import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button' import InputGroup from 'react-bootstrap/InputGroup' import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react' import { Form, Input, SubmitButton } from './form' import { useMe } from './me' import UpBolt from '@/svgs/bolt.svg' import { amountSchema, boostSchema } from '@/lib/validate' import { useToast } from './toast' import { useLightning } from './lightning' import { nextTip, defaultTipIncludingRandom } from './upvote' import { ZAP_UNDO_DELAY_MS } from '@/lib/constants' import { usePaidMutation } from './use-paid-mutation' import { ACT_MUTATION } from '@/fragments/paidAction' import { meAnonSats } from '@/lib/apollo' import { BoostItemInput } from './adv-post-form' import { useSendWallets } from '@/wallets/index' const defaultTips = [100, 1000, 10_000, 100_000] const Tips = ({ setOValue }) => { const tips = [...getCustomTips(), ...defaultTips].sort((a, b) => a - b) return, i) => <Button size='sm' className={`${i > 0 ? 'ms-2' : ''} mb-2`} key={num} onClick={() => { setOValue(num) }} > <UpBolt className='me-1' width={14} height={14} />{num} </Button>) } const getCustomTips = () => JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('custom-tips')) || [] const addCustomTip = (amount) => { if (defaultTips.includes(amount)) return let customTips = Array.from(new Set([amount, ...getCustomTips()])) if (customTips.length > 3) { customTips = customTips.slice(0, 3) } window.localStorage.setItem('custom-tips', JSON.stringify(customTips)) } const setItemMeAnonSats = ({ id, amount }) => { const reactiveVar = meAnonSats[id] const existingAmount = reactiveVar() reactiveVar(existingAmount + amount) // save for next page load const storageKey = `TIP-item:${id}` window.localStorage.setItem(storageKey, existingAmount + amount) } function BoostForm ({ step, onSubmit, children, item, oValue, inputRef, act = 'BOOST' }) { return ( <Form initial={{ amount: step }} schema={boostSchema} onSubmit={onSubmit} > <BoostItemInput label='add boost' act name='amount' type='number' innerRef={inputRef} sub={item.sub} step={step} required autoFocus item={item} /> <div className='d-flex mt-3'> <SubmitButton variant='success' className='ms-auto mt-1 px-4' value={act}> boost </SubmitButton> </div> {children} </Form> ) } export default function ItemAct ({ onClose, item, act = 'TIP', step, children, abortSignal }) { const inputRef = useRef(null) const { me } = useMe() const wallets = useSendWallets() const [oValue, setOValue] = useState() useEffect(() => { inputRef.current?.focus() }, [onClose,]) const actor = useAct() const strike = useLightning() const onSubmit = useCallback(async ({ amount }) => { if (abortSignal && zapUndoTrigger({ me, amount })) { onClose?.() try { await abortSignal.pause({ me, amount }) } catch (error) { if (error instanceof ActCanceledError) { return } } } const onPaid = () => { strike() onClose?.() if (!me) setItemMeAnonSats({ id:, amount }) } const closeImmediately = wallets.length > 0 || me?.privates?.sats > Number(amount) if (closeImmediately) { onPaid() } const { error } = await actor({ variables: { id:, sats: Number(amount), act, hasSendWallet: wallets.length > 0 }, optimisticResponse: me ? { act: { __typename: 'ItemActPaidAction', result: { id:, sats: Number(amount), act, path: item.path } } } : undefined, // don't close modal immediately because we want the QR modal to stack onPaid: closeImmediately ? undefined : onPaid }) if (error) throw error addCustomTip(Number(amount)) }, [me, actor, wallets.length, act,, onClose, abortSignal, strike]) return act === 'BOOST' ? <BoostForm step={step} onSubmit={onSubmit} item={item} inputRef={inputRef} act={act}>{children}</BoostForm> : ( <Form initial={{ amount: defaultTipIncludingRandom(me?.privates) || defaultTips[0] }} schema={amountSchema} onSubmit={onSubmit} > <Input label='amount' name='amount' type='number' innerRef={inputRef} overrideValue={oValue} step={step} required autoFocus append={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>sats</InputGroup.Text>} /> <div> <Tips setOValue={setOValue} /> </div> <div className='d-flex mt-3'> <SubmitButton variant={act === 'DONT_LIKE_THIS' ? 'danger' : 'success'} className='ms-auto mt-1 px-4' value={act}> {act === 'DONT_LIKE_THIS' ? 'downzap' : 'zap'} </SubmitButton> </div> {children} </Form>) } function modifyActCache (cache, { result, invoice }, me) { if (!result) return const { id, sats, act } = result const p2p = invoice?.invoiceForward cache.modify({ id: `Item:${id}`, fields: { sats (existingSats = 0) { if (act === 'TIP') { return existingSats + sats } return existingSats }, credits (existingCredits = 0) { if (act === 'TIP' && !p2p) { return existingCredits + sats } return existingCredits }, meSats: (existingSats = 0) => { if (act === 'TIP' && me) { return existingSats + sats } return existingSats }, meCredits: (existingCredits = 0) => { if (act === 'TIP' && !p2p && me) { return existingCredits + sats } return existingCredits }, meDontLikeSats: (existingSats = 0) => { if (act === 'DONT_LIKE_THIS') { return existingSats + sats } return existingSats }, boost: (existingBoost = 0) => { if (act === 'BOOST') { return existingBoost + sats } return existingBoost } }, optimistic: true }) } // doing this onPaid fixes issue #1695 because optimistically updating all ancestors // conflicts with the writeQuery on navigation from SSR function updateAncestors (cache, { result, invoice }) { if (!result) return const { id, sats, act, path } = result const p2p = invoice?.invoiceForward if (act === 'TIP') { // update all ancestors path.split('.').forEach(aId => { if (Number(aId) === Number(id)) return cache.modify({ id: `Item:${aId}`, fields: { commentCredits (existingCommentCredits = 0) { if (p2p) { return existingCommentCredits } return existingCommentCredits + sats }, commentSats (existingCommentSats = 0) { return existingCommentSats + sats } }, optimistic: true }) }) } } export function useAct ({ query = ACT_MUTATION, ...options } = {}) { const { me } = useMe() // because the mutation name we use varies, // we need to extract the result/invoice from the response const getPaidActionResult = data => Object.values(data)[0] const wallets = useSendWallets() const [act] = usePaidMutation(query, { waitFor: inv => // if we have attached wallets, we might be paying a wrapped invoice in which case we need to make sure // we don't prematurely consider the payment as successful (important for receiver fallbacks) wallets.length > 0 ? inv?.actionState === 'PAID' : inv?.satsReceived > 0, ...options, update: (cache, { data }) => { const response = getPaidActionResult(data) if (!response) return modifyActCache(cache, response, me) options?.update?.(cache, { data }) }, onPayError: (e, cache, { data }) => { const response = getPaidActionResult(data) if (!response || !response.result) return const { result: { sats } } = response const negate = { ...response, result: { ...response.result, sats: -1 * sats } } modifyActCache(cache, negate, me) options?.onPayError?.(e, cache, { data }) }, onPaid: (cache, { data }) => { const response = getPaidActionResult(data) if (!response) return updateAncestors(cache, response) options?.onPaid?.(cache, { data }) } }) return act } export function useZap () { const wallets = useSendWallets() const act = useAct() const strike = useLightning() const toaster = useToast() return useCallback(async ({ item, me, abortSignal }) => { const meSats = (item?.meSats || 0) // add current sats to next tip since idempotent zaps use desired total zap not difference const sats = nextTip(meSats, { }) const variables = { id:, sats, act: 'TIP', hasSendWallet: wallets.length > 0 } const optimisticResponse = { act: { __typename: 'ItemActPaidAction', result: { path: item.path, ...variables } } } try { await abortSignal.pause({ me, amount: sats }) strike() // batch zaps if wallet is enabled or using fee credits so they can be executed serially in a single request const { error } = await act({ variables, optimisticResponse, context: { batch: wallets.length > 0 || me?.privates?.sats > sats } }) if (error) throw error } catch (error) { if (error instanceof ActCanceledError) { return } // TODO: we should selectively toast based on error type // but right now this toast is noisy for optimistic zaps console.error(error) } }, [act, toaster, strike, wallets.length]) } export class ActCanceledError extends Error { constructor () { super('act canceled') = 'ActCanceledError' } } export class ZapUndoController extends AbortController { constructor ({ onStart = () => {}, onDone = () => {} }) { super() this.signal.start = onStart this.signal.done = onDone this.signal.pause = async ({ me, amount }) => { if (zapUndoTrigger({ me, amount })) { await zapUndo(this.signal, amount) } } } } const zapUndoTrigger = ({ me, amount }) => { if (!me) return false const enabled = me.privates.zapUndos !== null return enabled ? amount >= me.privates.zapUndos : false } const zapUndo = async (signal, amount) => { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { signal.start(amount) const abortHandler = () => { reject(new ActCanceledError()) signal.done() signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortHandler) } signal.addEventListener('abort', abortHandler) setTimeout(() => { resolve() signal.done() signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortHandler) }, ZAP_UNDO_DELAY_MS) }) }