import { useMutation, useQuery, makeVar, useReactiveVar } from '@apollo/client' import { useMe } from '../me' import { useToast } from '../toast' import useIndexedDB, { getDbName } from '../use-indexeddb' import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react' import { E_VAULT_KEY_EXISTS } from '@/lib/error' import { CLEAR_VAULT, GET_VAULT_ENTRIES, UPDATE_VAULT_KEY } from '@/fragments/vault' import { toHex } from '@/lib/hex' import { decryptValue, encryptValue } from './use-vault' const useImperativeQuery = (query) => { const { refetch } = useQuery(query, { skip: true }) const imperativelyCallQuery = (variables) => { return refetch(variables) } return imperativelyCallQuery } // reactive variable to store the vault key shared by all vaults // so all vaults can react to changes in the vault key // an alternative is to create a vault context which may be more idiomatic(?) const keyReactiveVar = makeVar(null) export function useVaultConfigurator ({ onVaultKeySet, beforeDisconnectVault } = {}) { const { me } = useMe() const toaster = useToast() const idbConfig = useMemo(() => ({ dbName: getDbName(me?.id, 'vault'), storeName: 'vault', options: {} }), [me?.id]) const { set, get, remove } = useIndexedDB(idbConfig) const [updateVaultKey] = useMutation(UPDATE_VAULT_KEY) const getVaultEntries = useImperativeQuery(GET_VAULT_ENTRIES) const key = useReactiveVar(keyReactiveVar) const disconnectVault = useCallback(async () => { console.log('disconnecting vault') beforeDisconnectVault?.() await remove('key') keyReactiveVar(null) }, [remove, keyReactiveVar, beforeDisconnectVault]) useEffect(() => { if (!me) return (async () => { try { const localVaultKey = await get('key') if (localVaultKey?.hash && localVaultKey?.hash !== me?.privates?.vaultKeyHash) { // If the hash stored in the server does not match the hash of the local key, // we can tell that the key is outdated (reset by another device or other reasons) // in this case we clear the local key and let the user re-enter the passphrase console.log('vault key hash mismatch, clearing local key', localVaultKey?.hash, '!=', me?.privates?.vaultKeyHash) await disconnectVault() return } keyReactiveVar(localVaultKey) } catch (e) { console.error('error loading vault configuration', e) // toaster?.danger('error loading vault configuration ' + e.message) } })() }, [me?.privates?.vaultKeyHash, get, remove, keyReactiveVar, disconnectVault]) // clear vault: remove everything and reset the key const [clearVault] = useMutation(CLEAR_VAULT, { onCompleted: async () => { try { await remove('key') keyReactiveVar(null) } catch (e) { toaster.danger('error clearing vault ' + e.message) } } }) // initialize the vault and set a vault key const setVaultKey = useCallback(async (passphrase) => { try { const oldKeyValue = await get('key') const vaultKey = await deriveKey(, passphrase) const { data } = await getVaultEntries() const encrypt = async value => { return await encryptValue(vaultKey.key, value) } const entries = [] if (oldKeyValue?.key) { for (const { key, iv, value } of data.getVaultEntries) { const plainValue = await decryptValue(oldKeyValue.key, { iv, value }) entries.push({ key, ...await encrypt(plainValue) }) } } await updateVaultKey({ variables: { entries, hash: vaultKey.hash }, update: (cache, { data }) => { cache.modify({ id: `User:${}`, fields: { privates: (existing) => ({ ...existing, vaultKeyHash: vaultKey.hash }) } }) }, onError: (error) => { const errorCode = error.graphQLErrors[0]?.extensions?.code if (errorCode === E_VAULT_KEY_EXISTS) { throw new Error('wrong passphrase') } toaster.danger(error.graphQLErrors[0].message) } }) await set('key', vaultKey) onVaultKeySet?.(encrypt).catch(console.error) keyReactiveVar(vaultKey) } catch (e) { console.error('error setting vault key', e) toaster.danger(e.message) } }, [getVaultEntries, updateVaultKey, set, get, remove, onVaultKeySet, keyReactiveVar, me?.id]) return { key, setVaultKey, clearVault, disconnectVault } } /** * Derive a key to be used for the vault encryption * @param {string | number} userId - the id of the user (used for salting) * @param {string} passphrase - the passphrase to derive the key from * @returns {Promise<{key: CryptoKey, hash: string, extractable: boolean}>} an un-extractable CryptoKey and its hash */ async function deriveKey (userId, passphrase) { const enc = new TextEncoder() const keyMaterial = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', enc.encode(passphrase), { name: 'PBKDF2' }, false, ['deriveKey'] ) const key = await window.crypto.subtle.deriveKey( { name: 'PBKDF2', salt: enc.encode(`stacker${userId}`), // 600,000 iterations is recommended by OWASP // see iterations: 600_000, hash: 'SHA-256' }, keyMaterial, { name: 'AES-GCM', length: 256 }, true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ) const rawKey = await window.crypto.subtle.exportKey('raw', key) const hash = toHex(await window.crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', rawKey)) const unextractableKey = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', rawKey, { name: 'AES-GCM' }, false, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ) return { key: unextractableKey, hash } }