remove unused phoenix schema

This commit is contained in:
k00b 2024-10-25 17:12:08 -05:00
parent e96982c353
commit aa04adacea

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@ -220,27 +220,6 @@ export const lnAddrSchema = ({ payerData, min, max, commentAllowed } = {}) =>
return accum
}, {})))
export const phoenixdSchema = object().shape({
url: string().url().required('required').trim(),
primaryPassword: string().length(64).hex()
.when(['secondaryPassword'], ([secondary], schema) => {
if (!secondary) return schema.required('required if secondary password not set')
return schema.test({
test: primary => secondary !== primary,
message: 'primary password cannot be the same as secondary password'
secondaryPassword: string().length(64).hex()
.when(['primaryPassword'], ([primary], schema) => {
if (!primary) return schema.required('required if primary password not set')
return schema.test({
test: secondary => primary !== secondary,
message: 'secondary password cannot be the same as primary password'
}, ['primaryPassword', 'secondaryPassword'])
export function bountySchema (args) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,