diff --git a/components/wallet/_example.js b/components/wallet/_example.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e3ff788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/wallet/_example.js
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+import React from 'react'
+import { lnbitsSchema } from '@/lib/validate'
+// ~~~
+// DO THE SAME IN api/resolvers/wallet.js WITH THE `SERVER_WALLET_DEFS` ARRAY.
+// (these arrays are separate to avoid backend imports in frontend)
+// ~~~
+// This name is used to identify this wallet and thus must be unique.
+// It is used with the useWallet hook to select this wallet, see components/wallet/index.js.
+// [required]
+export const name = 'lnbits-as-an-example'
+// The form to configure this wallet is generated from these fields,
+// see the component in pages/settings/wallets/[wallet].js.
+// If you need to include React code, you need to use React.createElement
+// since the worker will also import this file and does not support JSX syntax.
+// If not handled otherwise in , field properties are simply
+// passed into or as props (component depends on 'type').
+// For example, the following fields will generate a config in this shape (depending on user inputs):
+// {
+// url: 'https://demo.lnbits.com/',
+// adminKey: 'a47acd6feba4489e9e99b256b4ae9049'
+// }
+// [required]
+export const fields = [
+ {
+ name: 'url',
+ label: 'lnbits url',
+ // 'type' can be 'text' or 'password'
+ type: 'text'
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'adminKey',
+ label: 'admin key',
+ type: 'password'
+ // see other wallets for more complex fields
+ }
+// Used to display information about this wallet to the user in the wallet list or during configuration,
+// see components/wallet-card.js and pages/settings/wallets/[wallet].js.
+// [required]
+export const card = {
+ title: 'LNbits',
+ // as mentioned above, you need to use React.createElement instead of JSX for more complex content
+ subtitle: React.createElement(
+ React.Fragment,
+ {},
+ 'use ',
+ React.createElement('a', { href: 'https://lnbits.com/', target: '_blank', rel: 'noreferrer' }, 'LNbits'),
+ ' for payments'),
+ badges: ['send only', 'non-custodialish']
+// The validation schema that will be used on the client and server during save
+// [required]
+export const schema = lnbitsSchema
+// This optional function will be called during save to abort the save if the configuration is invalid.
+// It receives the config and context as arguments.
+// It must throw an error if validation fails.
+// [optional]
+export async function validate (config, context) {
+ // what the config object will contain is determined by the fields array above
+ // const { url, adminKey } = config
+ // the context includes the logger and other useful stuff, see save method in components/wallet/index.js
+ const { logger } = context
+ // validate should log useful, wallet-specific information for the user
+ logger.info('running some wallet-specific validation')
+ // ...
+ // throw error if validation failed
+// If this wallet supports payments, you need to implement this function:
+// sendPayment: (bolt11, config, context) => Promise<{ preimage: string }>
+// [required for payments]
+export async function sendPayment (bolt11, config, context) {
+ // ...
+// If this wallet supports receiving, you need to implement this object.
+// [required for receiving]
+export const server = {
+ // This must match a WalletType enum value in the database
+ // since it will be used to fetch this wallet using the WALLET_BY_TYPE GraphQL query,
+ // see `useServerConfig` in components/wallet/index.js.
+ // [required]
+ walletType: 'LNBITS',
+ // This used must match a column of the 'Wallet' table
+ // since it will be used to save the wallet configuration.
+ // [required]
+ walletField: 'walletLNbits',
+ // This can be any name but it makes sense to use something appropriate here like 'upsertWallet'.
+ // This is used to generate the mutation during save (see `generateMutation` in components/wallets/index.js)
+ // and inject the corresponding resolver into the GraphQL schema
+ // (see `injectResolvers` in pages/api/resolvers/wallet.js.).
+ // [required]
+ resolverName: 'upsertWalletLNbits',
+ // Similar to validate above, this function should throw an error if the connection test fails.
+ // It is called on save on the server before writing the configuration to the database.
+ // As the name suggests, a good idea is to try to connect to the wallet and create an invoice in this function.
+ // [required]
+ testConnect: async (
+ // Wallet configuration as entered by the user
+ config,
+ // Context object with useful stuff, see `injectResolvers` in pages/api/resolvers/wallet.js.
+ {
+ me,
+ models,
+ addWalletLog,
+ lnService: { authenticatedLndGrpc, createInvoice },
+ cln: { createInvoice: clnCreateInvoice }
+ }
+ ) => {
+ // ...
+ // throw error if validation failed
+ // (logging errors is handled by calling context but you can add custom logging on success here)
+ },
+ // This function is called during autowithdrawals.
+ // It should return a bolt11 payment request.
+ //
+ // createInvoice: ({ amount, maxFee }, config, context) => Promise
+ //
+ createInvoice: async (
+ { amount, maxFee },
+ { socket, rune, cert },
+ // Context object with useful stuff, see `autowithdraw` function in worker/autowithdraw.js.
+ {
+ me,
+ models,
+ // SN LND node instance
+ lnd,
+ lnService: {
+ authenticatedLndGrpc,
+ createInvoice: lndCreateInvoice,
+ getIdentity,
+ decodePaymentRequest
+ },
+ cln: {
+ createInvoice: clnCreateInvoice
+ }
+ }
+ ) => {
+ // ... create invoice and return bolt11 that the SN node will pay
+ }