const PLACEHOLDERS_NUM = 616 export function interval (when) { switch (when) { case 'week': return '1 week' case 'month': return '1 month' case 'year': return '1 year' case 'forever': return null default: return '1 day' } } export function timeUnit (when) { switch (when) { case 'week': case 'month': return 'day' case 'year': case 'forever': return 'month' default: return 'hour' } } export function withClause (when) { const ival = interval(when) const unit = timeUnit(when) return ` WITH range_values AS ( SELECT date_trunc('${unit}', ${ival ? "now_utc() - interval '" + ival + "'" : "'2021-06-07'::timestamp"}) as minval, date_trunc('${unit}', now_utc()) as maxval), times AS ( SELECT generate_series(minval, maxval, interval '1 ${unit}') as time FROM range_values ) ` } // HACKY AF this is a performance enhancement that allows us to use the created_at indices on tables export function intervalClause (when, table, and) { if (when === 'forever') { return and ? '' : 'TRUE' } return `"${table}".created_at >= now_utc() - interval '${interval(when)}' ${and ? 'AND' : ''} ` } export default { Query: { registrationGrowth: async (parent, { when }, { models }) => { return await models.$queryRaw( `${withClause(when)} SELECT time, json_build_array( json_build_object('name', 'referrals', 'value', count("referrerId")), json_build_object('name', 'organic', 'value', count( FILTER(WHERE id > ${PLACEHOLDERS_NUM}) - count("inviteId")) ) AS data FROM times LEFT JOIN users ON ${intervalClause(when, 'users', true)} time = date_trunc('${timeUnit(when)}', created_at) GROUP BY time ORDER BY time ASC`) }, spenderGrowth: async (parent, { when }, { models }) => { return await models.$queryRaw( `${withClause(when)} SELECT time, json_build_array( json_build_object('name', 'any', 'value', count(DISTINCT "userId")), json_build_object('name', 'jobs', 'value', count(DISTINCT "userId") FILTER (WHERE act = 'STREAM')), json_build_object('name', 'boost', 'value', count(DISTINCT "userId") FILTER (WHERE act = 'BOOST')), json_build_object('name', 'fees', 'value', count(DISTINCT "userId") FILTER (WHERE act = 'FEE')), json_build_object('name', 'tips', 'value', count(DISTINCT "userId") FILTER (WHERE act = 'TIP')), json_build_object('name', 'donation', 'value', count(DISTINCT "userId") FILTER (WHERE act = 'DONATION')) ) AS data FROM times LEFT JOIN ((SELECT "ItemAct".created_at, "userId", act::text as act FROM "ItemAct" WHERE ${intervalClause(when, 'ItemAct', false)}) UNION ALL (SELECT created_at, "userId", 'DONATION' as act FROM "Donation" WHERE ${intervalClause(when, 'Donation', false)})) u ON time = date_trunc('${timeUnit(when)}', u.created_at) GROUP BY time ORDER BY time ASC`) }, itemGrowth: async (parent, { when }, { models }) => { return await models.$queryRaw( `${withClause(when)} SELECT time, json_build_array( json_build_object('name', 'comments', 'value', count("parentId")), json_build_object('name', 'jobs', 'value', count("subName")), json_build_object('name', 'posts', 'value', count("Item".id)-count("parentId")-count("subName")) ) AS data FROM times LEFT JOIN "Item" ON ${intervalClause(when, 'Item', true)} time = date_trunc('${timeUnit(when)}', created_at) GROUP BY time ORDER BY time ASC`) }, spendingGrowth: async (parent, { when }, { models }) => { return await models.$queryRaw( `${withClause(when)} SELECT time, json_build_array( json_build_object('name', 'jobs', 'value', coalesce(floor(sum(CASE WHEN act = 'STREAM' THEN msats ELSE 0 END)/1000),0)), json_build_object('name', 'boost', 'value', coalesce(floor(sum(CASE WHEN act = 'BOOST' THEN msats ELSE 0 END)/1000),0)), json_build_object('name', 'fees', 'value', coalesce(floor(sum(CASE WHEN act NOT IN ('BOOST', 'TIP', 'STREAM', 'DONATION') THEN msats ELSE 0 END)/1000),0)), json_build_object('name', 'tips', 'value', coalesce(floor(sum(CASE WHEN act = 'TIP' THEN msats ELSE 0 END)/1000),0)), json_build_object('name', 'donations', 'value', coalesce(floor(sum(CASE WHEN act = 'DONATION' THEN msats ELSE 0 END)/1000),0)) ) AS data FROM times LEFT JOIN ((SELECT "ItemAct".created_at, msats, act::text as act FROM "ItemAct" WHERE ${intervalClause(when, 'ItemAct', false)}) UNION ALL (SELECT created_at, sats * 1000 as msats, 'DONATION' as act FROM "Donation" WHERE ${intervalClause(when, 'Donation', false)})) u ON time = date_trunc('${timeUnit(when)}', u.created_at) GROUP BY time ORDER BY time ASC`) }, stackerGrowth: async (parent, { when }, { models }) => { return await models.$queryRaw( `${withClause(when)} SELECT time, json_build_array( json_build_object('name', 'any', 'value', count(distinct user_id)), json_build_object('name', 'posts', 'value', count(distinct user_id) FILTER (WHERE type = 'POST')), json_build_object('name', 'comments', 'value', count(distinct user_id) FILTER (WHERE type = 'COMMENT')), json_build_object('name', 'rewards', 'value', count(distinct user_id) FILTER (WHERE type = 'EARN')), json_build_object('name', 'referrals', 'value', count(distinct user_id) FILTER (WHERE type = 'REFERRAL')) ) AS data FROM times LEFT JOIN ((SELECT "ItemAct".created_at, "Item"."userId" as user_id, CASE WHEN "Item"."parentId" IS NULL THEN 'POST' ELSE 'COMMENT' END as type FROM "ItemAct" JOIN "Item" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id WHERE ${intervalClause(when, 'ItemAct', true)} "ItemAct".act = 'TIP') UNION ALL (SELECT created_at, "userId" as user_id, 'EARN' as type FROM "Earn" WHERE ${intervalClause(when, 'Earn', false)}) UNION ALL (SELECT created_at, "referrerId" as user_id, 'REFERRAL' as type FROM "ReferralAct" WHERE ${intervalClause(when, 'ReferralAct', false)})) u ON time = date_trunc('${timeUnit(when)}', u.created_at) GROUP BY time ORDER BY time ASC`) }, stackingGrowth: async (parent, { when }, { models }) => { return await models.$queryRaw( `${withClause(when)} SELECT time, json_build_array( json_build_object('name', 'rewards', 'value', coalesce(floor(sum(airdrop)/1000),0)), json_build_object('name', 'posts', 'value', coalesce(floor(sum(post)/1000),0)), json_build_object('name', 'comments', 'value', coalesce(floor(sum(comment)/1000),0)), json_build_object('name', 'referrals', 'value', coalesce(floor(sum(referral)/1000),0)) ) AS data FROM times LEFT JOIN ((SELECT "ItemAct".created_at, 0 as airdrop, CASE WHEN "Item"."parentId" IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE "ItemAct".msats END as comment, CASE WHEN "Item"."parentId" IS NULL THEN "ItemAct".msats ELSE 0 END as post, 0 as referral FROM "ItemAct" JOIN "Item" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id WHERE ${intervalClause(when, 'ItemAct', true)} "ItemAct".act = 'TIP') UNION ALL (SELECT created_at, 0 as airdrop, 0 as post, 0 as comment, msats as referral FROM "ReferralAct" WHERE ${intervalClause(when, 'ReferralAct', false)}) UNION ALL (SELECT created_at, msats as airdrop, 0 as post, 0 as comment, 0 as referral FROM "Earn" WHERE ${intervalClause(when, 'Earn', false)})) u ON time = date_trunc('${timeUnit(when)}', u.created_at) GROUP BY time ORDER BY time ASC`) } } }