Add image fees during item creation/update

* we calculate image fees during item creation and update now
* function imageFees returns queries which deduct fees from user and mark images as paid + fees
* queries need to be run inside same transaction as item creation/update
This commit is contained in:
ekzyis 2023-10-24 18:18:36 +02:00
parent 900592020f
commit ed3a681950
5 changed files with 123 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql'
import { ensureProtocol, removeTracking } from '../../lib/url'
import { serializeInvoicable } from './serial'
import serialize, { serializeInvoicable } from './serial'
import { decodeCursor, LIMIT, nextCursorEncoded } from '../../lib/cursor'
import { getMetadata, metadataRuleSets } from 'page-metadata-parser'
import { ruleSet as publicationDateRuleSet } from '../../lib/timedate-scraper'
@ -1090,10 +1090,14 @@ export const updateItem = async (parent, { sub: subName, forward, options,
item = { subName, userId:, ...item }
const fwdUsers = await getForwardUsers(models, forward)
const [imgQueriesFn, imgFees] = await imageFees(item.text, { models, me })
item = await serializeInvoicable(
models.$queryRawUnsafe(`${SELECT} FROM update_item($1::JSONB, $2::JSONB, $3::JSONB) AS "Item"`,
JSON.stringify(item), JSON.stringify(fwdUsers), JSON.stringify(options)),
{ models, lnd, hash, hmac, me }
models.$queryRawUnsafe(`${SELECT} FROM update_item($1::JSONB, $2::JSONB, $3::JSONB) AS "Item"`,
JSON.stringify(item), JSON.stringify(fwdUsers), JSON.stringify(options)),
{ models, lnd, hash, hmac, me, enforceFee: imgFees }
await createMentions(item, models)
@ -1123,7 +1127,8 @@ export const createItem = async (parent, { forward, options, ...item }, { me, mo
item.url = removeTracking(item.url)
const enforceFee = me ? undefined : (item.parentId ? ANON_COMMENT_FEE : (ANON_POST_FEE + (item.boost || 0)))
const [imgQueriesFn, imgFees] = await imageFees(item.text, { models, me })
const enforceFee = (me ? undefined : (item.parentId ? ANON_COMMENT_FEE : (ANON_POST_FEE + (item.boost || 0)))) + imgFees
item = await serializeInvoicable(
`${SELECT} FROM create_item($1::JSONB, $2::JSONB, $3::JSONB, '${spamInterval}'::INTERVAL) AS "Item"`,
@ -1131,6 +1136,10 @@ export const createItem = async (parent, { forward, options, ...item }, { me, mo
{ models, lnd, hash, hmac, me, enforceFee }
// TODO run image queries in same transaction as create_item
const imgQueries = imgQueriesFn(
if (imgQueries.length > 0) await serialize(models, ...imgQueries)
await createMentions(item, models)
await enqueueDeletionJob(item, models)
@ -1141,6 +1150,81 @@ export const createItem = async (parent, { forward, options, ...item }, { me, mo
return item
const AWS_S3_URL_REGEXP = new RegExp(`https://${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_AWS_UPLOAD_BUCKET}[0-9]+)`, 'g')
async function imageFees (text, { models, me }) {
// To apply image fees, we return queries which need to be run, preferably in the same transaction as creating or updating an item.
function queries (userId, imgIds, imgFees) {
return itemId => {
return [
// pay fees
models.$queryRawUnsafe('SELECT * FROM user_fee($1::INTEGER, $2::INTEGER, $3::BIGINT)', userId, itemId, imgFees),
// mark images as paid
models.upload.updateMany({ where: { id: { in: imgIds } }, data: { paid: true } })
// no text means no image fees
if (!text) return [itemId => [], 0]
// parse all s3 keys (= image ids) from text
const textS3Keys = [...text.matchAll(AWS_S3_URL_REGEXP)].map(m => Number(m[1]))
if (!textS3Keys.length) return [itemId => [], 0]
// we want to ignore image ids in text for which someone already paid during fee calculation
// to make sure that every image is only paid once
const unpaidS3Keys = (await models.upload.findMany({ select: { id: true }, where: { id: { in: textS3Keys }, paid: false } })).map(({ id }) => id)
const unpaid = unpaidS3Keys.length
if (!unpaid) return [itemId => [], 0]
if (!me) {
// anons pay for every new image 100 sats
const fees = unpaid * 100
return [queries(ANON_USER_ID, unpaidS3Keys, fees), fees]
// we want to ignore avatars during fee calculation
const { photoId } = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: } })
// check how much stacker uploaded in last 24 hours (excluding avatar)
const { _sum: { size: size24h } } = await models.upload.aggregate({
_sum: { size: true },
where: {
createdAt: { gt: datePivot(new Date(), { days: -1 }) },
paid: true,
id: photoId ? { not: photoId } : undefined
// check how much stacker uploaded now in size
const { _sum: { size: sizeNow } } = await models.upload.aggregate({
_count: { id: true },
_sum: { size: true },
where: { id: { in: unpaidS3Keys } }
// total size that we consider to calculate fees includes size of images within last 24 hours and size of incoming images
const size = size24h + sizeNow
const MB = 1024 * 1024 // factor for bytes -> megabytes
// 10 MB per 24 hours are free. fee is also 0 if there are no incoming images (obviously)
let fees
if (!sizeNow || size <= 10 * MB) {
fees = 0
} else if (size <= 25 * MB) {
fees = 10 * unpaid
} else if (size <= 50 * MB) {
fees = 100 * unpaid
} else if (size <= 100 * MB) {
fees = 1000 * unpaid
} else {
fees = 10000 * unpaid
return [queries(, unpaidS3Keys, fees), fees]
const clearDeletionJobs = async (item, models) => {
await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`DELETE FROM pgboss.job WHERE name = 'deleteItem' AND data->>'id' = '${}';`)

View File

@ -59,25 +59,29 @@ export default async function serialize (models, ...calls) {
export async function serializeInvoicable (query, { models, lnd, hash, hmac, me, enforceFee }) {
export async function serializeInvoicable (queries, { models, lnd, hash, hmac, me, enforceFee }) {
if (!me && !hash) {
throw new Error('you must be logged in or pay')
let trx = [query]
let trx = Array.isArray(queries) ? queries : [queries]
// save offset to the first query in arguments relative to queries that we will run
let queryOffset = 0
let invoice
if (hash) {
invoice = await checkInvoice(models, hash, hmac, enforceFee)
trx = [
models.$queryRaw`UPDATE users SET msats = msats + ${invoice.msatsReceived} WHERE id = ${}`,
models.invoice.update({ where: { hash: invoice.hash }, data: { confirmedAt: new Date() } })
// first query in arguments is now at index 1
queryOffset = 1
const results = await serialize(models, ...trx)
const result = trx.length > 1 ? results[1][0] : results[0]
const result = trx.length > 1 ? results[queryOffset][0] : results[0]
if (invoice?.isHeld) await settleHodlInvoice({ secret: invoice.preimage, lnd })

View File

@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ export default {
paid: avatar ? undefined : false
let uploadId

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
-- function to manually deduct fees from user, for example for images fees
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_fee(user_id INTEGER, item_id INTEGER, cost_msats BIGINT)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
user users;
user_msats BIGINT;
SELECT msats INTO user_msats FROM users WHERE id = user_id;
IF cost_msats > user_msats THEN
UPDATE users SET msats = msats - cost_msats WHERE id = user_id RETURNING * INTO user;
INSERT INTO "ItemAct" (msats, "itemId", "userId", act)
VALUES (cost_msats, item_id, user_id, 'FEE');
RETURN user;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ if (!imgProxyEnabled) {
const IMGPROXY_KEY = process.env.IMGPROXY_KEY
const AWS_S3_URL = `https://${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_AWS_UPLOAD_BUCKET}`
const cache = new Map()
@ -107,10 +106,6 @@ export const createImgproxyUrls = async (id, text, { models, forceFetch }) => {
url = decodeOriginalUrl(url)
console.log('[imgproxy] id:', id, '-- original url:', url)
if (url.startsWith(AWS_S3_URL)) {
const s3Key = url.split('/').pop()
await models.upload.update({ data: { itemId: Number(id) }, where: { id: Number(s3Key) } })
if (!(await isImageURL(url, { forceFetch }))) {
console.log('[imgproxy] id:', id, '-- not image url:', url)