CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_values( min TIMESTAMP(3), max TIMESTAMP(3), ival INTERVAL, date_part TEXT, percentile_cutoff INTEGER DEFAULT 50, each_upvote_portion FLOAT DEFAULT 4.0, each_item_portion FLOAT DEFAULT 4.0, handicap_ids INTEGER[] DEFAULT '{616, 6030, 4502, 27}', handicap_zap_mult FLOAT DEFAULT 0.3) RETURNS TABLE ( t TIMESTAMP(3), id INTEGER, proportion FLOAT ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE min_utc TIMESTAMP(3) := timezone('utc', min AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago'); BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT period.t, u."userId", u.total_proportion FROM generate_series(min, max, ival) period(t), LATERAL (WITH item_ratios AS ( SELECT *, CASE WHEN "parentId" IS NULL THEN 'POST' ELSE 'COMMENT' END as type, CASE WHEN "weightedVotes" > 0 THEN "weightedVotes"/(sum("weightedVotes") OVER (PARTITION BY "parentId" IS NULL)) ELSE 0 END AS ratio FROM ( SELECT *, NTILE(100) OVER (PARTITION BY "parentId" IS NULL ORDER BY ("weightedVotes"-"weightedDownVotes") desc) AS percentile, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY "parentId" IS NULL ORDER BY ("weightedVotes"-"weightedDownVotes") desc) AS rank FROM "Item" WHERE date_trunc(date_part, created_at AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago') = period.t AND "weightedVotes" > 0 AND "deletedAt" IS NULL AND NOT bio AND ("invoiceActionState" IS NULL OR "invoiceActionState" = 'PAID') ) x WHERE x.percentile <= percentile_cutoff ), -- get top upvoters of top posts and comments upvoter_islands AS ( SELECT "ItemAct"."userId",, item_ratios.ratio, item_ratios."parentId", "ItemAct".msats as tipped, "ItemAct".created_at as acted_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by order by "ItemAct".created_at asc) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by, "ItemAct"."userId" order by "ItemAct".created_at asc) AS island FROM item_ratios JOIN "ItemAct" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = WHERE act = 'TIP' AND date_trunc(date_part, "ItemAct".created_at AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago') = period.t AND ("ItemAct"."invoiceActionState" IS NULL OR "ItemAct"."invoiceActionState" = 'PAID') ), -- isolate contiguous upzaps from the same user on the same item so that when we take the log -- of the upzaps it accounts for successive zaps and does not disproportionately reward them -- quad root of the total tipped upvoters AS ( SELECT "userId",, ratio, "parentId", GREATEST(power(sum(tipped) / 1000, 0.25), 0) as tipped, min(acted_at) as acted_at FROM upvoter_islands GROUP BY "userId",, ratio, "parentId", island HAVING CASE WHEN "parentId" IS NULL THEN sum(tipped) / 1000 > 40 ELSE sum(tipped) / 1000 > 20 END ), -- the relative contribution of each upvoter to the post/comment -- early component: 1/ln(early_rank + e - 1) -- tipped component: how much they tipped relative to the total tipped for the item -- multiplied by the relative rank of the item to the total items -- multiplied by the trust of the user upvoter_ratios AS ( SELECT "userId", sum((2*early_multiplier+1)*tipped_ratio*ratio) as upvoter_ratio, "parentId" IS NULL as "isPost", CASE WHEN "parentId" IS NULL THEN 'TIP_POST' ELSE 'TIP_COMMENT' END as type FROM ( SELECT *, 1.0/LN(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by order by acted_at asc) + EXP(1.0) - 1) AS early_multiplier, tipped::float/(sum(tipped) OVER (partition by tipped_ratio FROM upvoters WHERE tipped > 0 ) u JOIN users on "userId" = GROUP BY "userId", "parentId" IS NULL ), proportions AS ( SELECT "userId", NULL as id, type, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY "isPost" ORDER BY upvoter_ratio DESC) as rank, upvoter_ratio/(sum(upvoter_ratio) OVER (PARTITION BY "isPost"))/each_upvote_portion as proportion FROM upvoter_ratios WHERE upvoter_ratio > 0 UNION ALL SELECT "userId",, type, rank, ratio/each_item_portion as proportion FROM item_ratios ) SELECT "userId", sum(proportions.proportion) AS total_proportion FROM proportions GROUP BY "userId" HAVING sum(proportions.proportion) > 0.000001) u; END; $$; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY user_values_today; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY user_values_days;