2024-10-14 17:49:06 +02:00
import { SSR } from '@/lib/constants'
import { useMe } from './me'
import { useEffect , useState } from 'react'
import createTaskQueue from '@/lib/task-queue'
const VERSION = 1
/ * *
* A react hook to use the local storage
* It handles the lifecycle of the storage , opening and closing it as needed .
* @ param { * } options
* @ param { string } options . database - the database name
* @ param { [ string ] } options . namespace - the namespace of the storage
* @ returns { [ object ] } - the local storage
* /
export default function useLocalStorage ( { database = 'default' , namespace = [ 'default' ] } ) {
const { me } = useMe ( )
if ( ! Array . isArray ( namespace ) ) namespace = [ namespace ]
const joinedNamespace = namespace . join ( ':' )
const [ storage , setStorage ] = useState ( openLocalStorage ( { database , userId : me ? . id , namespace } ) )
useEffect ( ( ) => {
const currentStorage = storage
const newStorage = openLocalStorage ( { database , userId : me ? . id , namespace } )
setStorage ( newStorage )
if ( currentStorage ) currentStorage . close ( )
return ( ) => {
newStorage . close ( )
} , [ me , database , joinedNamespace ] )
return [ storage ]
/ * *
* Open a local storage .
* This is an abstraction on top of IndexedDB or , when not available , an in - memory storage .
* A combination of userId , database and namespace is used to efficiently separate different storage units .
* Namespaces can be an array of strings , that will be internally joined to form a single namespace .
* @ param { * } options
* @ param { string } options . userId - the user that owns the storage ( anon if not provided )
* @ param { string } options . database - the database name ( default if not provided )
* @ param { [ string ] } options . namespace - the namespace of the storage ( default if not provided )
* @ returns { object } - the local storage
* @ throws Error if the namespace is invalid
* /
export function openLocalStorage ( { userId , database = 'default' , namespace = [ 'default' ] } ) {
if ( ! userId ) userId = 'anon'
if ( ! Array . isArray ( namespace ) ) namespace = [ namespace ]
if ( SSR ) return createMemBackend ( userId , namespace )
let backend = newIdxDBBackend ( userId , database , namespace )
if ( ! backend ) {
console . warn ( 'no local storage backend available, fallback to in memory storage' )
backend = createMemBackend ( userId , namespace )
return backend
export async function listLocalStorages ( { userId , database } ) {
if ( SSR ) return [ ]
return await listIdxDBBackendNamespaces ( userId , database )
/ * *
* In memory storage backend ( volatile / dummy storage )
* /
function createMemBackend ( userId , namespace ) {
const joinedNamespace = userId + ':' + namespace . join ( ':' )
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let memory
if ( SSR ) {
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memory = { }
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} else {
if ( ! window . snMemStorage ) window . snMemStorage = { }
memory = window . snMemStorage [ joinedNamespace ]
if ( ! memory ) window . snMemStorage [ joinedNamespace ] = memory = { }
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return {
set : ( key , value ) => { memory [ key ] = value } ,
get : ( key ) => memory [ key ] ,
unset : ( key ) => { delete memory [ key ] } ,
clear : ( ) => { Object . keys ( memory ) . forEach ( key => delete memory [ key ] ) } ,
list : ( ) => Object . keys ( memory ) ,
close : ( ) => { }
/ * *
* Open an IndexedDB connection
* @ param { * } userId
* @ param { * } database
* @ param { * } onupgradeneeded
* @ param { * } queue
* @ returns { object } - an open connection
* @ throws Error if the connection cannot be opened
* /
async function openIdxDB ( userId , database , onupgradeneeded , queue ) {
const fullDbName = ` ${ database } : ${ userId } `
// we keep a reference to every open indexed db connection
// to reuse them whenever possible
if ( window && ! window . snIdxDB ) window . snIdxDB = { }
let openConnection = window ? . snIdxDB ? . [ fullDbName ]
const close = ( ) => {
const conn = openConnection
conn . ref --
if ( conn . ref === 0 ) { // close the connection for real if nothing is using it
if ( window ? . snIdxDB ) delete window . snIdxDB [ fullDbName ]
queue . enqueue ( ( ) => {
conn . db . close ( )
} )
// if for any reason the connection is outdated, we close it
if ( openConnection && openConnection . version !== VERSION ) {
close ( )
openConnection = undefined
// an open connections is not available, so we create a new one
if ( ! openConnection ) {
openConnection = {
version : VERSION ,
ref : 1 , // we need a ref count to know when to close the connection for real
db : null ,
openConnection . db = await new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
const request = window . indexedDB . open ( fullDbName , VERSION )
request . onupgradeneeded = ( event ) => {
const db = event . target . result
if ( onupgradeneeded ) onupgradeneeded ( db )
request . onsuccess = ( event ) => {
const db = event . target . result
if ( ! db ? . transaction ) reject ( new Error ( 'unsupported implementation' ) )
else resolve ( db )
request . onerror = reject
} )
window . snIdxDB [ fullDbName ] = openConnection
} else {
// increase the reference count
openConnection . ref ++
return openConnection
/ * *
* An IndexedDB based persistent storage
* @ param { string } userId - the user that owns the storage
* @ param { string } database - the database name
* @ returns { object } - an indexedDB persistent storage
* @ throws Error if the namespace is invalid
* /
function newIdxDBBackend ( userId , database , namespace ) {
if ( ! window . indexedDB ) return undefined
if ( ! namespace ) throw new Error ( 'missing namespace' )
if ( ! Array . isArray ( namespace ) || ! namespace . length || namespace . find ( n => ! n || typeof n !== 'string' ) ) throw new Error ( 'invalid namespace. must be a non-empty array of strings' )
if ( namespace . find ( n => n . includes ( ':' ) ) ) throw new Error ( 'invalid namespace. must not contain ":"' )
namespace = namespace . join ( ':' )
const queue = createTaskQueue ( )
let openConnection = null
const initialize = async ( ) => {
if ( ! openConnection ) {
openConnection = await openIdxDB ( userId , database , ( db ) => {
db . createObjectStore ( database , { keyPath : [ 'namespace' , 'key' ] } )
} , queue )
return {
set : async ( key , value ) => {
await queue . enqueue ( async ( ) => {
await initialize ( )
const tx = openConnection . db . transaction ( [ database ] , 'readwrite' )
const objectStore = tx . objectStore ( database )
objectStore . put ( { namespace , key , value } )
await new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
tx . oncomplete = resolve
tx . onerror = reject
} )
} )
} ,
get : async ( key ) => {
return await queue . enqueue ( async ( ) => {
await initialize ( )
const tx = openConnection . db . transaction ( [ database ] , 'readonly' )
const objectStore = tx . objectStore ( database )
const request = objectStore . get ( [ namespace , key ] )
return await new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
request . onsuccess = ( ) => resolve ( request . result ? . value )
request . onerror = reject
} )
} )
} ,
unset : async ( key ) => {
await queue . enqueue ( async ( ) => {
await initialize ( )
const tx = openConnection . db . transaction ( [ database ] , 'readwrite' )
const objectStore = tx . objectStore ( database )
objectStore . delete ( [ namespace , key ] )
await new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
tx . oncomplete = resolve
tx . onerror = reject
} )
} )
} ,
clear : async ( ) => {
await queue . enqueue ( async ( ) => {
await initialize ( )
const tx = openConnection . db . transaction ( [ database ] , 'readwrite' )
const objectStore = tx . objectStore ( database )
objectStore . clear ( )
await new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
tx . oncomplete = resolve
tx . onerror = reject
} )
} )
} ,
list : async ( ) => {
return await queue . enqueue ( async ( ) => {
await initialize ( )
const tx = openConnection . db . transaction ( [ database ] , 'readonly' )
const objectStore = tx . objectStore ( database )
const keys = [ ]
return await new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
const request = objectStore . openCursor ( )
request . onsuccess = ( event ) => {
const cursor = event . target . result
if ( cursor ) {
if ( cursor . key [ 0 ] === namespace ) {
keys . push ( cursor . key [ 1 ] ) // Push only the 'key' part of the composite key
cursor . continue ( )
} else {
resolve ( keys )
request . onerror = reject
} )
} )
} ,
close : async ( ) => {
queue . enqueue ( async ( ) => {
if ( openConnection ) await openConnection . close ( )
} )
/ * *
* List all the namespaces used in an IndexedDB database
* @ param { * } userId - the user that owns the storage
* @ param { * } database - the database name
* @ returns { array } - an array of namespace names
* /
async function listIdxDBBackendNamespaces ( userId , database ) {
if ( ! window ? . indexedDB ) return [ ]
const queue = createTaskQueue ( )
const openConnection = await openIdxDB ( userId , database , null , queue )
try {
const list = await queue . enqueue ( async ( ) => {
const objectStore = openConnection . db . transaction ( [ database ] , 'readonly' ) . objectStore ( database )
const namespaces = new Set ( )
return await new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
const request = objectStore . openCursor ( )
request . onsuccess = ( event ) => {
const cursor = event . target . result
if ( cursor ) {
namespaces . add ( cursor . key [ 0 ] )
cursor . continue ( )
} else {
resolve ( Array . from ( namespaces ) . map ( n => n . split ( ':' ) ) )
request . onerror = reject
} )
} )
return list
} finally {
openConnection . close ( )