const { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, HttpLink, gql } = require('@apollo/client') const ITEMS = gql` query items ($sort: String, $when: String, $sub: String) { items (sort: $sort, when: $when, sub: $sub) { cursor items { id title url ncomments sats company maxBid status location remote boost user { id name } } } } ` const client = new ApolloClient({ link: new HttpLink({ uri: '' }), cache: new InMemoryCache() }) const abbrNum = n => { if (n < 1e3) return n if (n >= 1e3 && n < 1e6) return +(n / 1e3).toFixed(1) + 'k' if (n >= 1e6 && n < 1e9) return +(n / 1e6).toFixed(1) + 'm' if (n >= 1e9 && n < 1e12) return +(n / 1e9).toFixed(1) + 'b' if (n >= 1e12) return +(n / 1e12).toFixed(1) + 't' } async function bountyWinner (q) { const BOUNTY = gql` query Search($q: String, $sort: String, $what: String, $when: String) { search(q: $q, sort: $sort, what: $what, when: $when) { items { id bountyPaidTo } } }` const WINNER = gql` query Item($id: ID!) { item(id: $id) { text sats imgproxyUrls user { name } } }` const bounty = await client.query({ query: BOUNTY, variables: { q: `${q} nym:sn`, sort: 'recent', what: 'posts', when: 'week' } }) try { const item = await client.query({ query: WINNER, variables: { id:[0].bountyPaidTo[0] } }) const winner = {, image: Object.values([0]?.['640w'] } return { bounty:[0].id, winner } } catch (e) { } } async function main () { const { quote } = await import('../lib/md.js') const top = await client.query({ query: ITEMS, variables: { sort: 'top', when: 'week' } }) const meta = await client.query({ query: ITEMS, variables: { sort: 'top', when: 'week', sub: 'meta' } }) const jobs = await client.query({ query: ITEMS, variables: { sub: 'jobs' } }) const topMeme = await bountyWinner('monday meme') const topFact = await bountyWinner('fun fact') process.stdout.write( `Happy Sat-urday Stackers, Have a great weekend! ##### Top Posts ${, 10).map((item, i) => `${i + 1}. [@${}](${}) [${item.title}](${}) - [${item.title}](${}) - ${abbrNum(item.sats)} sats${item.boost ? ` \\ ${abbrNum(item.boost)} boost` : ''} \\ ${item.ncomments} comments \\ [@${}](${})\n`).join('')} ##### Don't miss ${, i) => `- [${item.title}](${})\n`).join('')} [**all of this week's top posts**]( ------- ##### Top meta ${, 10).map((item, i) => `- [${item.title}](${})\n`).join('')} ------- ##### Top Monday meme \\ ${abbrNum(topMeme?.winner.sats)} sats \\ [@${topMeme?}](${topMeme?}) ![](${topMeme?.winner.image}) [**all monday memes**](${topMeme?.bounty}) ------ ##### Top Friday fun fact \\ ${abbrNum(topFact?.winner.sats)} sats \\ [@${topFact?}](${topFact?}) ${quote(topFact?.winner.text)} [**all friday fun facts**](${topFact.bounty}) ------ ##### Promoted jobs ${ => i.maxBid > 0 && i.status === 'ACTIVE').slice(0, 5).map((item, i) => `${i + 1}. [${item.title.trim()} \\ ${} \\ ${item.location}${item.remote ? ' or Remote' : ''}](${})\n`).join('')} [**all jobs**]( ------ Yeehaw, Keyan A guy who works on Stacker News [Watch]( or [Listen]( to SN's top stories every week.`) } main()