Fix undefined CTE execution order

The sub-statements in WITH are executed concurrently with each other and with the main query.
Therefore, when using data-modifying statements in WITH, the order in which the specified updates actually happen is unpredictable.

Also see
This commit is contained in:
ekzyis 2023-12-04 04:44:00 +01:00
parent 0ea0cecfc3
commit 5969b23a31
2 changed files with 53 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -323,10 +323,15 @@ func (db *DB) FetchUserBalance(tx *sql.Tx, ctx context.Context, marketId int, pu
"FROM orders o " +
"LEFT JOIN invoices i ON = o.invoice_id " +
"JOIN shares s ON = o.share_id " +
"WHERE o.pubkey = $1 AND s.market_id = $2 AND o.deleted_at IS NULL " +
// TODO: is there a bug here? shouldn't i also check that SELL orders have no order_id set?
// (also see user payout query during market settlement)
"AND ( (o.side = 'BUY' AND i.confirmed_at IS NOT NULL AND o.order_id IS NOT NULL) OR o.side = 'SELL' ) " +
"WHERE o.pubkey = $1 AND s.market_id = $2 " +
// ignore canceled orders
"AND o.deleted_at IS NULL " +
"AND ( " +
// shares from BUY orders are received if they were paid (necessary precondition for matchmaking) and found a matching order
" (o.side = 'BUY' AND i.confirmed_at IS NOT NULL AND o.order_id IS NOT NULL) " +
// shares from SELL orders are deducted immediately to prevent double-spends
" OR o.side = 'SELL' " +
") " +
"GROUP BY o.pubkey, s.description"
rows, err := tx.QueryContext(ctx, query, pubkey, marketId)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -367,6 +367,7 @@ func HandleMarketSettlement(sc context.ServerContext) echo.HandlerFunc {
s db.Share
tx *sql.Tx
u db.User
query string
err error
if marketId, err = strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 64); err != nil {
@ -403,50 +404,55 @@ func HandleMarketSettlement(sc context.ServerContext) echo.HandlerFunc {
defer tx.Commit()
query := "" +
"WITH " +
" pending_orders AS ( " +
" SELECT, o.side, o.pubkey, i.msats_received FROM orders o " +
" LEFT JOIN invoices i ON = o.invoice_id" +
" JOIN shares s ON = o.share_id " +
" WHERE s.market_id = $1 " +
" AND o.deleted_at IS NULL AND o.order_id IS NULL " +
" ), " +
" update_users_refund AS ( " +
" UPDATE users u " +
" SET msats = msats + po.msats_received " +
" FROM ( " +
" SELECT pubkey, msats_received " +
" FROM pending_orders " +
" WHERE msats_received IS NOT NULL" +
" ) AS po " +
" WHERE po.pubkey = u.pubkey " +
" RETURNING u.pubkey::TEXT " +
" ), " +
" user_shares AS ( " +
// refund users for pending BUY orders
query = "" +
"UPDATE users u SET msats = msats + pending_orders.msats_received FROM ( " +
" SELECT o.pubkey, i.msats_received " +
" FROM orders o " +
" LEFT JOIN invoices i ON = o.invoice_id " +
" JOIN shares s ON = o.share_id " +
" WHERE s.market_id = $1 " +
// an order is pending if it wasn't canceled and wasn't matched yet
// (the o.side = 'BUY' shouldn't be necessary since i.msats_received will be NULL for SELL orders anyway
// but added here for clarification anyway)
" AND o.side = 'BUY' AND o.deleted_at IS NULL AND o.order_id IS NULL " +
") AS pending_orders WHERE pending_orders.pubkey = u.pubkey"
if _, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, query, marketId); err != nil {
return err
// now cancel pending orders
query = "" +
"UPDATE orders o SET deleted_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id IN ( " +
// basically same subquery as above
" SELECT FROM orders o " +
" JOIN shares s ON = o.share_id " +
// again, orders are pending if they weren't canceled and weren't matched yet
" WHERE s.market_id = $1 AND o.deleted_at IS NULL and o.order_id IS NULL " +
if _, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, query, marketId); err != nil {
return err
// payout
query = "" +
// * 100 since winning shares expire at 100 sats per share
// * 1000 to convert sats to msats
"UPDATE users u SET msats = msats + (user_shares.quantity * 100 * 1000) " +
"FROM ( " +
" SELECT o.pubkey, o.share_id, " +
" SUM(CASE WHEN o.side = 'BUY' THEN o.quantity ELSE -o.quantity END) AS sum " +
" SUM(CASE WHEN o.side = 'BUY' THEN o.quantity ELSE -o.quantity END) AS quantity " +
" FROM orders o " +
" LEFT JOIN invoices i ON = o.invoice_id " +
" JOIN shares s ON = o.share_id " +
" WHERE s.market_id = $1 AND o.deleted_at IS NULL AND = $2" +
// only consider uncanceled orders for winning shares
" WHERE s.market_id = $1 AND o.deleted_at IS NULL AND = $2 " +
// BUY orders must be paid and be matched. SELL orders must simply not be canceled to be considered.
" AND ( (o.side = 'BUY' AND i.confirmed_at IS NOT NULL AND o.order_id IS NOT NULL) OR o.side = 'SELL' ) " +
" GROUP BY o.pubkey, o.share_id " +
" ), " +
" update_users_payout AS ( " +
" UPDATE users u " +
" SET msats = msats + (us.sum * 100 * 1000) " +
" FROM (SELECT pubkey, sum FROM user_shares) us " +
" WHERE u.pubkey = us.pubkey " +
" RETURNING u.pubkey::TEXT " +
" ), " +
" update_orders AS ( " +
" UPDATE orders o " +
" SET deleted_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP " +
" WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM pending_orders) " +
" ) " +
"SELECT * FROM update_users_refund UNION SELECT * FROM update_users_payout UNION SELECT * FROM update_orders"
") AS user_shares WHERE user_shares.pubkey = u.pubkey"
if _, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, query, marketId, s.Id); err != nil {
return err