import { Form, MarkdownInput } from '../components/form' import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client' import styles from './reply.module.css' import { COMMENTS } from '../fragments/comments' import { useMe } from './me' import { forwardRef, useCallback, useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react' import Link from 'next/link' import { FeeButtonProvider, postCommentBaseLineItems, postCommentUseRemoteLineItems } from './fee-button' import { commentsViewedAfterComment } from '../lib/new-comments' import { commentSchema } from '../lib/validate' import { useToast } from './toast' import { toastDeleteScheduled } from '../lib/form' import { ItemButtonBar } from './post' import { useShowModal } from './modal' import { Button } from 'react-bootstrap' import { useRoot } from './root' import { commentSubTreeRootId } from '../lib/item' export function ReplyOnAnotherPage ({ item }) { const rootId = commentSubTreeRootId(item) let text = 'reply on another page' if (item.ncomments > 0) { text = 'view replies' } return ( {text} ) } export default forwardRef(function Reply ({ item, onSuccess, replyOpen, children, placeholder, onQuoteReply, onCancelQuote, quote }, ref) { const [reply, setReply] = useState(replyOpen || quote) const me = useMe() const parentId = const replyInput = useRef(null) const toaster = useToast() const showModal = useShowModal() const root = useRoot() const sub = item?.sub || root?.sub useEffect(() => { if (replyOpen || quote || !!window.localStorage.getItem('reply-' + parentId + '-' + 'text')) { setReply(true) } }, [replyOpen, quote, parentId]) const [upsertComment] = useMutation( gql` ${COMMENTS} mutation upsertComment($text: String!, $parentId: ID!, $hash: String, $hmac: String) { upsertComment(text: $text, parentId: $parentId, hash: $hash, hmac: $hmac) { ...CommentFields deleteScheduledAt comments { ...CommentsRecursive } } }`, { update (cache, { data: { upsertComment } }) { cache.modify({ id: `Item:${parentId}`, fields: { comments (existingCommentRefs = []) { const newCommentRef = cache.writeFragment({ data: upsertComment, fragment: COMMENTS, fragmentName: 'CommentsRecursive' }) return [newCommentRef, ...existingCommentRefs] } } }) const ancestors = item.path.split('.') // update all ancestors ancestors.forEach(id => { cache.modify({ id: `Item:${id}`, fields: { ncomments (existingNComments = 0) { return existingNComments + 1 } } }) }) // so that we don't see indicator for our own comments, we record this comments as the latest time // but we also have record num comments, in case someone else commented when we did const root = ancestors[0] commentsViewedAfterComment(root, upsertComment.createdAt) } } ) const onSubmit = useCallback(async ({ amount, hash, hmac, ...values }, { resetForm }) => { const { data } = await upsertComment({ variables: { parentId, hash, hmac, ...values } }) toastDeleteScheduled(toaster, data, 'upsertComment', false, values.text) resetForm({ text: '' }) setReply(replyOpen || false) }, [upsertComment, setReply, parentId]) useEffect(() => { if (replyInput.current && reply && !replyOpen) replyInput.current.focus() }, [reply]) const onCancel = useCallback(() => { window.localStorage.removeItem('reply-' + parentId + '-' + 'text') setReply(false) onCancelQuote?.() }, [setReply, parentId, onCancelQuote]) return (
{replyOpen ?
: (
{ if (reply) { const text = window.localStorage.getItem('reply-' + parentId + '-' + 'text') if (text?.trim()) { showModal(onClose => ( <>

Are you sure? You will lose your work

)) } else { onCancel() } } else { e.preventDefault() onQuoteReply?.({ selectionOnly: true }) setReply(true) } }} > {reply ? 'cancel' : 'reply'}
{/* HACK if we need more items, we should probably do a comment toolbar */} {children}
)} {reply &&
) }) export function ReplySkeleton () { return (
) }