import { createHodlInvoice, createInvoice, settleHodlInvoice } from 'ln-service' import { datePivot } from '@/lib/time' import { USER_ID } from '@/lib/constants' import { createHmac } from '../resolvers/wallet' import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client' import { timingSafeEqual } from 'crypto' import * as ITEM_CREATE from './itemCreate' import * as ITEM_UPDATE from './itemUpdate' import * as ZAP from './zap' import * as DOWN_ZAP from './downZap' import * as POLL_VOTE from './pollVote' import * as TERRITORY_CREATE from './territoryCreate' import * as TERRITORY_UPDATE from './territoryUpdate' import * as TERRITORY_BILLING from './territoryBilling' import * as TERRITORY_UNARCHIVE from './territoryUnarchive' import * as DONATE from './donate' export const paidActions = { ITEM_CREATE, ITEM_UPDATE, ZAP, DOWN_ZAP, POLL_VOTE, TERRITORY_CREATE, TERRITORY_UPDATE, TERRITORY_BILLING, TERRITORY_UNARCHIVE, DONATE } export default async function performPaidAction (actionType, args, context) { try { const { me, models, hash, hmac, forceFeeCredits } = context const paidAction = paidActions[actionType]'performPaidAction', actionType, args) if (!paidAction) { throw new Error(`Invalid action type ${actionType}`) } if (!me && !paidAction.anonable) { throw new Error('You must be logged in to perform this action') } context.user = me ? await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: } }) : null context.cost = await paidAction.getCost(args, context) if (hash || hmac || !me) { console.log('hash or hmac provided, or anon, performing pessimistic action') return await performPessimisticAction(actionType, args, context) } const isRich = context.cost <= context.user.msats if (isRich) { try { console.log('enough fee credits available, performing fee credit action') return await performFeeCreditAction(actionType, args, context) } catch (e) { console.error('fee credit action failed', e) // if we fail to do the action with fee credits, but the cost is 0, we should bail if (context.cost === 0n) { throw e } // if we fail to do the action with fee credits, we should fall back to optimistic if (!paidAction.supportsOptimism) { console.error('action does not support optimism and fee credits failed, performing pessimistic action') return await performPessimisticAction(actionType, args, context) } } } else { // this is set if the worker executes a paid action in behalf of a user. // in that case, only payment via fee credits is possible // since there is no client to which we could send an invoice. // example: automated territory billing if (forceFeeCredits) { throw new Error('forceFeeCredits is set, but user does not have enough fee credits') } if (!paidAction.supportsOptimism) { console.log('not enough fee credits available, optimism not supported, performing pessimistic action') return await performPessimisticAction(actionType, args, context) } } if (paidAction.supportsOptimism) { console.log('performing optimistic action') return await performOptimisticAction(actionType, args, context) } throw new Error(`This action ${actionType} could not be done`) } catch (e) { console.error('performPaidAction failed', e) throw e } finally { console.groupEnd() } } async function performFeeCreditAction (actionType, args, context) { const { me, models, cost } = context const action = paidActions[actionType] return await models.$transaction(async tx => { context.tx = tx await tx.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { msats: { decrement: cost } } }) const result = await action.perform(args, context) await action.onPaid?.(result, context) return { result, paymentMethod: 'FEE_CREDIT' } }, { isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted }) } async function performOptimisticAction (actionType, args, context) { const { models } = context const action = paidActions[actionType] context.optimistic = true context.lndInvoice = await createLndInvoice(actionType, args, context) return await models.$transaction(async tx => { context.tx = tx const invoice = await createDbInvoice(actionType, args, context) return { invoice, result: await action.perform?.({ invoiceId:, ...args }, context), paymentMethod: 'OPTIMISTIC' } }, { isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted }) } async function performPessimisticAction (actionType, args, context) { const { models, lnd } = context const action = paidActions[actionType] if (!action.supportsPessimism) { throw new Error(`This action ${actionType} does not support pessimistic invoicing`) } if (context.hmac) { return await models.$transaction(async tx => { context.tx = tx // make sure the invoice is HELD const invoice = await verifyPayment(context) args.invoiceId = // make sure to perform before settling so we don't race with worker to onPaid const result = await action.perform(args, context) // XXX this might cause the interactive tx to time out await settleHodlInvoice({ secret: invoice.preimage, lnd }) return { result, paymentMethod: 'PESSIMISTIC' } }, { isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted }) } else { // just create the invoice and complete action when it's paid context.lndInvoice = await createLndInvoice(actionType, args, context) return { invoice: await createDbInvoice(actionType, args, context), paymentMethod: 'PESSIMISTIC' } } } export async function retryPaidAction (actionType, args, context) { const { models, me } = context const { invoiceId } = args const action = paidActions[actionType] if (!action) { throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - invalid action type ${actionType}`) } if (!me) { throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - must be logged in ${actionType}`) } if (!action.supportsOptimism) { throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - action does not support optimism ${actionType}`) } if (!action.retry) { throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - action does not support retrying ${actionType}`) } if (!invoiceId) { throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - missing invoiceId ${actionType}`) } context.optimistic = true context.user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: } }) const { msatsRequested } = await models.invoice.findUnique({ where: { id: invoiceId, actionState: 'FAILED' } }) context.cost = BigInt(msatsRequested) context.lndInvoice = await createLndInvoice(actionType, args, context) return await models.$transaction(async tx => { context.tx = tx // update the old invoice to RETRYING, so that it's not confused with FAILED const { actionId } = await tx.invoice.update({ where: { id: invoiceId, actionState: 'FAILED' }, data: { actionState: 'RETRYING' } }) context.actionId = actionId // create a new invoice const invoice = await createDbInvoice(actionType, args, context) return { result: await action.retry({ invoiceId, newInvoiceId: }, context), invoice, paymentMethod: 'OPTIMISTIC' } }, { isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted }) } const OPTIMISTIC_INVOICE_EXPIRE = { minutes: 10 } const PESSIMISTIC_INVOICE_EXPIRE = { minutes: 10 } // we seperate the invoice creation into two functions because // because if lnd is slow, it'll timeout the interactive tx async function createLndInvoice (actionType, args, context) { const { user, lnd, cost, optimistic } = context const action = paidActions[actionType] const [createLNDInvoice, expirePivot] = optimistic ? [createInvoice, OPTIMISTIC_INVOICE_EXPIRE] : [createHodlInvoice, PESSIMISTIC_INVOICE_EXPIRE] if (cost < 1000n) { // sanity check throw new Error('The cost of the action must be at least 1 sat') } const expiresAt = datePivot(new Date(), expirePivot) return await createLNDInvoice({ description: user?.hideInvoiceDesc ? undefined : await action.describe(args, context), lnd, mtokens: String(cost), expires_at: expiresAt }) } async function createDbInvoice (actionType, args, context) { const { user, models, tx, lndInvoice, cost, optimistic, actionId } = context const db = tx ?? models const [expirePivot, actionState] = optimistic ? [OPTIMISTIC_INVOICE_EXPIRE, 'PENDING'] : [PESSIMISTIC_INVOICE_EXPIRE, 'PENDING_HELD'] if (cost < 1000n) { // sanity check throw new Error('The cost of the action must be at least 1 sat') } const expiresAt = datePivot(new Date(), expirePivot) const invoice = await db.invoice.create({ data: { hash:, msatsRequested: cost, preimage: optimistic ? undefined : lndInvoice.secret, bolt11: lndInvoice.request, userId: user?.id || USER_ID.anon, actionType, actionState, expiresAt, actionId } }) // insert a job to check the invoice after it's set to expire await db.$executeRaw` INSERT INTO pgboss.job (name, data, retrylimit, retrybackoff, startafter, expirein, priority) VALUES ('checkInvoice', jsonb_build_object('hash', ${}::TEXT), 21, true, ${expiresAt}::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, ${expiresAt}::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE - now() + interval '10m', 100)` // the HMAC is only returned during invoice creation // this makes sure that only the person who created this invoice // has access to the HMAC invoice.hmac = createHmac(invoice.hash) return invoice } export async function verifyPayment ({ hash, hmac, models, cost }) { if (!hash) { throw new Error('hash required') } if (!hmac) { throw new Error('hmac required') } const hmac2 = createHmac(hash) if (!timingSafeEqual(Buffer.from(hmac), Buffer.from(hmac2))) { throw new Error('hmac invalid') } const invoice = await models.invoice.findUnique({ where: { hash, actionState: 'HELD' } }) if (!invoice) { throw new Error('invoice not found') } if (invoice.msatsReceived < cost) { throw new Error('invoice amount too low') } return invoice }