import * as lnd from 'wallets/lnd/server' import * as cln from 'wallets/cln/server' import * as lnAddr from 'wallets/lightning-address/server' import * as lnbits from 'wallets/lnbits/server' import * as nwc from 'wallets/nwc/server' import * as phoenixd from 'wallets/phoenixd/server' import { addWalletLog } from '@/api/resolvers/wallet' import walletDefs from 'wallets/server' import { parsePaymentRequest } from 'ln-service' import { toPositiveNumber } from '@/lib/validate' import { PAID_ACTION_TERMINAL_STATES } from '@/lib/constants' import { withTimeout } from '@/lib/time' export default [lnd, cln, lnAddr, lnbits, nwc, phoenixd] const MAX_PENDING_INVOICES_PER_WALLET = 25 export async function createInvoice (userId, { msats, description, descriptionHash, expiry = 360 }, { models }) { // get the wallets in order of priority const wallets = await models.wallet.findMany({ where: { userId, enabled: true }, include: { user: true }, orderBy: [ { priority: 'asc' }, // use id as tie breaker (older wallet first) { id: 'asc' } ] }) msats = toPositiveNumber(msats) for (const wallet of wallets) { const w = walletDefs.find(w => w.walletType === wallet.type) try { const { walletType, walletField, createInvoice } = w const walletFull = await models.wallet.findFirst({ where: { userId, type: walletType }, include: { [walletField]: true } }) if (!walletFull || !walletFull[walletField]) { throw new Error(`no ${walletType} wallet found`) } // check for pending withdrawals const pendingWithdrawals = await models.withdrawl.count({ where: { walletId:, status: null } }) // and pending forwards const pendingForwards = await models.invoiceForward.count({ where: { walletId:, invoice: { actionState: { notIn: PAID_ACTION_TERMINAL_STATES } } } }) console.log('pending invoices', pendingWithdrawals + pendingForwards) if (pendingWithdrawals + pendingForwards >= MAX_PENDING_INVOICES_PER_WALLET) { throw new Error('wallet has too many pending invoices') } const invoice = await withTimeout( createInvoice({ msats, description: wallet.user.hideInvoiceDesc ? undefined : description, descriptionHash, expiry }, walletFull[walletField]), 10_000) const bolt11 = await parsePaymentRequest({ request: invoice }) if (BigInt(bolt11.mtokens) !== BigInt(msats)) { if (BigInt(bolt11.mtokens) > BigInt(msats)) { throw new Error(`invoice is for an amount greater than requested ${bolt11.mtokens} > ${msats}`) } if (BigInt(bolt11.mtokens) === 0n) { throw new Error('invoice is for 0 msats') } if (BigInt(msats) - BigInt(bolt11.mtokens) >= 1000n) { throw new Error(`invoice has a different satoshi amount ${bolt11.mtokens} !== ${msats}`) } await addWalletLog({ wallet, level: 'INFO', message: `wallet does not support msats so we floored ${msats} msats to nearest sat ${BigInt(bolt11.mtokens)} msats` }, { models }) } return { invoice, wallet } } catch (error) { console.error(error) await addWalletLog({ wallet, level: 'ERROR', message: `creating invoice for ${description ?? ''} failed: ` + error }, { models }) } } throw new Error('no wallet available') }