UPDATE "Sub" SET "rewardsPct" = 30; -- account for comments in rewards CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rewards(min TIMESTAMP(3), max TIMESTAMP(3), ival INTERVAL, date_part TEXT) RETURNS TABLE ( t TIMESTAMP(3), total BIGINT, donations BIGINT, fees BIGINT, boost BIGINT, jobs BIGINT, anons_stack BIGINT ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT period.t, coalesce(FLOOR(sum(msats)), 0)::BIGINT as total, coalesce(FLOOR(sum(msats) FILTER(WHERE type = 'DONATION')), 0)::BIGINT as donations, coalesce(FLOOR(sum(msats) FILTER(WHERE type NOT IN ('BOOST', 'STREAM', 'DONATION', 'ANON'))), 0)::BIGINT as fees, coalesce(FLOOR(sum(msats) FILTER(WHERE type = 'BOOST')), 0)::BIGINT as boost, coalesce(FLOOR(sum(msats) FILTER(WHERE type = 'STREAM')), 0)::BIGINT as jobs, coalesce(FLOOR(sum(msats) FILTER(WHERE type = 'ANON')), 0)::BIGINT as anons_stack FROM generate_series(min, max, ival) period(t), LATERAL ( (SELECT ("ItemAct".msats - COALESCE("ReferralAct".msats, 0)) * COALESCE("Sub"."rewardsPct", 100) * 0.01 as msats, act::text as type FROM "ItemAct" JOIN "Item" ON "Item"."id" = "ItemAct"."itemId" LEFT JOIN "Item" root ON "Item"."rootId" = root.id JOIN "Sub" ON "Sub"."name" = COALESCE(root."subName", "Item"."subName") LEFT JOIN "ReferralAct" ON "ReferralAct"."itemActId" = "ItemAct".id WHERE date_trunc(date_part, "ItemAct".created_at AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago') = period.t AND "ItemAct".act <> 'TIP' AND ("ItemAct"."invoiceActionState" IS NULL OR "ItemAct"."invoiceActionState" = 'PAID')) UNION ALL (SELECT sats * 1000 as msats, 'DONATION' as type FROM "Donation" WHERE date_trunc(date_part, "Donation".created_at AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago') = period.t) UNION ALL -- any earnings from anon's stack that are not forwarded to other users (SELECT "ItemAct".msats, 'ANON' as type FROM "Item" JOIN "ItemAct" ON "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id LEFT JOIN "ItemForward" ON "ItemForward"."itemId" = "Item".id WHERE "Item"."userId" = 27 AND "ItemAct".act = 'TIP' AND date_trunc(date_part, "ItemAct".created_at AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago') = period.t AND ("ItemAct"."invoiceActionState" IS NULL OR "ItemAct"."invoiceActionState" = 'PAID') GROUP BY "ItemAct".id, "ItemAct".msats HAVING COUNT("ItemForward".id) = 0) ) x GROUP BY period.t; END; $$;