2024-03-20 01:37:31 +01:00
import { getGetServerSideProps } from '@/api/ssrApollo'
import { Form , Input } from '@/components/form'
import { CenterLayout } from '@/components/layout'
import { useMe } from '@/components/me'
import { WalletButtonBar , WalletCard } from '@/components/wallet-card'
2024-02-13 13:17:56 -06:00
import { useMutation } from '@apollo/client'
2024-03-20 01:37:31 +01:00
import { useToast } from '@/components/toast'
import { LNDAutowithdrawSchema } from '@/lib/validate'
2024-02-13 13:17:56 -06:00
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
2024-03-20 01:37:31 +01:00
import { AutowithdrawSettings , autowithdrawInitial } from '@/components/autowithdraw-shared'
import { REMOVE _WALLET , UPSERT _WALLET _LND , WALLET _BY _TYPE } from '@/fragments/wallet'
import Info from '@/components/info'
import Text from '@/components/text'
2024-02-13 13:17:56 -06:00
const variables = { type : 'LND' }
export const getServerSideProps = getGetServerSideProps ( { query : WALLET _BY _TYPE , variables , authRequired : true } )
export default function LND ( { ssrData } ) {
const me = useMe ( )
const toaster = useToast ( )
const router = useRouter ( )
const [ upsertWalletLND ] = useMutation ( UPSERT _WALLET _LND )
const [ removeWallet ] = useMutation ( REMOVE _WALLET )
const { walletByType : wallet } = ssrData || { }
return (
< CenterLayout >
< h2 className = 'pb-2' > LND < / h 2 >
< h6 className = 'text-muted text-center pb-3' > autowithdraw to your Lightning Labs node < / h 6 >
< Form
initial = { {
socket : wallet ? . wallet ? . socket || '' ,
macaroon : wallet ? . wallet ? . macaroon || '' ,
cert : wallet ? . wallet ? . cert || '' ,
... autowithdrawInitial ( { me , priority : wallet ? . priority } )
} }
schema = { LNDAutowithdrawSchema ( { me } ) }
onSubmit = { async ( { socket , cert , macaroon , ... settings } ) => {
try {
await upsertWalletLND ( {
variables : {
id : wallet ? . id ,
socket ,
macaroon ,
cert ,
settings : {
... settings ,
autoWithdrawThreshold : Number ( settings . autoWithdrawThreshold ) ,
autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent : Number ( settings . autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent )
} )
toaster . success ( 'saved settings' )
router . push ( '/settings/wallets' )
} catch ( err ) {
console . error ( err )
toaster . danger ( 'failed to attach: ' + err . message || err . toString ? . ( ) )
} }
< Input
label = 'grpc host and port'
name = 'socket'
hint = 'tor or clearnet'
placeholder = '55.5.555.55:10001'
2024-02-14 12:56:37 -06:00
2024-02-13 13:17:56 -06:00
/ >
< Input
2024-02-14 12:56:37 -06:00
label = {
< div className = 'd-flex align-items-center' > invoice macaroon
< Info label = 'privacy tip' >
< Text >
{ 'We accept a prebaked ***invoice.macaroon*** for your convenience. To gain better privacy, generate a new macaroon as follows:\n\n```lncli bakemacaroon invoices:write invoices:read```' }
< / T e x t >
< / I n f o >
< / d i v >
2024-02-13 13:17:56 -06:00
name = 'macaroon'
2024-02-14 12:56:37 -06:00
2024-02-13 13:17:56 -06:00
hint = 'hex or base64 encoded'
placeholder = 'AgEDbG5kAlgDChCn7YgfWX7uTkQQgXZ2uahNEgEwGhYKB2FkZHJlc3MSBHJlYWQSBXdyaXRlGhcKCGludm9pY2VzEgRyZWFkEgV3cml0ZRoPCgdvbmNoYWluEgRyZWFkAAAGIJkMBrrDV0npU90JV0TGNJPrqUD8m2QYoTDjolaL6eBs'
/ >
< Input
2024-02-14 12:56:37 -06:00
label = { < > cert < small className = 'text-muted ms-2' > optional if from < a href = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority' target = '_blank' rel = 'noreferrer' > CA < / a > ( e . g . v o l t a g e ) < / s m a l l > < / > }
2024-02-13 13:17:56 -06:00
name = 'cert'
2024-02-14 12:56:37 -06:00
2024-02-13 13:17:56 -06:00
hint = 'hex or base64 encoded'
/ >
< AutowithdrawSettings / >
< WalletButtonBar
enabled = { ! ! wallet } onDelete = { async ( ) => {
try {
await removeWallet ( { variables : { id : wallet ? . id } } )
toaster . success ( 'saved settings' )
router . push ( '/settings/wallets' )
} catch ( err ) {
console . error ( err )
toaster . danger ( 'failed to unattach:' + err . message || err . toString ? . ( ) )
} }
/ >
< / F o r m >
< / C e n t e r L a y o u t >
export function LNDCard ( { wallet } ) {
return (
< WalletCard
title = 'LND'
badges = { [ 'receive only' , 'non-custodial' ] }
provider = 'lnd'
enabled = { wallet !== undefined || undefined }
/ >