import { createReadStream, createWriteStream, unlinkSync } from 'fs' import unzipper from 'unzipper' import csvParser from 'csv-parser' import stream from 'stream' import { SANCTIONED_COUNTRY_CODES } from '@/lib/constants.js' const IPV4_URL = '' const IPV6_URL = '' export async function ofac ({ models }) { const ipv4CSVPath = 'ipv4.temp.csv' const ipv6CSVPath = 'ipv6.temp.csv' async function loadCSVIntoDatabase (csvFilePath) { const results = [] return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { createReadStream(csvFilePath) .pipe(csvParser()) .on('data', (data) => { if (SANCTIONED_COUNTRY_CODES.includes(data.country_code)) { results.push({ startIP: data.start_ip, endIP: data.end_ip, country:, countryCode: data.country_code }) } }) .on('end', async () => { console.log('results', results.length) await models.$queryRaw` INSERT INTO "OFAC" ("startIP", "endIP", "country", "countryCode") SELECT "startIP", "endIP", "country", "countryCode" FROM json_populate_recordset(null::"OFAC", ${JSON.stringify(results)}::JSON)` console.log('Data imported into the database') resolve() }) .on('error', reject) }) } try { await downloadAndUnzipCSV(IPV4_URL, ipv4CSVPath) await downloadAndUnzipCSV(IPV6_URL, ipv6CSVPath) await models.$executeRaw`TRUNCATE TABLE "OFAC"` await loadCSVIntoDatabase(ipv4CSVPath) await loadCSVIntoDatabase(ipv6CSVPath) } finally { unlinkSync(ipv4CSVPath) unlinkSync(ipv6CSVPath) } } async function downloadAndUnzipCSV (url, outputFilePath) { const response = await fetch(url) if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`Failed to fetch: ${response.statusText}`) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream.Readable.fromWeb(response.body) .pipe(unzipper.Parse()) .on('entry', function (entry) { console.log('Extracting', entry.path) if (entry.path.endsWith('.csv')) { const fileStream = createWriteStream(outputFilePath) entry.pipe(fileStream) fileStream.on('finish', () => { console.log('File write completed:', outputFilePath) resolve() }) fileStream.on('error', reject) } else { entry.autodrain() } }) .on('error', reject) }) }