2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button'
import InputGroup from 'react-bootstrap/InputGroup'
import BootstrapForm from 'react-bootstrap/Form'
import Alert from 'react-bootstrap/Alert'
2022-07-30 08:25:46 -05:00
import { Formik, Form as FormikForm, useFormikContext, useField, FieldArray } from 'formik'
2023-06-12 17:39:20 -05:00
import React, { createContext, useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
import copy from 'clipboard-copy'
import Thumb from '../svgs/thumb-up-fill.svg'
2022-09-18 03:45:21 +02:00
import { Col, Dropdown as BootstrapDropdown, Nav } from 'react-bootstrap'
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
import Markdown from '../svgs/markdown-line.svg'
import styles from './form.module.css'
import Text from '../components/text'
2022-07-30 08:25:46 -05:00
import AddIcon from '../svgs/add-fill.svg'
2022-08-10 10:06:31 -05:00
import { mdHas } from '../lib/md'
2022-08-25 13:46:07 -05:00
import CloseIcon from '../svgs/close-line.svg'
2022-08-26 17:20:09 -05:00
import { useLazyQuery } from '@apollo/client'
import { USER_SEARCH } from '../fragments/users'
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
2022-02-17 11:23:43 -06:00
export function SubmitButton ({
2023-05-18 13:02:19 -05:00
children, variant, value, onClick, disabled, ...props
2022-02-17 11:23:43 -06:00
}) {
2021-09-10 13:55:36 -05:00
const { isSubmitting, setFieldValue } = useFormikContext()
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
return (
variant={variant || 'main'}
2023-05-18 13:02:19 -05:00
disabled={disabled || isSubmitting}
2021-09-10 13:55:36 -05:00
? e => {
setFieldValue('submit', value)
onClick && onClick(e)
: onClick}
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
export function CopyInput (props) {
const [copied, setCopied] = useState(false)
const handleClick = () => {
setTimeout(() => setCopied(false), 1500)
return (
2021-06-02 19:15:28 -04:00
{copied ? <Thumb width={18} height={18} /> : 'copy'}
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
2022-01-23 11:21:55 -06:00
export function InputSkeleton ({ label, hint }) {
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
return (
{label && <BootstrapForm.Label>{label}</BootstrapForm.Label>}
2021-11-04 14:22:03 -04:00
<div className='form-control clouds' />
2022-01-23 11:21:55 -06:00
{hint &&
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
2023-06-12 17:39:20 -05:00
export function MarkdownInput ({ label, topLevel, groupClassName, onChange, setHasImgLink, onKeyDown, innerRef, ...props }) {
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
const [tab, setTab] = useState('write')
2023-06-12 17:39:20 -05:00
const [, meta, helpers] = useField(props)
const [selectionRange, setSelectionRange] = useState({ start: 0, end: 0 })
innerRef = innerRef || useRef(null)
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
useEffect(() => {
!meta.value && setTab('write')
}, [meta.value])
2023-06-12 17:39:20 -05:00
useEffect(() => {
if (selectionRange.start <= selectionRange.end && innerRef?.current) {
const { start, end } = selectionRange
const input = innerRef.current
input.setSelectionRange(start, end)
2023-06-13 09:19:50 -05:00
}, [innerRef, selectionRange.start, selectionRange.end])
2023-06-12 17:39:20 -05:00
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
return (
<FormGroup label={label} className={groupClassName}>
<div className={`${styles.markdownInput} ${tab === 'write' ? styles.noTopLeftRadius : ''}`}>
<Nav variant='tabs' defaultActiveKey='write' activeKey={tab} onSelect={tab => setTab(tab)}>
<Nav.Link eventKey='write'>write</Nav.Link>
<Nav.Link eventKey='preview' disabled={!meta.value}>preview</Nav.Link>
className='ml-auto text-muted d-flex align-items-center'
href='https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'
<Markdown width={18} height={18} />
<div className={tab !== 'write' ? 'd-none' : ''}>
2022-08-10 10:06:31 -05:00
{...props} onChange={(formik, e) => {
if (onChange) onChange(formik, e)
if (setHasImgLink) {
setHasImgLink(mdHas(e.target.value, ['link', 'image']))
2023-06-12 17:39:20 -05:00
onKeyDown={(e) => {
const metaOrCtrl = e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey
if (metaOrCtrl) {
if (e.key === 'k') {
// some browsers use CTRL+K to focus search bar so we have to prevent that behavior
insertMarkdownLinkFormatting(innerRef.current, helpers.setValue, setSelectionRange)
if (e.key === 'b') {
// some browsers use CTRL+B to open bookmarks so we have to prevent that behavior
insertMarkdownBoldFormatting(innerRef.current, helpers.setValue, setSelectionRange)
if (e.key === 'i') {
// some browsers might use CTRL+I to do something else so prevent that behavior too
insertMarkdownItalicFormatting(innerRef.current, helpers.setValue, setSelectionRange)
2023-06-19 13:07:06 -05:00
if (e.key === 'Tab' && e.altKey) {
insertMarkdownTabFormatting(innerRef.current, helpers.setValue, setSelectionRange)
2023-06-12 17:39:20 -05:00
if (onKeyDown) onKeyDown(e)
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
2021-08-10 17:59:06 -05:00
<div className={tab !== 'preview' ? 'd-none' : 'form-group'}>
<div className={`${styles.text} form-control`}>
2023-07-13 02:10:01 +02:00
{tab === 'preview' && <Text topLevel={topLevel} noFragments onlyImgProxy={false}>{meta.value}</Text>}
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
2023-06-12 19:29:50 +02:00
function insertMarkdownFormatting (replaceFn, selectFn) {
return function (input, setValue, setSelectionRange) {
const start = input.selectionStart
const end = input.selectionEnd
const val = input.value
const selectedText = val.substring(start, end)
const mdFormatted = replaceFn(selectedText)
const newVal = val.substring(0, start) + mdFormatted + val.substring(end)
// required for undo, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/27028258
document.execCommand('insertText', false, mdFormatted)
// see https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/6483
// for why we don't use `input.setSelectionRange` directly (hint: event order)
2023-06-19 13:07:06 -05:00
setSelectionRange(selectFn ? selectFn(start, end, mdFormatted) : { start: start + mdFormatted.length, end: start + mdFormatted.length })
2023-06-12 19:29:50 +02:00
2023-06-19 13:07:06 -05:00
const insertMarkdownTabFormatting = insertMarkdownFormatting(
val => `\t${val}`,
(start, end, mdFormatted) => ({ start: start + 1, end: end + 1 }) // move inside tab
2023-06-12 19:29:50 +02:00
const insertMarkdownLinkFormatting = insertMarkdownFormatting(
val => `[${val}](url)`,
2023-06-19 13:07:06 -05:00
(start, end, mdFormatted) => (
start === end
? { start: start + 1, end: end + 1 } // move inside brackets
: { start: start + mdFormatted.length - 4, end: start + mdFormatted.length - 1 }) // move to select url part
const insertMarkdownBoldFormatting = insertMarkdownFormatting(
val => `**${val}**`,
(start, end, mdFormatted) => ({ start: start + 2, end: end + 2 }) // move inside bold
const insertMarkdownItalicFormatting = insertMarkdownFormatting(
val => `_${val}_`,
(start, end, mdFormatted) => ({ start: start + 1, end: end + 1 }) // move inside italic
2023-06-12 19:29:50 +02:00
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
function FormGroup ({ className, label, children }) {
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
return (
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
<BootstrapForm.Group className={className}>
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
{label && <BootstrapForm.Label>{label}</BootstrapForm.Label>}
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
2022-01-07 12:28:23 -06:00
function InputInner ({
prepend, append, hint, showValid, onChange, overrideValue,
2023-05-11 14:34:42 -05:00
innerRef, noForm, clear, onKeyDown, ...props
2022-01-07 12:28:23 -06:00
}) {
2022-08-18 13:15:24 -05:00
const [field, meta, helpers] = noForm ? [{}, {}, {}] : useField(props)
const formik = noForm ? null : useFormikContext()
2023-05-11 14:34:42 -05:00
const storageKeyPrefix = useContext(StorageKeyPrefixContext)
2021-08-22 10:25:17 -05:00
2022-01-07 12:28:23 -06:00
const storageKey = storageKeyPrefix ? storageKeyPrefix + '-' + props.name : undefined
2021-08-22 10:25:17 -05:00
useEffect(() => {
if (overrideValue) {
2022-01-07 12:28:23 -06:00
if (storageKey) {
2022-01-08 09:31:37 -06:00
localStorage.setItem(storageKey, overrideValue)
2022-01-07 12:28:23 -06:00
} else if (storageKey) {
2022-01-08 09:31:37 -06:00
const draft = localStorage.getItem(storageKey)
2022-01-07 12:28:23 -06:00
if (draft) {
// for some reason we have to turn off validation to get formik to
// not assume this is invalid
helpers.setValue(draft, false)
2021-08-22 10:25:17 -05:00
}, [overrideValue])
2023-05-11 14:34:42 -05:00
const invalid = (!formik || formik.submitCount > 0) && meta.touched && meta.error
2022-08-25 13:46:07 -05:00
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
return (
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
<InputGroup hasValidation>
{prepend && (
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
2021-08-19 16:13:33 -05:00
onKeyDown={(e) => {
2023-06-12 19:29:50 +02:00
const metaOrCtrl = e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey
2023-06-12 13:49:58 -05:00
if (metaOrCtrl) {
if (e.key === 'Enter') formik?.submitForm()
2023-06-12 19:29:50 +02:00
2023-06-12 13:49:58 -05:00
2022-08-26 17:20:09 -05:00
if (onKeyDown) onKeyDown(e)
2021-08-19 16:13:33 -05:00
2021-09-10 13:55:36 -05:00
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
{...field} {...props}
2021-08-22 10:25:17 -05:00
onChange={(e) => {
2022-01-07 12:28:23 -06:00
if (storageKey) {
localStorage.setItem(storageKey, e.target.value)
2021-08-22 10:25:17 -05:00
if (onChange) {
onChange(formik, e)
2022-08-25 13:46:07 -05:00
2022-04-19 13:32:39 -05:00
isValid={showValid && meta.initialValue !== meta.value && meta.touched && !meta.error}
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
2022-08-25 13:46:07 -05:00
{(append || (clear && field.value)) && (
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
2022-08-25 13:46:07 -05:00
{(clear && field.value) &&
2022-10-20 17:44:44 -05:00
onClick={(e) => {
2022-08-25 13:46:07 -05:00
if (storageKey) {
2022-10-20 17:44:44 -05:00
if (onChange) {
onChange(formik, { target: { value: '' } })
2022-08-25 13:46:07 -05:00
className={`${styles.clearButton} ${invalid ? styles.isInvalid : ''}`}
><CloseIcon className='fill-grey' height={20} width={20} />
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
<BootstrapForm.Control.Feedback type='invalid'>
{meta.touched && meta.error}
2021-05-24 19:08:56 -05:00
{hint && (
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
2022-08-26 17:20:09 -05:00
export function InputUserSuggest ({ label, groupClassName, ...props }) {
const [getSuggestions] = useLazyQuery(USER_SEARCH, {
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
onCompleted: data => {
setSuggestions({ array: data.searchUsers, index: 0 })
const INITIAL_SUGGESTIONS = { array: [], index: 0 }
const [suggestions, setSuggestions] = useState(INITIAL_SUGGESTIONS)
const [ovalue, setOValue] = useState()
return (
<FormGroup label={label} className={groupClassName}>
2022-10-25 12:13:06 -05:00
onChange={(_, e) => getSuggestions({ variables: { q: e.target.value } })}
2022-08-26 17:20:09 -05:00
onKeyDown={(e) => {
switch (e.code) {
case 'ArrowUp':
index: Math.max(suggestions.index - 1, 0)
case 'ArrowDown':
index: Math.min(suggestions.index + 1, suggestions.array.length - 1)
case 'Enter':
case 'Escape':
2022-09-18 03:45:21 +02:00
<BootstrapDropdown show={suggestions.array.length > 0}>
<BootstrapDropdown.Menu className={styles.suggestionsMenu}>
2022-08-26 17:20:09 -05:00
{suggestions.array.map((v, i) =>
2022-09-18 03:45:21 +02:00
2022-08-26 17:20:09 -05:00
active={suggestions.index === i}
onClick={() => {
2022-09-18 03:45:21 +02:00
2022-08-26 17:20:09 -05:00
2021-07-01 18:51:58 -05:00
export function Input ({ label, groupClassName, ...props }) {
return (
<FormGroup label={label} className={groupClassName}>
<InputInner {...props} />
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
2023-01-06 18:53:09 -06:00
export function VariableInput ({ label, groupClassName, name, hint, max, min, readOnlyLen, ...props }) {
2022-07-30 08:25:46 -05:00
return (
<FormGroup label={label} className={groupClassName}>
<FieldArray name={name}>
{({ form, ...fieldArrayHelpers }) => {
2022-08-18 13:15:24 -05:00
const options = form.values[name]
2022-07-30 08:25:46 -05:00
return (
2023-01-06 18:53:09 -06:00
{options?.map((_, i) => (
2022-07-30 08:25:46 -05:00
<div key={i}>
<BootstrapForm.Row className='mb-2'>
2023-01-06 18:53:09 -06:00
<InputInner name={`${name}[${i}]`} {...props} readOnly={i < readOnlyLen} placeholder={i >= min ? 'optional' : undefined} />
2022-07-30 08:25:46 -05:00
{options.length - 1 === i && options.length !== max
? <AddIcon className='fill-grey align-self-center pointer mx-2' onClick={() => fieldArrayHelpers.push('')} />
: null}
{hint && (
2023-06-12 20:03:44 +02:00
export function Checkbox ({ children, label, groupClassName, hiddenLabel, extra, handleChange, inline, disabled, ...props }) {
2021-09-12 11:55:38 -05:00
// React treats radios and checkbox inputs differently other input types, select, and textarea.
// Formik does this too! When you specify `type` to useField(), it will
// return the correct bag of props for you
2023-06-12 20:03:44 +02:00
const [field,, helpers] = useField({ ...props, type: 'checkbox' })
2021-09-12 11:55:38 -05:00
return (
2022-03-07 15:50:13 -06:00
<BootstrapForm.Group className={groupClassName}>
{hiddenLabel && <BootstrapForm.Label className='invisible'>{label}</BootstrapForm.Label>}
id={props.id || props.name}
2023-06-12 20:03:44 +02:00
{...field} {...props} disabled={disabled} type='checkbox' onChange={(e) => {
2022-03-07 15:50:13 -06:00
2023-06-12 20:03:44 +02:00
handleChange && handleChange(e.target.checked, helpers.setValue)
2022-03-07 15:50:13 -06:00
2023-06-12 20:03:44 +02:00
<BootstrapForm.Check.Label className={'d-flex' + (disabled ? ' text-muted' : '')}>
2022-03-07 15:50:13 -06:00
<div className='flex-grow-1'>{label}</div>
{extra &&
<div className={styles.checkboxExtra}>
2021-09-12 11:55:38 -05:00
2023-05-11 14:34:42 -05:00
const StorageKeyPrefixContext = createContext()
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
export function Form ({
2022-01-07 12:28:23 -06:00
initial, schema, onSubmit, children, initialError, validateImmediately, storageKeyPrefix, ...props
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
}) {
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
const [error, setError] = useState(initialError)
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
return (
2021-05-24 19:08:56 -05:00
initialTouched={validateImmediately && initial}
2022-07-30 08:25:46 -05:00
onSubmit={async (values, ...args) =>
onSubmit && onSubmit(values, ...args).then(() => {
2022-01-07 12:28:23 -06:00
if (!storageKeyPrefix) return
2022-07-30 08:25:46 -05:00
Object.keys(values).forEach(v => {
localStorage.removeItem(storageKeyPrefix + '-' + v)
if (Array.isArray(values[v])) {
(_, i) => localStorage.removeItem(`${storageKeyPrefix}-${v}[${i}]`))
2022-01-07 12:28:23 -06:00
}).catch(e => setError(e.message || e))}
2021-04-13 19:57:32 -05:00
<FormikForm {...props} noValidate>
{error && <Alert variant='danger' onClose={() => setError(undefined)} dismissible>{error}</Alert>}
2023-05-11 14:34:42 -05:00
<StorageKeyPrefixContext.Provider value={storageKeyPrefix}>
2021-04-24 16:05:07 -05:00
2023-05-11 14:34:42 -05:00
2021-04-24 16:05:07 -05:00
2022-09-18 03:45:21 +02:00
2022-10-20 17:44:44 -05:00
export function Select ({ label, items, groupClassName, onChange, noForm, ...props }) {
2023-05-10 19:26:07 -05:00
const [field, meta] = noForm ? [{}, {}] : useField(props)
2022-10-20 17:44:44 -05:00
const formik = noForm ? null : useFormikContext()
2023-05-10 19:26:07 -05:00
const invalid = meta.touched && meta.error
2022-09-18 03:45:21 +02:00
return (
<FormGroup label={label} className={groupClassName}>
2022-10-20 17:44:44 -05:00
{...field} {...props}
onChange={(e) => {
2023-05-10 19:26:07 -05:00
if (field?.onChange) {
2022-10-20 17:44:44 -05:00
if (onChange) {
onChange(formik, e)
2023-05-10 19:26:07 -05:00
2022-10-20 17:44:44 -05:00
2022-10-04 16:21:42 -05:00
{items.map(item => <option key={item}>{item}</option>)}
2023-05-10 19:26:07 -05:00
<BootstrapForm.Control.Feedback type='invalid'>
{meta.touched && meta.error}
2022-09-18 03:45:21 +02:00
2022-10-04 16:21:42 -05:00