import { createContext, useContext, useEffect, useState, useCallback, useMemo } from 'react' import { Workbox } from 'workbox-window' import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client' import { detectOS, useServiceWorkerLogger } from './logger' const applicationServerKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_VAPID_PUBKEY const ServiceWorkerContext = createContext() // message types for communication between app and service worker export const MESSAGE_PORT = 'MESSAGE_PORT' // message to exchange message channel on which service worker will send messages back to app export const ACTION_PORT = 'ACTION_PORT' // message to exchange action channel on which service worker will send actions back to app export const SYNC_SUBSCRIPTION = 'SYNC_SUBSCRIPTION' // trigger onPushSubscriptionChange event in service worker manually export const RESUBSCRIBE = 'RESUBSCRIBE' // trigger resubscribing to push notifications (sw -> app) export const DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION = 'DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION' // delete subscription in IndexedDB (app -> sw) export const STORE_SUBSCRIPTION = 'STORE_SUBSCRIPTION' // store subscription in IndexedDB (app -> sw) export const STORE_OS = 'STORE_OS' // store OS in service worker export const ServiceWorkerProvider = ({ children }) => { const [registration, setRegistration] = useState(null) const [support, setSupport] = useState({ serviceWorker: undefined, pushManager: undefined }) const [permission, setPermission] = useState({ notification: undefined }) const [savePushSubscription] = useMutation( gql` mutation savePushSubscription( $endpoint: String! $p256dh: String! $auth: String! ) { savePushSubscription( endpoint: $endpoint p256dh: $p256dh auth: $auth ) { id } } `) const [deletePushSubscription] = useMutation( gql` mutation deletePushSubscription($endpoint: String!) { deletePushSubscription(endpoint: $endpoint) { id } } `) const logger = useServiceWorkerLogger() // I am not entirely sure if this is needed since at least in Brave, // using `registration.pushManager.subscribe` also prompts the user. // However, I am keeping this here since that's how it's done in most guides. // Could be that this is required for the `registration.showNotification` call // to work or that some browsers will break without this. const requestNotificationPermission = useCallback(() => { // return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { const permission = window.Notification.requestPermission(function (result) { resolve(result) }) if (permission) { permission.then(resolve, reject) } }).then(function (permission) { setPermission({ notification: permission }) if (permission === 'granted') return subscribeToPushNotifications() }) }) const subscribeToPushNotifications = async () => { // serviceWorker.controller is null on forced refreshes // see if (!navigator.serviceWorker.controller) { throw new Error('no active service worker found. try refreshing page.') } const subscribeOptions = { userVisibleOnly: true, applicationServerKey } // Brave users must enable a flag in brave://settings/privacy first // see let pushSubscription = await registration.pushManager.subscribe(subscribeOptions) const { endpoint } = pushSubscription'subscribed to push notifications', { endpoint }) // convert keys from ArrayBuffer to string pushSubscription = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pushSubscription)) // Send subscription to service worker to save it so we can use it later during `pushsubscriptionchange` // see navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage({ action: STORE_SUBSCRIPTION, subscription: pushSubscription })'sent STORE_SUBSCRIPTION to service worker', { endpoint }) // send subscription to server const variables = { endpoint, p256dh: pushSubscription.keys.p256dh, auth: pushSubscription.keys.auth } await savePushSubscription({ variables })'sent push subscription to server', { endpoint }) } const unsubscribeFromPushNotifications = async (subscription) => { await subscription.unsubscribe() const { endpoint } = subscription'unsubscribed from push notifications', { endpoint }) await deletePushSubscription({ variables: { endpoint } }) // also delete push subscription in IndexedDB so we can tell if the user disabled push subscriptions // or we lost the push subscription due to a bug navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage({ action: DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION })'deleted push subscription from server', { endpoint }) } const togglePushSubscription = useCallback(async () => { const pushSubscription = await registration.pushManager.getSubscription() if (pushSubscription) { return unsubscribeFromPushNotifications(pushSubscription) } return subscribeToPushNotifications().then(async () => { // request persistent storage: const persisted = await navigator?.storage?.persisted?.() if (!persisted && navigator?.storage?.persist) { return => {'persistent storage:', persistent) }).catch(logger.error) } }) }) useEffect(() => { setSupport({ serviceWorker: 'serviceWorker' in navigator, notification: 'Notification' in window, pushManager: 'PushManager' in window }) setPermission({ notification: 'Notification' in window ? window.Notification.permission : 'denied' }) if (!('serviceWorker' in navigator)) {'device does not support service worker') return } const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js', { scope: '/' }) wb.register().then(registration => {'service worker registration successful') setRegistration(registration) }) }, []) useEffect(() => { // wait until successful registration if (!registration) return // setup channel between app and service worker const channel = new MessageChannel() navigator?.serviceWorker?.controller?.postMessage({ action: ACTION_PORT }, [channel.port2]) channel.port1.onmessage = (event) => { if ( === RESUBSCRIBE && permission.notification === 'granted') { return subscribeToPushNotifications() } } // since (a lot of) browsers don't support the pushsubscriptionchange event, // we sync with server manually by checking on every page reload if the push subscription changed. // see navigator?.serviceWorker?.controller?.postMessage?.({ action: SYNC_SUBSCRIPTION })'sent SYNC_SUBSCRIPTION to service worker') navigator?.serviceWorker?.controller?.postMessage?.({ action: STORE_OS, os: detectOS() }) }, [registration, permission.notification]) const contextValue = useMemo(() => ({ registration, support, permission, requestNotificationPermission, togglePushSubscription }), [registration, support, permission, requestNotificationPermission, togglePushSubscription]) return ( {children} ) } export function useServiceWorker () { return useContext(ServiceWorkerContext) }