {
newElt = newElt.nextElementSibling
} else {
newElt = null
if (target instanceof Element) {
} else {
* @param {Node} target
* @param {ParentNode} fragment
* @param {HtmxSettleInfo} settleInfo
function swapAfterBegin(target, fragment, settleInfo) {
return insertNodesBefore(target, target.firstChild, fragment, settleInfo)
* @param {Node} target
* @param {ParentNode} fragment
* @param {HtmxSettleInfo} settleInfo
function swapBeforeBegin(target, fragment, settleInfo) {
return insertNodesBefore(parentElt(target), target, fragment, settleInfo)
* @param {Node} target
* @param {ParentNode} fragment
* @param {HtmxSettleInfo} settleInfo
function swapBeforeEnd(target, fragment, settleInfo) {
return insertNodesBefore(target, null, fragment, settleInfo)
* @param {Node} target
* @param {ParentNode} fragment
* @param {HtmxSettleInfo} settleInfo
function swapAfterEnd(target, fragment, settleInfo) {
return insertNodesBefore(parentElt(target), target.nextSibling, fragment, settleInfo)
* @param {Node} target
function swapDelete(target) {
return parentElt(target).removeChild(target)
* @param {Node} target
* @param {ParentNode} fragment
* @param {HtmxSettleInfo} settleInfo
function swapInnerHTML(target, fragment, settleInfo) {
const firstChild = target.firstChild
insertNodesBefore(target, firstChild, fragment, settleInfo)
if (firstChild) {
while (firstChild.nextSibling) {
* @param {HtmxSwapStyle} swapStyle
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {Node} target
* @param {ParentNode} fragment
* @param {HtmxSettleInfo} settleInfo
function swapWithStyle(swapStyle, elt, target, fragment, settleInfo) {
switch (swapStyle) {
case 'none':
case 'outerHTML':
swapOuterHTML(target, fragment, settleInfo)
case 'afterbegin':
swapAfterBegin(target, fragment, settleInfo)
case 'beforebegin':
swapBeforeBegin(target, fragment, settleInfo)
case 'beforeend':
swapBeforeEnd(target, fragment, settleInfo)
case 'afterend':
swapAfterEnd(target, fragment, settleInfo)
case 'delete':
var extensions = getExtensions(elt)
for (let i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
const ext = extensions[i]
try {
const newElements = ext.handleSwap(swapStyle, target, fragment, settleInfo)
if (newElements) {
if (typeof newElements.length !== 'undefined') {
// if handleSwap returns an array (like) of elements, we handle them
for (let j = 0; j < newElements.length; j++) {
const child = newElements[j]
if (child.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE && child.nodeType !== Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
} catch (e) {
if (swapStyle === 'innerHTML') {
swapInnerHTML(target, fragment, settleInfo)
} else {
swapWithStyle(htmx.config.defaultSwapStyle, elt, target, fragment, settleInfo)
* @param {DocumentFragment} fragment
* @param {HtmxSettleInfo} settleInfo
function findAndSwapOobElements(fragment, settleInfo) {
forEach(findAll(fragment, '[hx-swap-oob], [data-hx-swap-oob]'), function(oobElement) {
if (htmx.config.allowNestedOobSwaps || oobElement.parentElement === null) {
const oobValue = getAttributeValue(oobElement, 'hx-swap-oob')
if (oobValue != null) {
oobSwap(oobValue, oobElement, settleInfo)
} else {
* Implements complete swapping pipeline, including: focus and selection preservation,
* title updates, scroll, OOB swapping, normal swapping and settling
* @param {string|Element} target
* @param {string} content
* @param {HtmxSwapSpecification} swapSpec
* @param {SwapOptions} [swapOptions]
function swap(target, content, swapSpec, swapOptions) {
if (!swapOptions) {
swapOptions = {}
target = resolveTarget(target)
// preserve focus and selection
const activeElt = document.activeElement
let selectionInfo = {}
try {
selectionInfo = {
elt: activeElt,
// @ts-ignore
start: activeElt ? activeElt.selectionStart : null,
// @ts-ignore
end: activeElt ? activeElt.selectionEnd : null
} catch (e) {
// safari issue - see
const settleInfo = makeSettleInfo(target)
// For text content swaps, don't parse the response as HTML, just insert it
if (swapSpec.swapStyle === 'textContent') {
target.textContent = content
// Otherwise, make the fragment and process it
} else {
let fragment = makeFragment(content)
settleInfo.title = fragment.title
// select-oob swaps
if (swapOptions.selectOOB) {
const oobSelectValues = swapOptions.selectOOB.split(',')
for (let i = 0; i < oobSelectValues.length; i++) {
const oobSelectValue = oobSelectValues[i].split(':', 2)
let id = oobSelectValue[0].trim()
if (id.indexOf('#') === 0) {
id = id.substring(1)
const oobValue = oobSelectValue[1] || 'true'
const oobElement = fragment.querySelector('#' + id)
if (oobElement) {
oobSwap(oobValue, oobElement, settleInfo)
// oob swaps
findAndSwapOobElements(fragment, settleInfo)
forEach(findAll(fragment, 'template'), /** @param {HTMLTemplateElement} template */function(template) {
findAndSwapOobElements(template.content, settleInfo)
if (template.content.childElementCount === 0) {
// Avoid polluting the DOM with empty templates that were only used to encapsulate oob swap
// normal swap
if ( {
const newFragment = getDocument().createDocumentFragment()
forEach(fragment.querySelectorAll(, function(node) {
fragment = newFragment
swapWithStyle(swapSpec.swapStyle, swapOptions.contextElement, target, fragment, settleInfo)
// apply saved focus and selection information to swapped content
if (selectionInfo.elt &&
!bodyContains(selectionInfo.elt) &&
getRawAttribute(selectionInfo.elt, 'id')) {
const newActiveElt = document.getElementById(getRawAttribute(selectionInfo.elt, 'id'))
const focusOptions = { preventScroll: swapSpec.focusScroll !== undefined ? !swapSpec.focusScroll : !htmx.config.defaultFocusScroll }
if (newActiveElt) {
// @ts-ignore
if (selectionInfo.start && newActiveElt.setSelectionRange) {
try {
// @ts-ignore
newActiveElt.setSelectionRange(selectionInfo.start, selectionInfo.end)
} catch (e) {
// the setSelectionRange method is present on fields that don't support it, so just let this fail
forEach(settleInfo.elts, function(elt) {
if (elt.classList) {
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:afterSwap', swapOptions.eventInfo)
if (swapOptions.afterSwapCallback) {
// merge in new title after swap but before settle
if (!swapSpec.ignoreTitle) {
// settle
const doSettle = function() {
forEach(settleInfo.tasks, function(task) {
forEach(settleInfo.elts, function(elt) {
if (elt.classList) {
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:afterSettle', swapOptions.eventInfo)
if (swapOptions.anchor) {
const anchorTarget = asElement(resolveTarget('#' + swapOptions.anchor))
if (anchorTarget) {
anchorTarget.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', behavior: 'auto' })
updateScrollState(settleInfo.elts, swapSpec)
if (swapOptions.afterSettleCallback) {
if (swapSpec.settleDelay > 0) {
getWindow().setTimeout(doSettle, swapSpec.settleDelay)
} else {
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {string} header
* @param {EventTarget} elt
function handleTriggerHeader(xhr, header, elt) {
const triggerBody = xhr.getResponseHeader(header)
if (triggerBody.indexOf('{') === 0) {
const triggers = parseJSON(triggerBody)
for (const eventName in triggers) {
if (triggers.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
let detail = triggers[eventName]
if (!isRawObject(detail)) {
detail = { value: detail }
triggerEvent(elt, eventName, detail)
} else {
const eventNames = triggerBody.split(',')
for (let i = 0; i < eventNames.length; i++) {
triggerEvent(elt, eventNames[i].trim(), [])
const WHITESPACE = /\s/
const WHITESPACE_OR_COMMA = /[\s,]/
const SYMBOL_START = /[_$a-zA-Z]/
const SYMBOL_CONT = /[_$a-zA-Z0-9]/
const STRINGISH_START = ['"', "'", '/']
const NOT_WHITESPACE = /[^\s]/
* @param {string} str
* @returns {string[]}
function tokenizeString(str) {
/** @type string[] */
const tokens = []
let position = 0
while (position < str.length) {
if (SYMBOL_START.exec(str.charAt(position))) {
var startPosition = position
while (SYMBOL_CONT.exec(str.charAt(position + 1))) {
tokens.push(str.substr(startPosition, position - startPosition + 1))
} else if (STRINGISH_START.indexOf(str.charAt(position)) !== -1) {
const startChar = str.charAt(position)
var startPosition = position
while (position < str.length && str.charAt(position) !== startChar) {
if (str.charAt(position) === '\\') {
tokens.push(str.substr(startPosition, position - startPosition + 1))
} else {
const symbol = str.charAt(position)
return tokens
* @param {string} token
* @param {string|null} last
* @param {string} paramName
* @returns {boolean}
function isPossibleRelativeReference(token, last, paramName) {
return SYMBOL_START.exec(token.charAt(0)) &&
token !== 'true' &&
token !== 'false' &&
token !== 'this' &&
token !== paramName &&
last !== '.'
* @param {EventTarget|string} elt
* @param {string[]} tokens
* @param {string} paramName
* @returns {ConditionalFunction|null}
function maybeGenerateConditional(elt, tokens, paramName) {
if (tokens[0] === '[') {
let bracketCount = 1
let conditionalSource = ' return (function(' + paramName + '){ return ('
let last = null
while (tokens.length > 0) {
const token = tokens[0]
// @ts-ignore For some reason tsc doesn't understand the shift call, and thinks we're comparing the same value here, i.e. '[' vs ']'
if (token === ']') {
if (bracketCount === 0) {
if (last === null) {
conditionalSource = conditionalSource + 'true'
conditionalSource += ')})'
try {
const conditionFunction = maybeEval(elt, function() {
return Function(conditionalSource)()
function() { return true })
conditionFunction.source = conditionalSource
return conditionFunction
} catch (e) {
triggerErrorEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:syntax:error', { error: e, source: conditionalSource })
return null
} else if (token === '[') {
if (isPossibleRelativeReference(token, last, paramName)) {
conditionalSource += '((' + paramName + '.' + token + ') ? (' + paramName + '.' + token + ') : (window.' + token + '))'
} else {
conditionalSource = conditionalSource + token
last = tokens.shift()
* @param {string[]} tokens
* @param {RegExp} match
* @returns {string}
function consumeUntil(tokens, match) {
let result = ''
while (tokens.length > 0 && !match.test(tokens[0])) {
result += tokens.shift()
return result
* @param {string[]} tokens
* @returns {string}
function consumeCSSSelector(tokens) {
let result
if (tokens.length > 0 && COMBINED_SELECTOR_START.test(tokens[0])) {
result = consumeUntil(tokens, COMBINED_SELECTOR_END).trim()
} else {
result = consumeUntil(tokens, WHITESPACE_OR_COMMA)
return result
const INPUT_SELECTOR = 'input, textarea, select'
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {string} explicitTrigger
* @param {Object} cache for trigger specs
* @returns {HtmxTriggerSpecification[]}
function parseAndCacheTrigger(elt, explicitTrigger, cache) {
/** @type HtmxTriggerSpecification[] */
const triggerSpecs = []
const tokens = tokenizeString(explicitTrigger)
do {
consumeUntil(tokens, NOT_WHITESPACE)
const initialLength = tokens.length
const trigger = consumeUntil(tokens, /[,\[\s]/)
if (trigger !== '') {
if (trigger === 'every') {
/** @type HtmxTriggerSpecification */
const every = { trigger: 'every' }
consumeUntil(tokens, NOT_WHITESPACE)
every.pollInterval = parseInterval(consumeUntil(tokens, /[,\[\s]/))
consumeUntil(tokens, NOT_WHITESPACE)
var eventFilter = maybeGenerateConditional(elt, tokens, 'event')
if (eventFilter) {
every.eventFilter = eventFilter
} else {
/** @type HtmxTriggerSpecification */
const triggerSpec = { trigger }
var eventFilter = maybeGenerateConditional(elt, tokens, 'event')
if (eventFilter) {
triggerSpec.eventFilter = eventFilter
while (tokens.length > 0 && tokens[0] !== ',') {
consumeUntil(tokens, NOT_WHITESPACE)
const token = tokens.shift()
if (token === 'changed') {
triggerSpec.changed = true
} else if (token === 'once') {
triggerSpec.once = true
} else if (token === 'consume') {
triggerSpec.consume = true
} else if (token === 'delay' && tokens[0] === ':') {
triggerSpec.delay = parseInterval(consumeUntil(tokens, WHITESPACE_OR_COMMA))
} else if (token === 'from' && tokens[0] === ':') {
if (COMBINED_SELECTOR_START.test(tokens[0])) {
var from_arg = consumeCSSSelector(tokens)
} else {
var from_arg = consumeUntil(tokens, WHITESPACE_OR_COMMA)
if (from_arg === 'closest' || from_arg === 'find' || from_arg === 'next' || from_arg === 'previous') {
const selector = consumeCSSSelector(tokens)
// `next` and `previous` allow a selector-less syntax
if (selector.length > 0) {
from_arg += ' ' + selector
triggerSpec.from = from_arg
} else if (token === 'target' && tokens[0] === ':') {
tokens.shift() = consumeCSSSelector(tokens)
} else if (token === 'throttle' && tokens[0] === ':') {
triggerSpec.throttle = parseInterval(consumeUntil(tokens, WHITESPACE_OR_COMMA))
} else if (token === 'queue' && tokens[0] === ':') {
triggerSpec.queue = consumeUntil(tokens, WHITESPACE_OR_COMMA)
} else if (token === 'root' && tokens[0] === ':') {
triggerSpec[token] = consumeCSSSelector(tokens)
} else if (token === 'threshold' && tokens[0] === ':') {
triggerSpec[token] = consumeUntil(tokens, WHITESPACE_OR_COMMA)
} else {
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:syntax:error', { token: tokens.shift() })
if (tokens.length === initialLength) {
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:syntax:error', { token: tokens.shift() })
consumeUntil(tokens, NOT_WHITESPACE)
} while (tokens[0] === ',' && tokens.shift())
if (cache) {
cache[explicitTrigger] = triggerSpecs
return triggerSpecs
* @param {Element} elt
* @returns {HtmxTriggerSpecification[]}
function getTriggerSpecs(elt) {
const explicitTrigger = getAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-trigger')
let triggerSpecs = []
if (explicitTrigger) {
const cache = htmx.config.triggerSpecsCache
triggerSpecs = (cache && cache[explicitTrigger]) || parseAndCacheTrigger(elt, explicitTrigger, cache)
if (triggerSpecs.length > 0) {
return triggerSpecs
} else if (matches(elt, 'form')) {
return [{ trigger: 'submit' }]
} else if (matches(elt, 'input[type="button"], input[type="submit"]')) {
return [{ trigger: 'click' }]
} else if (matches(elt, INPUT_SELECTOR)) {
return [{ trigger: 'change' }]
} else {
return [{ trigger: 'click' }]
* @param {Element} elt
function cancelPolling(elt) {
getInternalData(elt).cancelled = true
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {TriggerHandler} handler
* @param {HtmxTriggerSpecification} spec
function processPolling(elt, handler, spec) {
const nodeData = getInternalData(elt)
nodeData.timeout = getWindow().setTimeout(function() {
if (bodyContains(elt) && nodeData.cancelled !== true) {
if (!maybeFilterEvent(spec, elt, makeEvent('hx:poll:trigger', {
triggerSpec: spec,
target: elt
}))) {
processPolling(elt, handler, spec)
}, spec.pollInterval)
* @param {HTMLAnchorElement} elt
* @returns {boolean}
function isLocalLink(elt) {
return location.hostname === elt.hostname &&
getRawAttribute(elt, 'href') &&
getRawAttribute(elt, 'href').indexOf('#') !== 0
* @param {Element} elt
function eltIsDisabled(elt) {
return closest(elt, htmx.config.disableSelector)
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {HtmxNodeInternalData} nodeData
* @param {HtmxTriggerSpecification[]} triggerSpecs
function boostElement(elt, nodeData, triggerSpecs) {
if ((elt instanceof HTMLAnchorElement && isLocalLink(elt) && ( === '' || === '_self')) || elt.tagName === 'FORM') {
nodeData.boosted = true
let verb, path
if (elt.tagName === 'A') {
verb = 'get'
path = getRawAttribute(elt, 'href')
} else {
const rawAttribute = getRawAttribute(elt, 'method')
verb = rawAttribute ? rawAttribute.toLowerCase() : 'get'
if (verb === 'get') {
path = getRawAttribute(elt, 'action')
triggerSpecs.forEach(function(triggerSpec) {
addEventListener(elt, function(node, evt) {
const elt = asElement(node)
if (eltIsDisabled(elt)) {
issueAjaxRequest(verb, path, elt, evt)
}, nodeData, triggerSpec, true)
* @param {Event} evt
* @param {Node} node
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldCancel(evt, node) {
const elt = asElement(node)
if (!elt) {
return false
if (evt.type === 'submit' || evt.type === 'click') {
if (elt.tagName === 'FORM') {
return true
if (matches(elt, 'input[type="submit"], button') && closest(elt, 'form') !== null) {
return true
if (elt instanceof HTMLAnchorElement && elt.href &&
(elt.getAttribute('href') === '#' || elt.getAttribute('href').indexOf('#') !== 0)) {
return true
return false
* @param {Node} elt
* @param {Event|MouseEvent|KeyboardEvent|TouchEvent} evt
* @returns {boolean}
function ignoreBoostedAnchorCtrlClick(elt, evt) {
return getInternalData(elt).boosted && elt instanceof HTMLAnchorElement && evt.type === 'click' &&
// @ts-ignore this will resolve to undefined for events that don't define those properties, which is fine
(evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey)
* @param {HtmxTriggerSpecification} triggerSpec
* @param {Node} elt
* @param {Event} evt
* @returns {boolean}
function maybeFilterEvent(triggerSpec, elt, evt) {
const eventFilter = triggerSpec.eventFilter
if (eventFilter) {
try {
return, evt) !== true
} catch (e) {
const source = eventFilter.source
triggerErrorEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:eventFilter:error', { error: e, source })
return true
return false
* @param {Node} elt
* @param {TriggerHandler} handler
* @param {HtmxNodeInternalData} nodeData
* @param {HtmxTriggerSpecification} triggerSpec
* @param {boolean} [explicitCancel]
function addEventListener(elt, handler, nodeData, triggerSpec, explicitCancel) {
const elementData = getInternalData(elt)
/** @type {(Node|Window)[]} */
let eltsToListenOn
if (triggerSpec.from) {
eltsToListenOn = querySelectorAllExt(elt, triggerSpec.from)
} else {
eltsToListenOn = [elt]
// store the initial values of the elements, so we can tell if they change
if (triggerSpec.changed) {
eltsToListenOn.forEach(function(eltToListenOn) {
const eltToListenOnData = getInternalData(eltToListenOn)
// @ts-ignore value will be undefined for non-input elements, which is fine
eltToListenOnData.lastValue = eltToListenOn.value
forEach(eltsToListenOn, function(eltToListenOn) {
/** @type EventListener */
const eventListener = function(evt) {
if (!bodyContains(elt)) {
eltToListenOn.removeEventListener(triggerSpec.trigger, eventListener)
if (ignoreBoostedAnchorCtrlClick(elt, evt)) {
if (explicitCancel || shouldCancel(evt, elt)) {
if (maybeFilterEvent(triggerSpec, elt, evt)) {
const eventData = getInternalData(evt)
eventData.triggerSpec = triggerSpec
if (eventData.handledFor == null) {
eventData.handledFor = []
if (eventData.handledFor.indexOf(elt) < 0) {
if (triggerSpec.consume) {
if ( && {
if (!matches(asElement(, {
if (triggerSpec.once) {
if (elementData.triggeredOnce) {
} else {
elementData.triggeredOnce = true
if (triggerSpec.changed) {
const eltToListenOnData = getInternalData(eltToListenOn)
// @ts-ignore value will be undefined for non-input elements, which is fine
const value = eltToListenOn.value
if (eltToListenOnData.lastValue === value) {
eltToListenOnData.lastValue = value
if (elementData.delayed) {
if (elementData.throttle) {
if (triggerSpec.throttle > 0) {
if (!elementData.throttle) {
handler(elt, evt)
elementData.throttle = getWindow().setTimeout(function() {
elementData.throttle = null
}, triggerSpec.throttle)
} else if (triggerSpec.delay > 0) {
elementData.delayed = getWindow().setTimeout(function() { handler(elt, evt) }, triggerSpec.delay)
} else {
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:trigger')
handler(elt, evt)
if (nodeData.listenerInfos == null) {
nodeData.listenerInfos = []
trigger: triggerSpec.trigger,
listener: eventListener,
on: eltToListenOn
eltToListenOn.addEventListener(triggerSpec.trigger, eventListener)
let windowIsScrolling = false // used by initScrollHandler
let scrollHandler = null
function initScrollHandler() {
if (!scrollHandler) {
scrollHandler = function() {
windowIsScrolling = true
window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollHandler)
setInterval(function() {
if (windowIsScrolling) {
windowIsScrolling = false
forEach(getDocument().querySelectorAll("[hx-trigger*='revealed'],[data-hx-trigger*='revealed']"), function(elt) {
}, 200)
* @param {Element} elt
function maybeReveal(elt) {
if (!hasAttribute(elt, 'data-hx-revealed') && isScrolledIntoView(elt)) {
elt.setAttribute('data-hx-revealed', 'true')
const nodeData = getInternalData(elt)
if (nodeData.initHash) {
triggerEvent(elt, 'revealed')
} else {
// if the node isn't initialized, wait for it before triggering the request
elt.addEventListener('htmx:afterProcessNode', function() { triggerEvent(elt, 'revealed') }, { once: true })
//= ===================================================================
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {TriggerHandler} handler
* @param {HtmxNodeInternalData} nodeData
* @param {number} delay
function loadImmediately(elt, handler, nodeData, delay) {
const load = function() {
if (!nodeData.loaded) {
nodeData.loaded = true
if (delay > 0) {
getWindow().setTimeout(load, delay)
} else {
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {HtmxNodeInternalData} nodeData
* @param {HtmxTriggerSpecification[]} triggerSpecs
* @returns {boolean}
function processVerbs(elt, nodeData, triggerSpecs) {
let explicitAction = false
forEach(VERBS, function(verb) {
if (hasAttribute(elt, 'hx-' + verb)) {
const path = getAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-' + verb)
explicitAction = true
nodeData.path = path
nodeData.verb = verb
triggerSpecs.forEach(function(triggerSpec) {
addTriggerHandler(elt, triggerSpec, nodeData, function(node, evt) {
const elt = asElement(node)
if (closest(elt, htmx.config.disableSelector)) {
issueAjaxRequest(verb, path, elt, evt)
return explicitAction
* @callback TriggerHandler
* @param {Node} elt
* @param {Event} [evt]
* @param {Node} elt
* @param {HtmxTriggerSpecification} triggerSpec
* @param {HtmxNodeInternalData} nodeData
* @param {TriggerHandler} handler
function addTriggerHandler(elt, triggerSpec, nodeData, handler) {
if (triggerSpec.trigger === 'revealed') {
addEventListener(elt, handler, nodeData, triggerSpec)
} else if (triggerSpec.trigger === 'intersect') {
const observerOptions = {}
if (triggerSpec.root) {
observerOptions.root = querySelectorExt(elt, triggerSpec.root)
if (triggerSpec.threshold) {
observerOptions.threshold = parseFloat(triggerSpec.threshold)
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) {
for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
const entry = entries[i]
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
triggerEvent(elt, 'intersect')
}, observerOptions)
addEventListener(asElement(elt), handler, nodeData, triggerSpec)
} else if (triggerSpec.trigger === 'load') {
if (!maybeFilterEvent(triggerSpec, elt, makeEvent('load', { elt }))) {
loadImmediately(asElement(elt), handler, nodeData, triggerSpec.delay)
} else if (triggerSpec.pollInterval > 0) {
nodeData.polling = true
processPolling(asElement(elt), handler, triggerSpec)
} else {
addEventListener(elt, handler, nodeData, triggerSpec)
* @param {Node} node
* @returns {boolean}
function shouldProcessHxOn(node) {
const elt = asElement(node)
if (!elt) {
return false
const attributes = elt.attributes
for (let j = 0; j < attributes.length; j++) {
const attrName = attributes[j].name
if (startsWith(attrName, 'hx-on:') || startsWith(attrName, 'data-hx-on:') ||
startsWith(attrName, 'hx-on-') || startsWith(attrName, 'data-hx-on-')) {
return true
return false
* @param {Node} elt
* @returns {Element[]}
const HX_ON_QUERY = new XPathEvaluator()
.createExpression('.//*[@*[ starts-with(name(), "hx-on:") or starts-with(name(), "data-hx-on:") or' +
' starts-with(name(), "hx-on-") or starts-with(name(), "data-hx-on-") ]]')
function processHXOnRoot(elt, elements) {
if (shouldProcessHxOn(elt)) {
const iter = HX_ON_QUERY.evaluate(elt)
let node = null
while (node = iter.iterateNext()) elements.push(asElement(node))
function findHxOnWildcardElements(elt) {
/** @type {Element[]} */
const elements = []
if (elt instanceof DocumentFragment) {
for (const child of elt.childNodes) {
processHXOnRoot(child, elements)
} else {
processHXOnRoot(elt, elements)
return elements
* @param {Element} elt
* @returns {NodeListOf<Element>|[]}
function findElementsToProcess(elt) {
if (elt.querySelectorAll) {
const boostedSelector = ', [hx-boost] a, [data-hx-boost] a, a[hx-boost], a[data-hx-boost]'
const extensionSelectors = []
for (const e in extensions) {
const extension = extensions[e]
if (extension.getSelectors) {
var selectors = extension.getSelectors()
if (selectors) {
const results = elt.querySelectorAll(VERB_SELECTOR + boostedSelector + ", form, [type='submit']," +
' [hx-ext], [data-hx-ext], [hx-trigger], [data-hx-trigger]' + extensionSelectors.flat().map(s => ', ' + s).join(''))
return results
} else {
return []
* Handle submit buttons/inputs that have the form attribute set
* see
* @param {Event} evt
function maybeSetLastButtonClicked(evt) {
const elt = /** @type {HTMLButtonElement|HTMLInputElement} */ (closest(asElement(, "button, input[type='submit']"))
const internalData = getRelatedFormData(evt)
if (internalData) {
internalData.lastButtonClicked = elt
* @param {Event} evt
function maybeUnsetLastButtonClicked(evt) {
const internalData = getRelatedFormData(evt)
if (internalData) {
internalData.lastButtonClicked = null
* @param {Event} evt
* @returns {HtmxNodeInternalData|undefined}
function getRelatedFormData(evt) {
const elt = closest(asElement(, "button, input[type='submit']")
if (!elt) {
const form = resolveTarget('#' + getRawAttribute(elt, 'form'), elt.getRootNode()) || closest(elt, 'form')
if (!form) {
return getInternalData(form)
* @param {EventTarget} elt
function initButtonTracking(elt) {
// need to handle both click and focus in:
// focusin - in case someone tabs in to a button and hits the space bar
// click - on OSX buttons do not focus on click see
elt.addEventListener('click', maybeSetLastButtonClicked)
elt.addEventListener('focusin', maybeSetLastButtonClicked)
elt.addEventListener('focusout', maybeUnsetLastButtonClicked)
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {string} code
function addHxOnEventHandler(elt, eventName, code) {
const nodeData = getInternalData(elt)
if (!Array.isArray(nodeData.onHandlers)) {
nodeData.onHandlers = []
let func
/** @type EventListener */
const listener = function(e) {
maybeEval(elt, function() {
if (eltIsDisabled(elt)) {
if (!func) {
func = new Function('event', code)
}, e)
elt.addEventListener(eventName, listener)
nodeData.onHandlers.push({ event: eventName, listener })
* @param {Element} elt
function processHxOnWildcard(elt) {
// wipe any previous on handlers so that this function takes precedence
for (let i = 0; i < elt.attributes.length; i++) {
const name = elt.attributes[i].name
const value = elt.attributes[i].value
if (startsWith(name, 'hx-on') || startsWith(name, 'data-hx-on')) {
const afterOnPosition = name.indexOf('-on') + 3
const nextChar = name.slice(afterOnPosition, afterOnPosition + 1)
if (nextChar === '-' || nextChar === ':') {
let eventName = name.slice(afterOnPosition + 1)
// if the eventName starts with a colon or dash, prepend "htmx" for shorthand support
if (startsWith(eventName, ':')) {
eventName = 'htmx' + eventName
} else if (startsWith(eventName, '-')) {
eventName = 'htmx:' + eventName.slice(1)
} else if (startsWith(eventName, 'htmx-')) {
eventName = 'htmx:' + eventName.slice(5)
addHxOnEventHandler(elt, eventName, value)
* @param {Element|HTMLInputElement} elt
function initNode(elt) {
if (closest(elt, htmx.config.disableSelector)) {
const nodeData = getInternalData(elt)
if (nodeData.initHash !== attributeHash(elt)) {
// clean up any previously processed info
nodeData.initHash = attributeHash(elt)
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:beforeProcessNode')
// @ts-ignore value will be undefined for non-input elements, which is fine
if (elt.value) {
// @ts-ignore
nodeData.lastValue = elt.value
const triggerSpecs = getTriggerSpecs(elt)
const hasExplicitHttpAction = processVerbs(elt, nodeData, triggerSpecs)
if (!hasExplicitHttpAction) {
if (getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-boost') === 'true') {
boostElement(elt, nodeData, triggerSpecs)
} else if (hasAttribute(elt, 'hx-trigger')) {
triggerSpecs.forEach(function(triggerSpec) {
// For "naked" triggers, don't do anything at all
addTriggerHandler(elt, triggerSpec, nodeData, function() {
// Handle submit buttons/inputs that have the form attribute set
// see
if (elt.tagName === 'FORM' || (getRawAttribute(elt, 'type') === 'submit' && hasAttribute(elt, 'form'))) {
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:afterProcessNode')
* Processes new content, enabling htmx behavior. This can be useful if you have content that is added to the DOM outside of the normal htmx request cycle but still want htmx attributes to work.
* @see
* @param {Element|string} elt element to process
function processNode(elt) {
elt = resolveTarget(elt)
if (closest(elt, htmx.config.disableSelector)) {
forEach(findElementsToProcess(elt), function(child) { initNode(child) })
forEach(findHxOnWildcardElements(elt), processHxOnWildcard)
//= ===================================================================
// Event/Log Support
//= ===================================================================
* @param {string} str
* @returns {string}
function kebabEventName(str) {
return str.replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase()
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {any} detail
* @returns {CustomEvent}
function makeEvent(eventName, detail) {
let evt
if (window.CustomEvent && typeof window.CustomEvent === 'function') {
// TODO: `composed: true` here is a hack to make global event handlers work with events in shadow DOM
// This breaks expected encapsulation but needs to be here until decided otherwise by core devs
evt = new CustomEvent(eventName, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, composed: true, detail })
} else {
evt = getDocument().createEvent('CustomEvent')
evt.initCustomEvent(eventName, true, true, detail)
return evt
* @param {EventTarget|string} elt
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {any=} detail
function triggerErrorEvent(elt, eventName, detail) {
triggerEvent(elt, eventName, mergeObjects({ error: eventName }, detail))
* @param {string} eventName
* @returns {boolean}
function ignoreEventForLogging(eventName) {
return eventName === 'htmx:afterProcessNode'
* `withExtensions` locates all active extensions for a provided element, then
* executes the provided function using each of the active extensions. It should
* be called internally at every extendable execution point in htmx.
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {(extension:HtmxExtension) => void} toDo
* @returns void
function withExtensions(elt, toDo) {
forEach(getExtensions(elt), function(extension) {
try {
} catch (e) {
function logError(msg) {
if (console.error) {
} else if (console.log) {
console.log('ERROR: ', msg)
* Triggers a given event on an element
* @see
* @param {EventTarget|string} elt the element to trigger the event on
* @param {string} eventName the name of the event to trigger
* @param {any=} detail details for the event
* @returns {boolean}
function triggerEvent(elt, eventName, detail) {
elt = resolveTarget(elt)
if (detail == null) {
detail = {}
detail.elt = elt
const event = makeEvent(eventName, detail)
if (htmx.logger && !ignoreEventForLogging(eventName)) {
htmx.logger(elt, eventName, detail)
if (detail.error) {
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:error', { errorInfo: detail })
let eventResult = elt.dispatchEvent(event)
const kebabName = kebabEventName(eventName)
if (eventResult && kebabName !== eventName) {
const kebabedEvent = makeEvent(kebabName, event.detail)
eventResult = eventResult && elt.dispatchEvent(kebabedEvent)
withExtensions(asElement(elt), function(extension) {
eventResult = eventResult && (extension.onEvent(eventName, event) !== false && !event.defaultPrevented)
return eventResult
//= ===================================================================
// History Support
//= ===================================================================
let currentPathForHistory = location.pathname +
* @returns {Element}
function getHistoryElement() {
const historyElt = getDocument().querySelector('[hx-history-elt],[data-hx-history-elt]')
return historyElt || getDocument().body
* @param {string} url
* @param {Element} rootElt
function saveToHistoryCache(url, rootElt) {
if (!canAccessLocalStorage()) {
// get state to save
const innerHTML = cleanInnerHtmlForHistory(rootElt)
const title = getDocument().title
const scroll = window.scrollY
if (htmx.config.historyCacheSize <= 0) {
// make sure that an eventually already existing cache is purged
url = normalizePath(url)
const historyCache = parseJSON(localStorage.getItem('htmx-history-cache')) || []
for (let i = 0; i < historyCache.length; i++) {
if (historyCache[i].url === url) {
historyCache.splice(i, 1)
/** @type HtmxHistoryItem */
const newHistoryItem = { url, content: innerHTML, title, scroll }
triggerEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:historyItemCreated', { item: newHistoryItem, cache: historyCache })
while (historyCache.length > htmx.config.historyCacheSize) {
// keep trying to save the cache until it succeeds or is empty
while (historyCache.length > 0) {
try {
localStorage.setItem('htmx-history-cache', JSON.stringify(historyCache))
} catch (e) {
triggerErrorEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:historyCacheError', { cause: e, cache: historyCache })
historyCache.shift() // shrink the cache and retry
* @typedef {Object} HtmxHistoryItem
* @property {string} url
* @property {string} content
* @property {string} title
* @property {number} scroll
* @param {string} url
* @returns {HtmxHistoryItem|null}
function getCachedHistory(url) {
if (!canAccessLocalStorage()) {
return null
url = normalizePath(url)
const historyCache = parseJSON(localStorage.getItem('htmx-history-cache')) || []
for (let i = 0; i < historyCache.length; i++) {
if (historyCache[i].url === url) {
return historyCache[i]
return null
* @param {Element} elt
* @returns {string}
function cleanInnerHtmlForHistory(elt) {
const className = htmx.config.requestClass
const clone = /** @type Element */ (elt.cloneNode(true))
forEach(findAll(clone, '.' + className), function(child) {
removeClassFromElement(child, className)
return clone.innerHTML
function saveCurrentPageToHistory() {
const elt = getHistoryElement()
const path = currentPathForHistory || location.pathname +
// Allow history snapshot feature to be disabled where hx-history="false"
// is present *anywhere* in the current document we're about to save,
// so we can prevent privileged data entering the cache.
// The page will still be reachable as a history entry, but htmx will fetch it
// live from the server onpopstate rather than look in the localStorage cache
let disableHistoryCache
try {
disableHistoryCache = getDocument().querySelector('[hx-history="false" i],[data-hx-history="false" i]')
} catch (e) {
// IE11: insensitive modifier not supported so fallback to case sensitive selector
disableHistoryCache = getDocument().querySelector('[hx-history="false"],[data-hx-history="false"]')
if (!disableHistoryCache) {
triggerEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:beforeHistorySave', { path, historyElt: elt })
saveToHistoryCache(path, elt)
if (htmx.config.historyEnabled) history.replaceState({ htmx: true }, getDocument().title, window.location.href)
* @param {string} path
function pushUrlIntoHistory(path) {
// remove the cache buster parameter, if any
if (htmx.config.getCacheBusterParam) {
path = path.replace(/org\.htmx\.cache-buster=[^&]*&?/, '')
if (endsWith(path, '&') || endsWith(path, '?')) {
path = path.slice(0, -1)
if (htmx.config.historyEnabled) {
history.pushState({ htmx: true }, '', path)
currentPathForHistory = path
* @param {string} path
function replaceUrlInHistory(path) {
if (htmx.config.historyEnabled) history.replaceState({ htmx: true }, '', path)
currentPathForHistory = path
* @param {HtmxSettleTask[]} tasks
function settleImmediately(tasks) {
forEach(tasks, function(task) {
* @param {string} path
function loadHistoryFromServer(path) {
const request = new XMLHttpRequest()
const details = { path, xhr: request }
triggerEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:historyCacheMiss', details)'GET', path, true)
request.setRequestHeader('HX-Request', 'true')
request.setRequestHeader('HX-History-Restore-Request', 'true')
request.setRequestHeader('HX-Current-URL', getDocument().location.href)
request.onload = function() {
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) {
triggerEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:historyCacheMissLoad', details)
const fragment = makeFragment(this.response)
/** @type ParentNode */
const content = fragment.querySelector('[hx-history-elt],[data-hx-history-elt]') || fragment
const historyElement = getHistoryElement()
const settleInfo = makeSettleInfo(historyElement)
swapInnerHTML(historyElement, content, settleInfo)
currentPathForHistory = path
triggerEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:historyRestore', { path, cacheMiss: true, serverResponse: this.response })
} else {
triggerErrorEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:historyCacheMissLoadError', details)
* @param {string} [path]
function restoreHistory(path) {
path = path || location.pathname +
const cached = getCachedHistory(path)
if (cached) {
const fragment = makeFragment(cached.content)
const historyElement = getHistoryElement()
const settleInfo = makeSettleInfo(historyElement)
swapInnerHTML(historyElement, fragment, settleInfo)
getWindow().setTimeout(function() {
window.scrollTo(0, cached.scroll)
}, 0) // next 'tick', so browser has time to render layout
currentPathForHistory = path
triggerEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:historyRestore', { path, item: cached })
} else {
if (htmx.config.refreshOnHistoryMiss) {
// @ts-ignore: optional parameter in reload() function throws error
// noinspection JSUnresolvedReference
} else {
* @param {Element} elt
* @returns {Element[]}
function addRequestIndicatorClasses(elt) {
let indicators = /** @type Element[] */ (findAttributeTargets(elt, 'hx-indicator'))
if (indicators == null) {
indicators = [elt]
forEach(indicators, function(ic) {
const internalData = getInternalData(ic)
internalData.requestCount = (internalData.requestCount || 0) + 1, htmx.config.requestClass)
return indicators
* @param {Element} elt
* @returns {Element[]}
function disableElements(elt) {
let disabledElts = /** @type Element[] */ (findAttributeTargets(elt, 'hx-disabled-elt'))
if (disabledElts == null) {
disabledElts = []
forEach(disabledElts, function(disabledElement) {
const internalData = getInternalData(disabledElement)
internalData.requestCount = (internalData.requestCount || 0) + 1
disabledElement.setAttribute('disabled', '')
return disabledElts
* @param {Element[]} indicators
* @param {Element[]} disabled
function removeRequestIndicators(indicators, disabled) {
forEach(indicators, function(ic) {
const internalData = getInternalData(ic)
internalData.requestCount = (internalData.requestCount || 0) - 1
if (internalData.requestCount === 0) {, htmx.config.requestClass)
forEach(disabled, function(disabledElement) {
const internalData = getInternalData(disabledElement)
internalData.requestCount = (internalData.requestCount || 0) - 1
if (internalData.requestCount === 0) {
//= ===================================================================
// Input Value Processing
//= ===================================================================
* @param {Element[]} processed
* @param {Element} elt
* @returns {boolean}
function haveSeenNode(processed, elt) {
for (let i = 0; i < processed.length; i++) {
const node = processed[i]
if (node.isSameNode(elt)) {
return true
return false
* @param {Element} element
* @return {boolean}
function shouldInclude(element) {
// Cast to trick tsc, undefined values will work fine here
const elt = /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ (element)
if ( === '' || == null || elt.disabled || closest(elt, 'fieldset[disabled]')) {
return false
// ignore "submitter" types (see jQuery src/serialize.js)
if (elt.type === 'button' || elt.type === 'submit' || elt.tagName === 'image' || elt.tagName === 'reset' || elt.tagName === 'file') {
return false
if (elt.type === 'checkbox' || elt.type === 'radio') {
return elt.checked
return true
/** @param {string} name
* @param {string|Array|FormDataEntryValue} value
* @param {FormData} formData */
function addValueToFormData(name, value, formData) {
if (name != null && value != null) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach(function(v) { formData.append(name, v) })
} else {
formData.append(name, value)
/** @param {string} name
* @param {string|Array} value
* @param {FormData} formData */
function removeValueFromFormData(name, value, formData) {
if (name != null && value != null) {
let values = formData.getAll(name)
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
values = values.filter(v => value.indexOf(v) < 0)
} else {
values = values.filter(v => v !== value)
forEach(values, v => formData.append(name, v))
* @param {Element[]} processed
* @param {FormData} formData
* @param {HtmxElementValidationError[]} errors
* @param {Element|HTMLInputElement|HTMLSelectElement|HTMLFormElement} elt
* @param {boolean} validate
function processInputValue(processed, formData, errors, elt, validate) {
if (elt == null || haveSeenNode(processed, elt)) {
} else {
if (shouldInclude(elt)) {
const name = getRawAttribute(elt, 'name')
// @ts-ignore value will be undefined for non-input elements, which is fine
let value = elt.value
if (elt instanceof HTMLSelectElement && elt.multiple) {
value = toArray(elt.querySelectorAll('option:checked')).map(function(e) { return (/** @type HTMLOptionElement */(e)).value })
// include file inputs
if (elt instanceof HTMLInputElement && elt.files) {
value = toArray(elt.files)
addValueToFormData(name, value, formData)
if (validate) {
validateElement(elt, errors)
if (elt instanceof HTMLFormElement) {
forEach(elt.elements, function(input) {
if (processed.indexOf(input) >= 0) {
// The input has already been processed and added to the values, but the FormData that will be
// constructed right after on the form, will include it once again. So remove that input's value
// now to avoid duplicates
removeValueFromFormData(, input.value, formData)
} else {
if (validate) {
validateElement(input, errors)
new FormData(elt).forEach(function(value, name) {
if (value instanceof File && === '') {
return // ignore no-name files
addValueToFormData(name, value, formData)
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {HtmxElementValidationError[]} errors
function validateElement(elt, errors) {
const element = /** @type {HTMLElement & ElementInternals} */ (elt)
if (element.willValidate) {
triggerEvent(element, 'htmx:validation:validate')
if (!element.checkValidity()) {
errors.push({ elt: element, message: element.validationMessage, validity: element.validity })
triggerEvent(element, 'htmx:validation:failed', { message: element.validationMessage, validity: element.validity })
* Override values in the one FormData with those from another.
* @param {FormData} receiver the formdata that will be mutated
* @param {FormData} donor the formdata that will provide the overriding values
* @returns {FormData} the {@linkcode receiver}
function overrideFormData(receiver, donor) {
for (const key of donor.keys()) {
donor.getAll(key).forEach(function(value) {
receiver.append(key, value)
return receiver
* @param {Element|HTMLFormElement} elt
* @param {HttpVerb} verb
* @returns {{errors: HtmxElementValidationError[], formData: FormData, values: Object}}
function getInputValues(elt, verb) {
/** @type Element[] */
const processed = []
const formData = new FormData()
const priorityFormData = new FormData()
/** @type HtmxElementValidationError[] */
const errors = []
const internalData = getInternalData(elt)
if (internalData.lastButtonClicked && !bodyContains(internalData.lastButtonClicked)) {
internalData.lastButtonClicked = null
// only validate when form is directly submitted and novalidate or formnovalidate are not set
// or if the element has an explicit hx-validate="true" on it
let validate = (elt instanceof HTMLFormElement && elt.noValidate !== true) || getAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-validate') === 'true'
if (internalData.lastButtonClicked) {
validate = validate && internalData.lastButtonClicked.formNoValidate !== true
// for a non-GET include the closest form
if (verb !== 'get') {
processInputValue(processed, priorityFormData, errors, closest(elt, 'form'), validate)
// include the element itself
processInputValue(processed, formData, errors, elt, validate)
// if a button or submit was clicked last, include its value
if (internalData.lastButtonClicked || elt.tagName === 'BUTTON' ||
(elt.tagName === 'INPUT' && getRawAttribute(elt, 'type') === 'submit')) {
const button = internalData.lastButtonClicked || (/** @type HTMLInputElement|HTMLButtonElement */(elt))
const name = getRawAttribute(button, 'name')
addValueToFormData(name, button.value, priorityFormData)
// include any explicit includes
const includes = findAttributeTargets(elt, 'hx-include')
forEach(includes, function(node) {
processInputValue(processed, formData, errors, asElement(node), validate)
// if a non-form is included, include any input values within it
if (!matches(node, 'form')) {
forEach(asParentNode(node).querySelectorAll(INPUT_SELECTOR), function(descendant) {
processInputValue(processed, formData, errors, descendant, validate)
// values from a <form> take precedence, overriding the regular values
overrideFormData(formData, priorityFormData)
return { errors, formData, values: formDataProxy(formData) }
* @param {string} returnStr
* @param {string} name
* @param {any} realValue
* @returns {string}
function appendParam(returnStr, name, realValue) {
if (returnStr !== '') {
returnStr += '&'
if (String(realValue) === '[object Object]') {
realValue = JSON.stringify(realValue)
const s = encodeURIComponent(realValue)
returnStr += encodeURIComponent(name) + '=' + s
return returnStr
* @param {FormData|Object} values
* @returns string
function urlEncode(values) {
values = formDataFromObject(values)
let returnStr = ''
values.forEach(function(value, key) {
returnStr = appendParam(returnStr, key, value)
return returnStr
//= ===================================================================
// Ajax
//= ===================================================================
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {Element} target
* @param {string} prompt
* @returns {HtmxHeaderSpecification}
function getHeaders(elt, target, prompt) {
/** @type HtmxHeaderSpecification */
const headers = {
'HX-Request': 'true',
'HX-Trigger': getRawAttribute(elt, 'id'),
'HX-Trigger-Name': getRawAttribute(elt, 'name'),
'HX-Target': getAttributeValue(target, 'id'),
'HX-Current-URL': getDocument().location.href
getValuesForElement(elt, 'hx-headers', false, headers)
if (prompt !== undefined) {
headers['HX-Prompt'] = prompt
if (getInternalData(elt).boosted) {
headers['HX-Boosted'] = 'true'
return headers
* filterValues takes an object containing form input values
* and returns a new object that only contains keys that are
* specified by the closest "hx-params" attribute
* @param {FormData} inputValues
* @param {Element} elt
* @returns {FormData}
function filterValues(inputValues, elt) {
const paramsValue = getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-params')
if (paramsValue) {
if (paramsValue === 'none') {
return new FormData()
} else if (paramsValue === '*') {
return inputValues
} else if (paramsValue.indexOf('not ') === 0) {
forEach(paramsValue.substr(4).split(','), function(name) {
name = name.trim()
return inputValues
} else {
const newValues = new FormData()
forEach(paramsValue.split(','), function(name) {
name = name.trim()
if (inputValues.has(name)) {
inputValues.getAll(name).forEach(function(value) { newValues.append(name, value) })
return newValues
} else {
return inputValues
* @param {Element} elt
* @return {boolean}
function isAnchorLink(elt) {
return !!getRawAttribute(elt, 'href') && getRawAttribute(elt, 'href').indexOf('#') >= 0
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {HtmxSwapStyle} [swapInfoOverride]
* @returns {HtmxSwapSpecification}
function getSwapSpecification(elt, swapInfoOverride) {
const swapInfo = swapInfoOverride || getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-swap')
/** @type HtmxSwapSpecification */
const swapSpec = {
swapStyle: getInternalData(elt).boosted ? 'innerHTML' : htmx.config.defaultSwapStyle,
swapDelay: htmx.config.defaultSwapDelay,
settleDelay: htmx.config.defaultSettleDelay
if (htmx.config.scrollIntoViewOnBoost && getInternalData(elt).boosted && !isAnchorLink(elt)) { = 'top'
if (swapInfo) {
const split = splitOnWhitespace(swapInfo)
if (split.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
const value = split[i]
if (value.indexOf('swap:') === 0) {
swapSpec.swapDelay = parseInterval(value.substr(5))
} else if (value.indexOf('settle:') === 0) {
swapSpec.settleDelay = parseInterval(value.substr(7))
} else if (value.indexOf('transition:') === 0) {
swapSpec.transition = value.substr(11) === 'true'
} else if (value.indexOf('ignoreTitle:') === 0) {
swapSpec.ignoreTitle = value.substr(12) === 'true'
} else if (value.indexOf('scroll:') === 0) {
const scrollSpec = value.substr(7)
var splitSpec = scrollSpec.split(':')
const scrollVal = splitSpec.pop()
var selectorVal = splitSpec.length > 0 ? splitSpec.join(':') : null
// @ts-ignore
swapSpec.scroll = scrollVal
swapSpec.scrollTarget = selectorVal
} else if (value.indexOf('show:') === 0) {
const showSpec = value.substr(5)
var splitSpec = showSpec.split(':')
const showVal = splitSpec.pop()
var selectorVal = splitSpec.length > 0 ? splitSpec.join(':') : null = showVal
swapSpec.showTarget = selectorVal
} else if (value.indexOf('focus-scroll:') === 0) {
const focusScrollVal = value.substr('focus-scroll:'.length)
swapSpec.focusScroll = focusScrollVal == 'true'
} else if (i == 0) {
swapSpec.swapStyle = value
} else {
logError('Unknown modifier in hx-swap: ' + value)
return swapSpec
* @param {Element} elt
* @return {boolean}
function usesFormData(elt) {
return getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-encoding') === 'multipart/form-data' ||
(matches(elt, 'form') && getRawAttribute(elt, 'enctype') === 'multipart/form-data')
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {FormData} filteredParameters
* @returns {*|string|null}
function encodeParamsForBody(xhr, elt, filteredParameters) {
let encodedParameters = null
withExtensions(elt, function(extension) {
if (encodedParameters == null) {
encodedParameters = extension.encodeParameters(xhr, filteredParameters, elt)
if (encodedParameters != null) {
return encodedParameters
} else {
if (usesFormData(elt)) {
// Force conversion to an actual FormData object in case filteredParameters is a formDataProxy
// See
return overrideFormData(new FormData(), formDataFromObject(filteredParameters))
} else {
return urlEncode(filteredParameters)
* @param {Element} target
* @returns {HtmxSettleInfo}
function makeSettleInfo(target) {
return { tasks: [], elts: [target] }
* @param {Element[]} content
* @param {HtmxSwapSpecification} swapSpec
function updateScrollState(content, swapSpec) {
const first = content[0]
const last = content[content.length - 1]
if (swapSpec.scroll) {
var target = null
if (swapSpec.scrollTarget) {
target = asElement(querySelectorExt(first, swapSpec.scrollTarget))
if (swapSpec.scroll === 'top' && (first || target)) {
target = target || first
target.scrollTop = 0
if (swapSpec.scroll === 'bottom' && (last || target)) {
target = target || last
target.scrollTop = target.scrollHeight
if ( {
var target = null
if (swapSpec.showTarget) {
let targetStr = swapSpec.showTarget
if (swapSpec.showTarget === 'window') {
targetStr = 'body'
target = asElement(querySelectorExt(first, targetStr))
if ( === 'top' && (first || target)) {
target = target || first
// @ts-ignore For some reason tsc doesn't recognize "instant" as a valid option for now
target.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', behavior: htmx.config.scrollBehavior })
if ( === 'bottom' && (last || target)) {
target = target || last
// @ts-ignore For some reason tsc doesn't recognize "instant" as a valid option for now
target.scrollIntoView({ block: 'end', behavior: htmx.config.scrollBehavior })
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {string} attr
* @param {boolean=} evalAsDefault
* @param {Object=} values
* @returns {Object}
function getValuesForElement(elt, attr, evalAsDefault, values) {
if (values == null) {
values = {}
if (elt == null) {
return values
const attributeValue = getAttributeValue(elt, attr)
if (attributeValue) {
let str = attributeValue.trim()
let evaluateValue = evalAsDefault
if (str === 'unset') {
return null
if (str.indexOf('javascript:') === 0) {
str = str.substr(11)
evaluateValue = true
} else if (str.indexOf('js:') === 0) {
str = str.substr(3)
evaluateValue = true
if (str.indexOf('{') !== 0) {
str = '{' + str + '}'
let varsValues
if (evaluateValue) {
varsValues = maybeEval(elt, function() { return Function('return (' + str + ')')() }, {})
} else {
varsValues = parseJSON(str)
for (const key in varsValues) {
if (varsValues.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (values[key] == null) {
values[key] = varsValues[key]
return getValuesForElement(asElement(parentElt(elt)), attr, evalAsDefault, values)
* @param {EventTarget|string} elt
* @param {() => any} toEval
* @param {any=} defaultVal
* @returns {any}
function maybeEval(elt, toEval, defaultVal) {
if (htmx.config.allowEval) {
return toEval()
} else {
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:evalDisallowedError')
return defaultVal
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {*?} expressionVars
* @returns
function getHXVarsForElement(elt, expressionVars) {
return getValuesForElement(elt, 'hx-vars', true, expressionVars)
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {*?} expressionVars
* @returns
function getHXValsForElement(elt, expressionVars) {
return getValuesForElement(elt, 'hx-vals', false, expressionVars)
* @param {Element} elt
* @returns {FormData}
function getExpressionVars(elt) {
return mergeObjects(getHXVarsForElement(elt), getHXValsForElement(elt))
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {string} header
* @param {string|null} headerValue
function safelySetHeaderValue(xhr, header, headerValue) {
if (headerValue !== null) {
try {
xhr.setRequestHeader(header, headerValue)
} catch (e) {
// On an exception, try to set the header URI encoded instead
xhr.setRequestHeader(header, encodeURIComponent(headerValue))
xhr.setRequestHeader(header + '-URI-AutoEncoded', 'true')
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @return {string}
function getPathFromResponse(xhr) {
// NB: IE11 does not support this stuff
if (xhr.responseURL && typeof (URL) !== 'undefined') {
try {
const url = new URL(xhr.responseURL)
return url.pathname +
} catch (e) {
triggerErrorEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:badResponseUrl', { url: xhr.responseURL })
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {RegExp} regexp
* @return {boolean}
function hasHeader(xhr, regexp) {
return regexp.test(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders())
* Issues an htmx-style AJAX request
* @see
* @param {HttpVerb} verb
* @param {string} path the URL path to make the AJAX
* @param {Element|string|HtmxAjaxHelperContext} context the element to target (defaults to the **body**) | a selector for the target | a context object that contains any of the following
* @return {Promise<void>} Promise that resolves immediately if no request is sent, or when the request is complete
function ajaxHelper(verb, path, context) {
verb = (/** @type HttpVerb */(verb.toLowerCase()))
if (context) {
if (context instanceof Element || typeof context === 'string') {
return issueAjaxRequest(verb, path, null, null, {
targetOverride: resolveTarget(context),
returnPromise: true
} else {
return issueAjaxRequest(verb, path, resolveTarget(context.source), context.event,
handler: context.handler,
headers: context.headers,
values: context.values,
targetOverride: resolveTarget(,
swapOverride: context.swap,
returnPromise: true
} else {
return issueAjaxRequest(verb, path, null, null, {
returnPromise: true
* @param {Element} elt
* @return {Element[]}
function hierarchyForElt(elt) {
const arr = []
while (elt) {
elt = elt.parentElement
return arr
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {string} path
* @param {HtmxRequestConfig} requestConfig
* @return {boolean}
function verifyPath(elt, path, requestConfig) {
let sameHost
let url
if (typeof URL === 'function') {
url = new URL(path, document.location.href)
const origin = document.location.origin
sameHost = origin === url.origin
} else {
// IE11 doesn't support URL
url = path
sameHost = startsWith(path, document.location.origin)
if (htmx.config.selfRequestsOnly) {
if (!sameHost) {
return false
return triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:validateUrl', mergeObjects({ url, sameHost }, requestConfig))
* @param {Object|FormData} obj
* @return {FormData}
function formDataFromObject(obj) {
if (obj instanceof FormData) return obj
const formData = new FormData()
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (typeof obj[key].forEach === 'function') {
obj[key].forEach(function(v) { formData.append(key, v) })
} else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
formData.append(key, JSON.stringify(obj[key]))
} else {
formData.append(key, obj[key])
return formData
* @param {FormData} formData
* @param {string} name
* @param {Array} array
* @returns {Array}
function formDataArrayProxy(formData, name, array) {
// mutating the array should mutate the underlying form data
return new Proxy(array, {
get: function(target, key) {
if (typeof key === 'number') return target[key]
if (key === 'length') return target.length
if (key === 'push') {
return function(value) {
formData.append(name, value)
if (typeof target[key] === 'function') {
return function() {
target[key].apply(target, arguments)
target.forEach(function(v) { formData.append(name, v) })
if (target[key] && target[key].length === 1) {
return target[key][0]
} else {
return target[key]
set: function(target, index, value) {
target[index] = value
target.forEach(function(v) { formData.append(name, v) })
return true
* @param {FormData} formData
* @returns {Object}
function formDataProxy(formData) {
return new Proxy(formData, {
get: function(target, name) {
if (typeof name === 'symbol') {
// Forward symbol calls to the FormData itself directly
return Reflect.get(target, name)
if (name === 'toJSON') {
// Support JSON.stringify call on proxy
return () => Object.fromEntries(formData)
if (name in target) {
// Wrap in function with apply to correctly bind the FormData context, as a direct call would result in an illegal invocation error
if (typeof target[name] === 'function') {
return function() {
return formData[name].apply(formData, arguments)
} else {
return target[name]
const array = formData.getAll(name)
// Those 2 undefined & single value returns are for retro-compatibility as we weren't using FormData before
if (array.length === 0) {
return undefined
} else if (array.length === 1) {
return array[0]
} else {
return formDataArrayProxy(target, name, array)
set: function(target, name, value) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') {
return false
if (typeof value.forEach === 'function') {
value.forEach(function(v) { target.append(name, v) })
} else {
target.append(name, value)
return true
deleteProperty: function(target, name) {
if (typeof name === 'string') {
return true
// Support Object.assign call from proxy
ownKeys: function(target) {
return Reflect.ownKeys(Object.fromEntries(target))
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(target, prop) {
return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.fromEntries(target), prop)
* @param {HttpVerb} verb
* @param {string} path
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {Event} event
* @param {HtmxAjaxEtc} [etc]
* @param {boolean} [confirmed]
* @return {Promise<void>}
function issueAjaxRequest(verb, path, elt, event, etc, confirmed) {
let resolve = null
let reject = null
etc = etc != null ? etc : {}
if (etc.returnPromise && typeof Promise !== 'undefined') {
var promise = new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject) {
resolve = _resolve
reject = _reject
if (elt == null) {
elt = getDocument().body
const responseHandler = etc.handler || handleAjaxResponse
const select = || null
if (!bodyContains(elt)) {
// do not issue requests for elements removed from the DOM
return promise
const target = etc.targetOverride || asElement(getTarget(elt))
if (target == null || target == DUMMY_ELT) {
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:targetError', { target: getAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-target') })
return promise
let eltData = getInternalData(elt)
const submitter = eltData.lastButtonClicked
if (submitter) {
const buttonPath = getRawAttribute(submitter, 'formaction')
if (buttonPath != null) {
path = buttonPath
const buttonVerb = getRawAttribute(submitter, 'formmethod')
if (buttonVerb != null) {
// ignore buttons with formmethod="dialog"
if (buttonVerb.toLowerCase() !== 'dialog') {
verb = (/** @type HttpVerb */(buttonVerb))
const confirmQuestion = getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-confirm')
// allow event-based confirmation w/ a callback
if (confirmed === undefined) {
const issueRequest = function(skipConfirmation) {
return issueAjaxRequest(verb, path, elt, event, etc, !!skipConfirmation)
const confirmDetails = { target, elt, path, verb, triggeringEvent: event, etc, issueRequest, question: confirmQuestion }
if (triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:confirm', confirmDetails) === false) {
return promise
let syncElt = elt
let syncStrategy = getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-sync')
let queueStrategy = null
let abortable = false
if (syncStrategy) {
const syncStrings = syncStrategy.split(':')
const selector = syncStrings[0].trim()
if (selector === 'this') {
syncElt = findThisElement(elt, 'hx-sync')
} else {
syncElt = asElement(querySelectorExt(elt, selector))
// default to the drop strategy
syncStrategy = (syncStrings[1] || 'drop').trim()
eltData = getInternalData(syncElt)
if (syncStrategy === 'drop' && eltData.xhr && eltData.abortable !== true) {
return promise
} else if (syncStrategy === 'abort') {
if (eltData.xhr) {
return promise
} else {
abortable = true
} else if (syncStrategy === 'replace') {
triggerEvent(syncElt, 'htmx:abort') // abort the current request and continue
} else if (syncStrategy.indexOf('queue') === 0) {
const queueStrArray = syncStrategy.split(' ')
queueStrategy = (queueStrArray[1] || 'last').trim()
if (eltData.xhr) {
if (eltData.abortable) {
triggerEvent(syncElt, 'htmx:abort') // abort the current request and continue
} else {
if (queueStrategy == null) {
if (event) {
const eventData = getInternalData(event)
if (eventData && eventData.triggerSpec && eventData.triggerSpec.queue) {
queueStrategy = eventData.triggerSpec.queue
if (queueStrategy == null) {
queueStrategy = 'last'
if (eltData.queuedRequests == null) {
eltData.queuedRequests = []
if (queueStrategy === 'first' && eltData.queuedRequests.length === 0) {
eltData.queuedRequests.push(function() {
issueAjaxRequest(verb, path, elt, event, etc)
} else if (queueStrategy === 'all') {
eltData.queuedRequests.push(function() {
issueAjaxRequest(verb, path, elt, event, etc)
} else if (queueStrategy === 'last') {
eltData.queuedRequests = [] // dump existing queue
eltData.queuedRequests.push(function() {
issueAjaxRequest(verb, path, elt, event, etc)
return promise
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
eltData.xhr = xhr
eltData.abortable = abortable
const endRequestLock = function() {
eltData.xhr = null
eltData.abortable = false
if (eltData.queuedRequests != null &&
eltData.queuedRequests.length > 0) {
const queuedRequest = eltData.queuedRequests.shift()
const promptQuestion = getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-prompt')
if (promptQuestion) {
var promptResponse = prompt(promptQuestion)
// prompt returns null if cancelled and empty string if accepted with no entry
if (promptResponse === null ||
!triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:prompt', { prompt: promptResponse, target })) {
return promise
if (confirmQuestion && !confirmed) {
if (!confirm(confirmQuestion)) {
return promise
let headers = getHeaders(elt, target, promptResponse)
if (verb !== 'get' && !usesFormData(elt)) {
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
if (etc.headers) {
headers = mergeObjects(headers, etc.headers)
const results = getInputValues(elt, verb)
let errors = results.errors
const rawFormData = results.formData
if (etc.values) {
overrideFormData(rawFormData, formDataFromObject(etc.values))
const expressionVars = formDataFromObject(getExpressionVars(elt))
const allFormData = overrideFormData(rawFormData, expressionVars)
let filteredFormData = filterValues(allFormData, elt)
if (htmx.config.getCacheBusterParam && verb === 'get') {
filteredFormData.set('org.htmx.cache-buster', getRawAttribute(target, 'id') || 'true')
// behavior of anchors w/ empty href is to use the current URL
if (path == null || path === '') {
path = getDocument().location.href
* @type {Object}
* @property {boolean} [credentials]
* @property {number} [timeout]
* @property {boolean} [noHeaders]
const requestAttrValues = getValuesForElement(elt, 'hx-request')
const eltIsBoosted = getInternalData(elt).boosted
let useUrlParams = htmx.config.methodsThatUseUrlParams.indexOf(verb) >= 0
/** @type HtmxRequestConfig */
const requestConfig = {
boosted: eltIsBoosted,
formData: filteredFormData,
parameters: formDataProxy(filteredFormData),
unfilteredFormData: allFormData,
unfilteredParameters: formDataProxy(allFormData),
withCredentials: etc.credentials || requestAttrValues.credentials || htmx.config.withCredentials,
timeout: etc.timeout || requestAttrValues.timeout || htmx.config.timeout,
triggeringEvent: event
if (!triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:configRequest', requestConfig)) {
return promise
// copy out in case the object was overwritten
path = requestConfig.path
verb = requestConfig.verb
headers = requestConfig.headers
filteredFormData = formDataFromObject(requestConfig.parameters)
errors = requestConfig.errors
useUrlParams = requestConfig.useUrlParams
if (errors && errors.length > 0) {
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:validation:halted', requestConfig)
return promise
const splitPath = path.split('#')
const pathNoAnchor = splitPath[0]
const anchor = splitPath[1]
let finalPath = path
if (useUrlParams) {
finalPath = pathNoAnchor
const hasValues = !filteredFormData.keys().next().done
if (hasValues) {
if (finalPath.indexOf('?') < 0) {
finalPath += '?'
} else {
finalPath += '&'
finalPath += urlEncode(filteredFormData)
if (anchor) {
finalPath += '#' + anchor
if (!verifyPath(elt, finalPath, requestConfig)) {
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:invalidPath', requestConfig)
return promise
}, finalPath, true)
xhr.withCredentials = requestConfig.withCredentials
xhr.timeout = requestConfig.timeout
// request headers
if (requestAttrValues.noHeaders) {
// ignore all headers
} else {
for (const header in headers) {
if (headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
const headerValue = headers[header]
safelySetHeaderValue(xhr, header, headerValue)
/** @type {HtmxResponseInfo} */
const responseInfo = {
boosted: eltIsBoosted,
pathInfo: {
requestPath: path,
finalRequestPath: finalPath,
responsePath: null,
xhr.onload = function() {
try {
const hierarchy = hierarchyForElt(elt)
responseInfo.pathInfo.responsePath = getPathFromResponse(xhr)
responseHandler(elt, responseInfo)
removeRequestIndicators(indicators, disableElts)
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:afterRequest', responseInfo)
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:afterOnLoad', responseInfo)
// if the body no longer contains the element, trigger the event on the closest parent
// remaining in the DOM
if (!bodyContains(elt)) {
let secondaryTriggerElt = null
while (hierarchy.length > 0 && secondaryTriggerElt == null) {
const parentEltInHierarchy = hierarchy.shift()
if (bodyContains(parentEltInHierarchy)) {
secondaryTriggerElt = parentEltInHierarchy
if (secondaryTriggerElt) {
triggerEvent(secondaryTriggerElt, 'htmx:afterRequest', responseInfo)
triggerEvent(secondaryTriggerElt, 'htmx:afterOnLoad', responseInfo)
} catch (e) {
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:onLoadError', mergeObjects({ error: e }, responseInfo))
throw e
xhr.onerror = function() {
removeRequestIndicators(indicators, disableElts)
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:afterRequest', responseInfo)
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:sendError', responseInfo)
xhr.onabort = function() {
removeRequestIndicators(indicators, disableElts)
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:afterRequest', responseInfo)
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:sendAbort', responseInfo)
xhr.ontimeout = function() {
removeRequestIndicators(indicators, disableElts)
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:afterRequest', responseInfo)
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:timeout', responseInfo)
if (!triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:beforeRequest', responseInfo)) {
return promise
var indicators = addRequestIndicatorClasses(elt)
var disableElts = disableElements(elt)
forEach(['loadstart', 'loadend', 'progress', 'abort'], function(eventName) {
forEach([xhr, xhr.upload], function(target) {
target.addEventListener(eventName, function(event) {
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:xhr:' + eventName, {
lengthComputable: event.lengthComputable,
loaded: event.loaded,
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:beforeSend', responseInfo)
const params = useUrlParams ? null : encodeParamsForBody(xhr, elt, filteredFormData)
return promise
* @typedef {Object} HtmxHistoryUpdate
* @property {string|null} [type]
* @property {string|null} [path]
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {HtmxResponseInfo} responseInfo
* @return {HtmxHistoryUpdate}
function determineHistoryUpdates(elt, responseInfo) {
const xhr = responseInfo.xhr
//= ==========================================
// First consult response headers
//= ==========================================
let pathFromHeaders = null
let typeFromHeaders = null
if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Push:/i)) {
pathFromHeaders = xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Push')
typeFromHeaders = 'push'
} else if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Push-Url:/i)) {
pathFromHeaders = xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Push-Url')
typeFromHeaders = 'push'
} else if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Replace-Url:/i)) {
pathFromHeaders = xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Replace-Url')
typeFromHeaders = 'replace'
// if there was a response header, that has priority
if (pathFromHeaders) {
if (pathFromHeaders === 'false') {
return {}
} else {
return {
type: typeFromHeaders,
path: pathFromHeaders
//= ==========================================
// Next resolve via DOM values
//= ==========================================
const requestPath = responseInfo.pathInfo.finalRequestPath
const responsePath = responseInfo.pathInfo.responsePath
const pushUrl = getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-push-url')
const replaceUrl = getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-replace-url')
const elementIsBoosted = getInternalData(elt).boosted
let saveType = null
let path = null
if (pushUrl) {
saveType = 'push'
path = pushUrl
} else if (replaceUrl) {
saveType = 'replace'
path = replaceUrl
} else if (elementIsBoosted) {
saveType = 'push'
path = responsePath || requestPath // if there is no response path, go with the original request path
if (path) {
// false indicates no push, return empty object
if (path === 'false') {
return {}
// true indicates we want to follow wherever the server ended up sending us
if (path === 'true') {
path = responsePath || requestPath // if there is no response path, go with the original request path
// restore any anchor associated with the request
if (responseInfo.pathInfo.anchor && path.indexOf('#') === -1) {
path = path + '#' + responseInfo.pathInfo.anchor
return {
type: saveType,
} else {
return {}
* @param {HtmxResponseHandlingConfig} responseHandlingConfig
* @param {number} status
* @return {boolean}
function codeMatches(responseHandlingConfig, status) {
var regExp = new RegExp(responseHandlingConfig.code)
return regExp.test(status.toString(10))
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @return {HtmxResponseHandlingConfig}
function resolveResponseHandling(xhr) {
for (var i = 0; i < htmx.config.responseHandling.length; i++) {
/** @type HtmxResponseHandlingConfig */
var responseHandlingElement = htmx.config.responseHandling[i]
if (codeMatches(responseHandlingElement, xhr.status)) {
return responseHandlingElement
// no matches, return no swap
return {
swap: false
* @param {string} title
function handleTitle(title) {
if (title) {
const titleElt = find('title')
if (titleElt) {
titleElt.innerHTML = title
} else {
window.document.title = title
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {HtmxResponseInfo} responseInfo
function handleAjaxResponse(elt, responseInfo) {
const xhr = responseInfo.xhr
let target =
const etc = responseInfo.etc
const responseInfoSelect =
if (!triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:beforeOnLoad', responseInfo)) return
if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Trigger:/i)) {
handleTriggerHeader(xhr, 'HX-Trigger', elt)
if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Location:/i)) {
let redirectPath = xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Location')
/** @type {HtmxAjaxHelperContext&{path:string}} */
var redirectSwapSpec
if (redirectPath.indexOf('{') === 0) {
redirectSwapSpec = parseJSON(redirectPath)
// what's the best way to throw an error if the user didn't include this
redirectPath = redirectSwapSpec.path
delete redirectSwapSpec.path
ajaxHelper('get', redirectPath, redirectSwapSpec).then(function() {
const shouldRefresh = hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Refresh:/i) && xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Refresh') === 'true'
if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Redirect:/i)) {
location.href = xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Redirect')
shouldRefresh && location.reload()
if (shouldRefresh) {
if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Retarget:/i)) {
if (xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Retarget') === 'this') { = elt
} else { = asElement(querySelectorExt(elt, xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Retarget')))
const historyUpdate = determineHistoryUpdates(elt, responseInfo)
const responseHandling = resolveResponseHandling(xhr)
const shouldSwap = responseHandling.swap
let isError = !!responseHandling.error
let ignoreTitle = htmx.config.ignoreTitle || responseHandling.ignoreTitle
let selectOverride =
if ( { = asElement(querySelectorExt(elt,
var swapOverride = etc.swapOverride
if (swapOverride == null && responseHandling.swapOverride) {
swapOverride = responseHandling.swapOverride
// response headers override response handling config
if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Retarget:/i)) {
if (xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Retarget') === 'this') { = elt
} else { = asElement(querySelectorExt(elt, xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Retarget')))
if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Reswap:/i)) {
swapOverride = xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Reswap')
var serverResponse = xhr.response
/** @type HtmxBeforeSwapDetails */
var beforeSwapDetails = mergeObjects({
}, responseInfo)
if (responseHandling.event && !triggerEvent(target, responseHandling.event, beforeSwapDetails)) return
if (!triggerEvent(target, 'htmx:beforeSwap', beforeSwapDetails)) return
target = // allow re-targeting
serverResponse = beforeSwapDetails.serverResponse // allow updating content
isError = beforeSwapDetails.isError // allow updating error
ignoreTitle = beforeSwapDetails.ignoreTitle // allow updating ignoring title
selectOverride = beforeSwapDetails.selectOverride // allow updating select override = target // Make updated target available to response events
responseInfo.failed = isError // Make failed property available to response events
responseInfo.successful = !isError // Make successful property available to response events
if (beforeSwapDetails.shouldSwap) {
if (xhr.status === 286) {
withExtensions(elt, function(extension) {
serverResponse = extension.transformResponse(serverResponse, xhr, elt)
// Save current page if there will be a history update
if (historyUpdate.type) {
if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Reswap:/i)) {
swapOverride = xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Reswap')
var swapSpec = getSwapSpecification(elt, swapOverride)
if (!swapSpec.hasOwnProperty('ignoreTitle')) {
swapSpec.ignoreTitle = ignoreTitle
// optional transition API promise callbacks
let settleResolve = null
let settleReject = null
if (responseInfoSelect) {
selectOverride = responseInfoSelect
if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Reselect:/i)) {
selectOverride = xhr.getResponseHeader('HX-Reselect')
const selectOOB = getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-select-oob')
const select = getClosestAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-select')
let doSwap = function() {
try {
// if we need to save history, do so, before swapping so that relative resources have the correct base URL
if (historyUpdate.type) {
triggerEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:beforeHistoryUpdate', mergeObjects({ history: historyUpdate }, responseInfo))
if (historyUpdate.type === 'push') {
triggerEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:pushedIntoHistory', { path: historyUpdate.path })
} else {
triggerEvent(getDocument().body, 'htmx:replacedInHistory', { path: historyUpdate.path })
swap(target, serverResponse, swapSpec, {
select: selectOverride || select,
eventInfo: responseInfo,
anchor: responseInfo.pathInfo.anchor,
contextElement: elt,
afterSwapCallback: function() {
if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Trigger-After-Swap:/i)) {
let finalElt = elt
if (!bodyContains(elt)) {
finalElt = getDocument().body
handleTriggerHeader(xhr, 'HX-Trigger-After-Swap', finalElt)
afterSettleCallback: function() {
if (hasHeader(xhr, /HX-Trigger-After-Settle:/i)) {
let finalElt = elt
if (!bodyContains(elt)) {
finalElt = getDocument().body
handleTriggerHeader(xhr, 'HX-Trigger-After-Settle', finalElt)
} catch (e) {
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:swapError', responseInfo)
throw e
let shouldTransition = htmx.config.globalViewTransitions
if (swapSpec.hasOwnProperty('transition')) {
shouldTransition = swapSpec.transition
if (shouldTransition &&
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:beforeTransition', responseInfo) &&
typeof Promise !== 'undefined' &&
// @ts-ignore experimental feature atm
document.startViewTransition) {
const settlePromise = new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject) {
settleResolve = _resolve
settleReject = _reject
// wrap the original doSwap() in a call to startViewTransition()
const innerDoSwap = doSwap
doSwap = function() {
// @ts-ignore experimental feature atm
document.startViewTransition(function() {
return settlePromise
if (swapSpec.swapDelay > 0) {
getWindow().setTimeout(doSwap, swapSpec.swapDelay)
} else {
if (isError) {
triggerErrorEvent(elt, 'htmx:responseError', mergeObjects({ error: 'Response Status Error Code ' + xhr.status + ' from ' + responseInfo.pathInfo.requestPath }, responseInfo))
//= ===================================================================
// Extensions API
//= ===================================================================
/** @type {Object<string, HtmxExtension>} */
const extensions = {}
* extensionBase defines the default functions for all extensions.
* @returns {HtmxExtension}
function extensionBase() {
return {
init: function(api) { return null },
getSelectors: function() { return null },
onEvent: function(name, evt) { return true },
transformResponse: function(text, xhr, elt) { return text },
isInlineSwap: function(swapStyle) { return false },
handleSwap: function(swapStyle, target, fragment, settleInfo) { return false },
encodeParameters: function(xhr, parameters, elt) { return null }
* defineExtension initializes the extension and adds it to the htmx registry
* @see
* @param {string} name the extension name
* @param {HtmxExtension} extension the extension definition
function defineExtension(name, extension) {
if (extension.init) {
extensions[name] = mergeObjects(extensionBase(), extension)
* removeExtension removes an extension from the htmx registry
* @see
* @param {string} name
function removeExtension(name) {
delete extensions[name]
* getExtensions searches up the DOM tree to return all extensions that can be applied to a given element
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {HtmxExtension[]=} extensionsToReturn
* @param {string[]=} extensionsToIgnore
* @returns {HtmxExtension[]}
function getExtensions(elt, extensionsToReturn, extensionsToIgnore) {
if (extensionsToReturn == undefined) {
extensionsToReturn = []
if (elt == undefined) {
return extensionsToReturn
if (extensionsToIgnore == undefined) {
extensionsToIgnore = []
const extensionsForElement = getAttributeValue(elt, 'hx-ext')
if (extensionsForElement) {
forEach(extensionsForElement.split(','), function(extensionName) {
extensionName = extensionName.replace(/ /g, '')
if (extensionName.slice(0, 7) == 'ignore:') {
if (extensionsToIgnore.indexOf(extensionName) < 0) {
const extension = extensions[extensionName]
if (extension && extensionsToReturn.indexOf(extension) < 0) {
return getExtensions(asElement(parentElt(elt)), extensionsToReturn, extensionsToIgnore)
//= ===================================================================
// Initialization
//= ===================================================================
var isReady = false
getDocument().addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
isReady = true
* Execute a function now if DOMContentLoaded has fired, otherwise listen for it.
* This function uses isReady because there is no reliable way to ask the browser whether
* the DOMContentLoaded event has already been fired; there's a gap between DOMContentLoaded
* firing and readystate=complete.
function ready(fn) {
// Checking readyState here is a failsafe in case the htmx script tag entered the DOM by
// some means other than the initial page load.
if (isReady || getDocument().readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
getDocument().addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn)
function insertIndicatorStyles() {
if (htmx.config.includeIndicatorStyles !== false) {
const nonceAttribute = htmx.config.inlineStyleNonce ? ` nonce="${htmx.config.inlineStyleNonce}"` : ''
'<style' + nonceAttribute + '>\
.' + htmx.config.indicatorClass + '{opacity:0}\
.' + htmx.config.requestClass + ' .' + htmx.config.indicatorClass + '{opacity:1; transition: opacity 200ms ease-in;}\
.' + htmx.config.requestClass + '.' + htmx.config.indicatorClass + '{opacity:1; transition: opacity 200ms ease-in;}\
function getMetaConfig() {
/** @type HTMLMetaElement */
const element = getDocument().querySelector('meta[name="htmx-config"]')
if (element) {
return parseJSON(element.content)
} else {
return null
function mergeMetaConfig() {
const metaConfig = getMetaConfig()
if (metaConfig) {
htmx.config = mergeObjects(htmx.config, metaConfig)
// initialize the document
ready(function() {
let body = getDocument().body
const restoredElts = getDocument().querySelectorAll(
body.addEventListener('htmx:abort', function(evt) {
const target =
const internalData = getInternalData(target)
if (internalData && internalData.xhr) {
/** @type {(ev: PopStateEvent) => any} */
const originalPopstate = window.onpopstate ? window.onpopstate.bind(window) : null
/** @type {(ev: PopStateEvent) => any} */
window.onpopstate = function(event) {
if (event.state && event.state.htmx) {
forEach(restoredElts, function(elt) {
triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:restored', {
document: getDocument(),
} else {
if (originalPopstate) {
getWindow().setTimeout(function() {
triggerEvent(body, 'htmx:load', {}) // give ready handlers a chance to load up before firing this event
body = null // kill reference for gc
}, 0)
return htmx
/** @typedef {'get'|'head'|'post'|'put'|'delete'|'connect'|'options'|'trace'|'patch'} HttpVerb */
* @typedef {Object} SwapOptions
* @property {string} [select]
* @property {string} [selectOOB]
* @property {*} [eventInfo]
* @property {string} [anchor]
* @property {Element} [contextElement]
* @property {swapCallback} [afterSwapCallback]
* @property {swapCallback} [afterSettleCallback]
* @callback swapCallback
* @typedef {'innerHTML' | 'outerHTML' | 'beforebegin' | 'afterbegin' | 'beforeend' | 'afterend' | 'delete' | 'none' | string} HtmxSwapStyle
* @typedef HtmxSwapSpecification
* @property {HtmxSwapStyle} swapStyle
* @property {number} swapDelay
* @property {number} settleDelay
* @property {boolean} [transition]
* @property {boolean} [ignoreTitle]
* @property {string} [head]
* @property {'top' | 'bottom'} [scroll]
* @property {string} [scrollTarget]
* @property {string} [show]
* @property {string} [showTarget]
* @property {boolean} [focusScroll]
* @typedef {((this:Node, evt:Event) => boolean) & {source: string}} ConditionalFunction
* @typedef {Object} HtmxTriggerSpecification
* @property {string} trigger
* @property {number} [pollInterval]
* @property {ConditionalFunction} [eventFilter]
* @property {boolean} [changed]
* @property {boolean} [once]
* @property {boolean} [consume]
* @property {number} [delay]
* @property {string} [from]
* @property {string} [target]
* @property {number} [throttle]
* @property {string} [queue]
* @property {string} [root]
* @property {string} [threshold]
* @typedef {{elt: Element, message: string, validity: ValidityState}} HtmxElementValidationError
* @typedef {Record<string, string>} HtmxHeaderSpecification
* @property {'true'} HX-Request
* @property {string|null} HX-Trigger
* @property {string|null} HX-Trigger-Name
* @property {string|null} HX-Target
* @property {string} HX-Current-URL
* @property {string} [HX-Prompt]
* @property {'true'} [HX-Boosted]
* @property {string} [Content-Type]
* @property {'true'} [HX-History-Restore-Request]
/** @typedef HtmxAjaxHelperContext
* @property {Element|string} [source]
* @property {Event} [event]
* @property {HtmxAjaxHandler} [handler]
* @property {Element|string} target
* @property {HtmxSwapStyle} [swap]
* @property {Object|FormData} [values]
* @property {Record<string,string>} [headers]
* @property {string} [select]
* @typedef {Object} HtmxRequestConfig
* @property {boolean} boosted
* @property {boolean} useUrlParams
* @property {FormData} formData
* @property {Object} parameters formData proxy
* @property {FormData} unfilteredFormData
* @property {Object} unfilteredParameters unfilteredFormData proxy
* @property {HtmxHeaderSpecification} headers
* @property {Element} target
* @property {HttpVerb} verb
* @property {HtmxElementValidationError[]} errors
* @property {boolean} withCredentials
* @property {number} timeout
* @property {string} path
* @property {Event} triggeringEvent
* @typedef {Object} HtmxResponseInfo
* @property {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @property {Element} target
* @property {HtmxRequestConfig} requestConfig
* @property {HtmxAjaxEtc} etc
* @property {boolean} boosted
* @property {string} select
* @property {{requestPath: string, finalRequestPath: string, responsePath: string|null, anchor: string}} pathInfo
* @property {boolean} [failed]
* @property {boolean} [successful]
* @typedef {Object} HtmxAjaxEtc
* @property {boolean} [returnPromise]
* @property {HtmxAjaxHandler} [handler]
* @property {string} [select]
* @property {Element} [targetOverride]
* @property {HtmxSwapStyle} [swapOverride]
* @property {Record<string,string>} [headers]
* @property {Object|FormData} [values]
* @property {boolean} [credentials]
* @property {number} [timeout]
* @typedef {Object} HtmxResponseHandlingConfig
* @property {string} [code]
* @property {boolean} swap
* @property {boolean} [error]
* @property {boolean} [ignoreTitle]
* @property {string} [select]
* @property {string} [target]
* @property {string} [swapOverride]
* @property {string} [event]
* @typedef {HtmxResponseInfo & {shouldSwap: boolean, serverResponse: any, isError: boolean, ignoreTitle: boolean, selectOverride:string}} HtmxBeforeSwapDetails
* @callback HtmxAjaxHandler
* @param {Element} elt
* @param {HtmxResponseInfo} responseInfo
* @typedef {(() => void)} HtmxSettleTask
* @typedef {Object} HtmxSettleInfo
* @property {HtmxSettleTask[]} tasks
* @property {Element[]} elts
* @property {string} [title]
* @typedef {Object} HtmxExtension
* @see
* @property {(api: any) => void} init
* @property {(name: string, event: Event|CustomEvent) => boolean} onEvent
* @property {(text: string, xhr: XMLHttpRequest, elt: Element) => string} transformResponse
* @property {(swapStyle: HtmxSwapStyle) => boolean} isInlineSwap
* @property {(swapStyle: HtmxSwapStyle, target: Element, fragment: Node, settleInfo: HtmxSettleInfo) => boolean} handleSwap
* @property {(xhr: XMLHttpRequest, parameters: FormData, elt: Element) => *|string|null} encodeParameters