import { toPositiveNumber } from '@/lib/validate' import lndService from 'ln-service' const { lnd } = lndService.authenticatedLndGrpc({ cert: process.env.LND_CERT, macaroon: process.env.LND_MACAROON, socket: process.env.LND_SOCKET }) // Check LND GRPC connection lndService.getWalletInfo({ lnd }, (err, result) => { if (err) { console.error('LND GRPC connection error') return } console.log('LND GRPC connection successful') }) export async function estimateRouteFee ({ lnd, destination, tokens, mtokens, request, timeout }) { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { lnd.router.estimateRouteFee({ dest: Buffer.from(destination, 'hex'), amt_sat: tokens ? toPositiveNumber(tokens) : toPositiveNumber(BigInt(mtokens) / BigInt(1e3)), payment_request: request, timeout }, (err, res) => { if (err) { reject(err) return } if (res?.failure_reason) { reject(new Error(`Unable to estimate route: ${res.failure_reason}`)) return } if (res.routing_fee_msat < 0 || res.time_lock_delay <= 0) { reject(new Error('Unable to estimate route, excessive values: ' + JSON.stringify(res))) return } resolve({ routingFeeMsat: toPositiveNumber(res.routing_fee_msat), timeLockDelay: toPositiveNumber(res.time_lock_delay) }) }) }) } // created_height is the accepted_height, timeout is the expiry height // ln-service remaps the `htlcs` field of lookupInvoice to `payments` and // see: // and: export function hodlInvoiceCltvDetails (inv) { if (!inv.payments) { throw new Error('No payments found') } if (!inv.is_held) { throw new Error('Invoice is not held') } const acceptHeight = inv.payments.reduce((max, htlc) => { const createdHeight = toPositiveNumber(htlc.created_height) return createdHeight > max ? createdHeight : max }, 0) const expiryHeight = inv.payments.reduce((min, htlc) => { const timeout = toPositiveNumber(htlc.timeout) return timeout < min ? timeout : min }, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) return { expiryHeight: toPositiveNumber(expiryHeight), acceptHeight: toPositiveNumber(acceptHeight) } } export function getPaymentFailureStatus (withdrawal) { if (withdrawal && !withdrawal.is_failed) { throw new Error('withdrawal is not failed') } if (withdrawal?.failed.is_insufficient_balance) { return 'INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE' } else if (withdrawal?.failed.is_invalid_payment) { return 'INVALID_PAYMENT' } else if (withdrawal?.failed.is_pathfinding_timeout) { return 'PATHFINDING_TIMEOUT' } else if (withdrawal?.failed.is_route_not_found) { return 'ROUTE_NOT_FOUND' } return 'UNKNOWN_FAILURE' } export default lnd