import { UserInputError, AuthenticationError } from 'apollo-server-micro' const createItem = async (parent, { title, text, url, parentId }, { me, models }) => { if (!me) { throw new AuthenticationError('You must be logged in') } const data = { title, url, text, user: { connect: { name: } } } if (parentId) { data.parent = { connect: { id: parseInt(parentId) } } } return await models.item.create({ data }) } export default { Query: { items: async (parent, args, { models }) => { return await models.$queryRaw(` SELECT id, "created_at" as "createdAt", title, url, text, "userId", ltree2text("path") AS "path" FROM "Item" WHERE "parentId" IS NULL ORDER BY "path"`) }, item: async (parent, { id }, { models }) => { const res = await models.$queryRaw(` SELECT id, "created_at" as "createdAt", title, url, text, "parentId", "userId", ltree2text("path") AS "path" FROM "Item" WHERE id = ${id} ORDER BY "path"`) return res.length ? res[0] : null }, ncomments: async (parent, { parentId }, { models }) => { return await models.$queryRaw(` SELECT id, "created_at" as "createdAt", title, url, text, "userId", ltree2text("path") AS "path" FROM "Item" ORDER BY "path"`) } }, Mutation: { createLink: async (parent, { title, url }, { me, models }) => { if (!title) { throw new UserInputError('Link must have title', { argumentName: 'title' }) } if (!url) { throw new UserInputError('Link must have url', { argumentName: 'url' }) } return await createItem(parent, { title, url }, { me, models }) }, createDiscussion: async (parent, { title, text }, { me, models }) => { if (!title) { throw new UserInputError('Link must have title', { argumentName: 'title' }) } return await createItem(parent, { title, text }, { me, models }) }, createComment: async (parent, { text, parentId }, { me, models }) => { if (!text) { throw new UserInputError('Comment must have text', { argumentName: 'text' }) } if (!parentId) { throw new UserInputError('Comment must have parent', { argumentName: 'text' }) } return await createItem(parent, { text, parentId }, { me, models }) } }, Item: { user: async (item, args, { models }) => await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: item.userId } }), depth: async (item, args, { models }) => { if (item.path) { return item.path.split('.').length - 1 } // as the result of a mutation, path is not populated const [{ path }] = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT ltree2text("path") AS "path" FROM "Item" WHERE id = ${}` return path.split('.').length - 1 }, ncomments: async (item, args, { models }) => { const [{ count }] = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT count(*) FROM "Item" WHERE path <@ text2ltree(${}) AND id != ${}` return count }, sats: () => 0 } }