2022-03-17 15:13:19 -05:00
const serialize = require('../api/resolvers/serial')
// TODO: use a weekly trust measure or make trust decay
function earn ({ models }) {
return async function ({ name }) {
console.log('running', name)
// compute how much sn earned today
const [{ sum }] = await models.$queryRaw`
SELECT sum("ItemAct".sats)
FROM "ItemAct"
JOIN "Item" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id
WHERE ("ItemAct".act in ('BOOST', 'STREAM')
OR ("ItemAct".act = 'VOTE' AND "Item"."userId" = "ItemAct"."userId"))
AND "ItemAct".created_at > now_utc() - INTERVAL '1 day'`
// calculate the total trust
const { sum: { trust } } = await models.user.aggregate({
sum: {
trust: true
// get earners { id, earnings }
const earners = await models.$queryRaw(`
SELECT id, FLOOR(${sum} * (trust/${trust}) * 1000) as earnings
FROM users
WHERE trust > 0`)
// for each earner, serialize earnings
// we do this for each earner because we don't need to serialize
// all earner updates together
earners.forEach(async earner => {
if (earner.earnings > 0) {
await serialize(models,
models.$executeRaw`SELECT earn(${earner.id}, ${earner.earnings})`)
console.log('done', name)
2022-03-18 07:29:02 -05:00
// earn historical ... TODO: delete after announcement
function earnHistorical ({ models }) {
return async function ({ name }) {
console.log('running', name)
// compute how much sn earned today
const [{ sum }] = await models.$queryRaw`
SELECT sum("ItemAct".sats)
FROM "ItemAct"
JOIN "Item" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id
WHERE ("ItemAct".act in ('BOOST', 'STREAM')
OR ("ItemAct".act = 'VOTE' AND "Item"."userId" = "ItemAct"."userId"))`
// add in the job sats that weren't recorded from jobs
const fullSum = 200000 + sum
// calculate the total trust
const { sum: { trust } } = await models.user.aggregate({
sum: {
trust: true
// get earners { id, earnings }
const earners = await models.$queryRaw(`
SELECT id, FLOOR(${fullSum} * (trust/${trust}) * 1000) as earnings
FROM users
WHERE trust > 0`)
// for each earner, serialize earnings
// we do this for each earner because we don't need to serialize
// all earner updates together
earners.forEach(async earner => {
if (earner.earnings > 0) {
await serialize(models,
models.$executeRaw`SELECT earn(${earner.id}, ${earner.earnings})`)
console.log('done', name)
module.exports = { earn, earnHistorical }