function trust ({ boss, models }) { return async function () { console.log('doing trust') const graph = await getGraph(models) const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name: process.env.WOT_SOURCE || 'k00b' } }) const trust = await trustGivenGraph(graph, await storeTrust(models, trust) console.log('done doing trust') } } // only explore a path up to this depth from start const MAX_DEPTH = 6 const MAX_TRUST = 0.9 function pathsOverlap (arr1 = [], arr2 = []) { const dp = new Array(arr1.length + 1).fill(0).map(() => new Array(arr2.length + 1).fill(0)) for (let i = arr1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (let j = arr2.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (arr1[i] === arr2[j]) { dp[i][j] = dp[i + 1][j + 1] + 1 if (dp[i][j] > 1) { return true } } else { dp[i][j] = 0 } } } return false } /* This approximates an upper bound of trust given a list of indepent trust values ... we basically are compressing a trust vector into a single value without having to compute the trust using the inclusion-exclusion principle */ function boundedTrust (probs) { const max = Math.max(...probs) const sum = probs.reduce((a, c) => a + c) const trust = sum - max * (sum - max) return Math.min(trust, MAX_TRUST) } /* Given the paths to each node and the accumulated trust along that path this function returns an object where the keys are the node ids and their value is the trust of that node */ function trustGivenPaths (paths) { const trust = {} for (const [node, npaths] of Object.entries(paths)) { trust[node] = boundedTrust(Object.values(npaths)) } return trust } /* Given a graph and start this function returns an object where the keys are the node id and their value is the trust of that node */ function trustGivenGraph (graph, start) { const queue = [] // queue of to be visited nodes queue.push(start) // visit start first const depth = {} // store the node depth ... XXX space inefficient depth[start] = 0 // start node is depth 0 const paths = {} // { node : { path to node as stringified json array : trust } } paths[start] = { '[]': 1 } // the paths to start is an empty path with trust of 1 // while we have nodes to visit while (queue.length > 0) { const node = queue.shift() if (depth[node] === MAX_DEPTH) break if (!graph[node]) { // node doesn't have outbound edges continue } // for all of this nodes outbound edges for (let i = 0; i < graph[node].length; i++) { const { node: sibling, trust } = graph[node][i] let explore = false // for all existing paths to this node for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(paths[node])) { const parentPath = JSON.parse(key) if (parentPath.includes(sibling)) { // sibling already exists on a path to us, ie this would be a cycle continue } // add this path to sibling const path = JSON.stringify([...parentPath, node]) paths[sibling] = paths[sibling] || {} // if this sibling has not been visited along this path if (!paths[sibling][path]) { // here we exclude paths that aren't disjoint - they mininally contribute // to trust so we just exclude them, yielding a very small underestimation // of trust while reducing the number of paths we have to explore let disjoint = true // for all the paths to sibling for (const [key2] of Object.entries(paths[sibling])) { // if this existing path to sibling contains overlap with the // path we're exploring, ignore it const otherPath = JSON.parse(key2) const parsedPath = JSON.parse(path) if (pathsOverlap(otherPath, parsedPath)) { disjoint = false break } } // if this path is disjoint with all existing paths to sibling if (disjoint) { // accumulate the trust along the path and store it paths[sibling][path] = value * trust explore = true } } } // if we shouldn't explore this sibling, don't queue it if (!explore) continue depth[sibling] = depth[node] + 1 queue.push(sibling) } } return trustGivenPaths(paths) } /* graph is returned as json in adjacency list where edges are the trust value 0-.9 graph = { node1 : [{node : node2, trust: trust12}, {node: node3, trust: trust13}], node2 : [{node : node1, trust: trust21}], node3 : [{node : node2, trust: trust32}], } */ async function getGraph (models) { const [{ graph }] = await models.$queryRaw` select json_object_agg(id, hops) as graph from ( select id, json_agg(json_build_object('node', oid, 'trust', trust)) as hops from ( select "ItemAct"."userId" as id, "Item"."userId" as oid, least(${MAX_TRUST}, count(*)/10.0) as trust from "ItemAct" join "Item" on "itemId" = "Item".id and "ItemAct"."userId" <> "Item"."userId" where "ItemAct".act = 'VOTE' group by "ItemAct"."userId", "Item"."userId" ) a group by id ) b` return graph } async function storeTrust (models, nodeTrust) { // convert nodeTrust into table literal string let values = '' for (const [id, trust] of Object.entries(nodeTrust)) { if (values) values += ',' values += `(${id}, ${trust})` } // update the trust of each user in graph await models.$executeRaw( `UPDATE users SET trust = FROM (values ${values}) g(id, trust) WHERE =`) } module.exports = { trust }