2023-11-09 14:50:43 -03:00
import { useQuery , useMutation } from '@apollo/client'
2024-03-20 01:37:31 +01:00
import { CenterLayout } from '@/components/layout'
import { CopyInput , Input , InputSkeleton } from '@/components/form'
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
import InputGroup from 'react-bootstrap/InputGroup'
2024-03-20 01:37:31 +01:00
import InvoiceStatus from '@/components/invoice-status'
2021-10-26 15:49:37 -05:00
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
2024-03-20 01:37:31 +01:00
import { WITHDRAWL } from '@/fragments/wallet'
2022-01-07 15:22:44 -06:00
import Link from 'next/link'
2024-04-08 10:13:12 -04:00
import { SSR , INVOICE _RETENTION _DAYS , FAST _POLL _INTERVAL } from '@/lib/constants'
2024-03-20 01:37:31 +01:00
import { numWithUnits } from '@/lib/format'
import Bolt11Info from '@/components/bolt11-info'
import { datePivot , timeLeft } from '@/lib/time'
import { useMe } from '@/components/me'
import { useToast } from '@/components/toast'
2023-11-09 14:50:43 -03:00
import { gql } from 'graphql-tag'
2024-03-20 01:37:31 +01:00
import { useShowModal } from '@/components/modal'
import { DeleteConfirm } from '@/components/delete'
import { getGetServerSideProps } from '@/api/ssrApollo'
2024-11-16 01:38:14 +01:00
import { Badge } from 'react-bootstrap'
import styles from '@/components/invoice.module.css'
2024-02-13 23:40:26 +01:00
// force SSR to include CSP nonces
export const getServerSideProps = getGetServerSideProps ( { query : null } )
2021-05-12 20:51:37 -05:00
2021-10-26 15:49:37 -05:00
export default function Withdrawl ( ) {
2021-05-12 20:51:37 -05:00
return (
2023-07-23 10:08:43 -05:00
< CenterLayout >
2021-10-26 15:49:37 -05:00
< LoadWithdrawl / >
2023-07-23 10:08:43 -05:00
< / C e n t e r L a y o u t >
2021-05-12 20:51:37 -05:00
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
export function WithdrawlSkeleton ( { status } ) {
return (
< >
2024-04-16 16:13:06 -05:00
< div className = 'w-100 form-group' >
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
< InputSkeleton label = 'invoice' / >
< / d i v >
2024-04-16 16:13:06 -05:00
< div className = 'w-100 form-group' >
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
< InputSkeleton label = 'max fee' / >
< / d i v >
< InvoiceStatus status = { status } / >
2024-04-16 16:13:06 -05:00
< div className = 'w-100 mt-3' >
< Bolt11Info / >
< / d i v >
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
< / >
2021-10-26 15:49:37 -05:00
function LoadWithdrawl ( ) {
const router = useRouter ( )
2023-07-31 14:54:30 -05:00
const { loading , error , data } = useQuery ( WITHDRAWL , SSR
? { }
: {
variables : { id : r outer . query . id } ,
2024-04-08 10:13:12 -04:00
pollInterval : FAST _POLL _INTERVAL ,
2023-07-31 14:54:30 -05:00
nextFetchPolicy : 'cache-and-network'
} )
2021-05-12 20:51:37 -05:00
if ( error ) return < div > error < / d i v >
if ( ! data || loading ) {
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
return < WithdrawlSkeleton status = 'loading' / >
2022-01-07 15:22:44 -06:00
const TryMaxFee = ( ) =>
2023-07-23 10:08:43 -05:00
< Link href = '/wallet?type=withdraw' className = 'text-reset text-underline' >
2023-07-24 13:35:05 -05:00
< small className = 'ms-3' > try increasing max fee < / s m a l l >
2022-01-07 15:22:44 -06:00
< / L i n k >
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
let status = 'pending'
let variant = 'default'
switch ( data . withdrawl . status ) {
case 'CONFIRMED' :
2024-11-16 01:38:14 +01:00
if ( data . withdrawl . forwardedActionType ) {
status = < > { ` forwarded ${ numWithUnits ( data . withdrawl . satsPaid , { abbreviate : false } )} ` } < Badge className = { styles . badge } bg = { null } > p2p < /Badge></ >
} else {
status = ` sent ${ numWithUnits ( data . withdrawl . satsPaid , { abbreviate : false } )} with ${ numWithUnits ( data . withdrawl . satsFeePaid , { abbreviate : false } )} in routing fees `
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
variant = 'confirmed'
2023-07-24 13:35:05 -05:00
status = < > insufficient balance < small className = 'ms-3' > contact keyan ! < /small></ >
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
variant = 'failed'
status = 'invalid invoice'
variant = 'failed'
2022-01-07 15:22:44 -06:00
status = < > timed out finding route < TryMaxFee / > < / >
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
variant = 'failed'
2022-01-07 15:22:44 -06:00
status = < > no route < TryMaxFee / > < / >
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
variant = 'failed'
2022-01-05 14:37:34 -06:00
status = < > unknown error < / >
variant = 'failed'
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
default :
2021-05-12 20:51:37 -05:00
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
return (
< >
< div className = 'w-100' >
< CopyInput
label = 'invoice' type = 'text'
2023-11-09 14:50:43 -03:00
placeholder = { data . withdrawl . bolt11 || 'deleted' } readOnly noForm
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
/ >
< / d i v >
< div className = 'w-100' >
< Input
label = 'max fee' type = 'text'
2022-08-18 13:15:24 -05:00
placeholder = { data . withdrawl . satsFeePaying } readOnly noForm
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
append = { < InputGroup . Text className = 'text-monospace' > sats < / I n p u t G r o u p . T e x t > }
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
/ >
< / d i v >
2021-05-13 16:19:51 -05:00
< InvoiceStatus variant = { variant } status = { status } / >
2024-04-16 16:13:06 -05:00
< div className = 'w-100 mt-3' >
2024-04-26 02:33:24 +02:00
< Bolt11Info bolt11 = { data . withdrawl . bolt11 } preimage = { data . withdrawl . preimage } >
2024-11-27 07:39:05 -06:00
< PrivacyOption payment = { data . withdrawl } / >
2024-04-16 16:13:06 -05:00
< / B o l t 1 1 I n f o >
< / d i v >
2021-05-13 08:28:38 -05:00
< / >
2021-05-12 20:51:37 -05:00
2023-11-09 14:50:43 -03:00
2024-11-27 07:39:05 -06:00
export function PrivacyOption ( { payment } ) {
if ( ! payment . bolt11 ) return
2023-11-09 14:50:43 -03:00
2024-09-12 20:05:11 +02:00
const { me } = useMe ( )
2024-11-27 07:39:05 -06:00
const keepUntil = datePivot ( new Date ( payment . createdAt ) , { days : INVOICE _RETENTION _DAYS } )
2023-11-09 14:50:43 -03:00
const oldEnough = new Date ( ) >= keepUntil
if ( ! oldEnough ) {
return (
< span className = 'text-muted fst-italic' >
2023-11-20 09:04:38 -06:00
{ ` this invoice ${ me . privates ? . autoDropBolt11s ? 'will be auto-deleted' : 'can be deleted' } in ${ timeLeft ( keepUntil ) } ` }
2023-11-09 14:50:43 -03:00
< / s p a n >
const showModal = useShowModal ( )
const toaster = useToast ( )
const [ dropBolt11 ] = useMutation (
gql `
2024-11-27 07:39:05 -06:00
mutation dropBolt11 ( $hash : String ! ) {
dropBolt11 ( hash : $hash )
2023-11-09 14:50:43 -03:00
} ` , {
2024-11-27 07:39:05 -06:00
update ( cache , { data } ) {
if ( data . dropBolt11 ) {
cache . modify ( {
id : ` ${ payment . _ _typename } : ${ payment . id } ` ,
fields : {
bolt11 : ( ) => null ,
hash : ( ) => null
} )
2023-11-09 14:50:43 -03:00
} )
return (
< span
className = 'btn btn-md btn-danger' onClick = { ( ) => {
showModal ( onClose => {
return (
< DeleteConfirm
type = 'invoice'
onConfirm = { async ( ) => {
if ( me ) {
try {
2024-11-27 07:39:05 -06:00
await dropBolt11 ( { variables : { hash : payment . hash } } )
2023-11-09 14:50:43 -03:00
} catch ( err ) {
2024-02-14 17:31:25 -06:00
toaster . danger ( 'unable to delete invoice: ' + err . message || err . toString ? . ( ) )
throw err
} finally {
onClose ( )
2023-11-09 14:50:43 -03:00
} }
/ >
} )
} }
> delete invoice
< / s p a n >