import AccordianItem from './accordian-item' import { Input, InputUserSuggest, VariableInput, Checkbox } from './form' import InputGroup from 'react-bootstrap/InputGroup' import { BOOST_MIN, BOOST_MULT, MAX_FORWARDS } from '../lib/constants' import { DEFAULT_CROSSPOSTING_RELAYS } from '../lib/nostr' import Info from './info' import { numWithUnits } from '../lib/format' import styles from './adv-post-form.module.css' import { useMe } from './me' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { useFeeButton } from './fee-button' const EMPTY_FORWARD = { nym: '', pct: '' } export function AdvPostInitial ({ forward, boost }) { return { boost: boost || '', forward: forward?.length ? forward : [EMPTY_FORWARD] } } export default function AdvPostForm ({ children }) { const { me } = useMe() const router = useRouter() const { merge } = useFeeButton() return ( <AccordianItem header={<div style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '92%' }}>options</div>} body={ <> {children} <Input label={ <div className='d-flex align-items-center'>boost <Info> <ol className='fw-bold'> <li>Boost ranks posts higher temporarily based on the amount</li> <li>The minimum boost is {numWithUnits(BOOST_MIN, { abbreviate: false })}</li> <li>Each {numWithUnits(BOOST_MULT, { abbreviate: false })} of boost is equivalent to one trusted upvote <ul> <li>e.g. {numWithUnits(BOOST_MULT * 5, { abbreviate: false })} is like 5 votes</li> </ul> </li> <li>The decay of boost "votes" increases at 1.25x the rate of organic votes <ul> <li>i.e. boost votes fall out of ranking faster</li> </ul> </li> <li>100% of sats from boost are given back to top stackers as rewards</li> </ol> </Info> </div> } name='boost' onChange={(_, e) => merge({ boost: { term: `+ ${}`, label: 'boost', modifier: cost => cost + Number( } })} hint={<span className='text-muted'>ranks posts higher temporarily based on the amount</span>} append={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>sats</InputGroup.Text>} /> <VariableInput label='forward sats to' name='forward' min={0} max={MAX_FORWARDS} emptyItem={EMPTY_FORWARD} hint={<span className='text-muted'>Forward sats to up to 5 other stackers. Any remaining sats go to you.</span>} > {({ index, placeholder }) => { return ( <div key={index} className='d-flex flex-row'> <InputUserSuggest name={`forward[${index}].nym`} prepend={<InputGroup.Text>@</InputGroup.Text>} showValid groupClassName={`${} me-3 mb-0`} /> <Input name={`forward[${index}].pct`} type='number' step={5} min={1} max={100} append={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>%</InputGroup.Text>} groupClassName={`${styles.percent} mb-0`} /> </div> ) }} </VariableInput> {me && router.query.type === 'discussion' && <Checkbox label={ <div className='d-flex align-items-center'>crosspost to nostr <Info> <ul className='fw-bold'> <li>crosspost this discussion item to nostr</li> <li>requires NIP-07 extension for signing</li> <li>we use your NIP-05 relays if set</li> <li>otherwise we default to these relays:</li> <ul> {, i) => ( <li key={i}>{relay}</li> ))} </ul> </ul> </Info> </div> } name='crosspost' />} </> } /> ) }