import { amountSchema, ssValidate } from '@/lib/validate' import { getAd, getItem } from './item' import { topUsers } from './user' import performPaidAction from '../paidAction' import { GqlInputError } from '@/lib/error' let rewardCache async function updateCachedRewards (models) { const rewards = await getActiveRewards(models) rewardCache = { rewards, createdAt: } return rewards } async function getCachedActiveRewards (staleIn, models) { if (rewardCache) { const { rewards, createdAt } = rewardCache const expired = createdAt + staleIn < if (expired) updateCachedRewards(models).catch(console.error) return rewards // serve stale rewards } return await updateCachedRewards(models) } async function getActiveRewards (models) { return await models.$queryRaw` SELECT (sum(total) / 1000)::INT as total, date_trunc('day', (now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago') + interval '1 day') AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago' as time, json_build_array( json_build_object('name', 'donations', 'value', (sum(donations) / 1000)::INT), json_build_object('name', 'fees', 'value', (sum(fees) / 1000)::INT), json_build_object('name', 'boost', 'value', (sum(boost) / 1000)::INT), json_build_object('name', 'jobs', 'value', (sum(jobs) / 1000)::INT), json_build_object('name', 'anon''s stack', 'value', (sum(anons_stack) / 1000)::INT) ) AS sources FROM ( (SELECT * FROM rewards_today) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM rewards( date_trunc('hour', timezone('America/Chicago', now())), date_trunc('hour', timezone('America/Chicago', now())), '1 hour'::INTERVAL, 'hour')) ) u` } async function getMonthlyRewards (when, models) { return await models.$queryRaw` SELECT (sum(total) / 1000)::INT as total, date_trunc('month', ${when?.[0]}::text::timestamp) AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago' as time, json_build_array( json_build_object('name', 'donations', 'value', (sum(donations) / 1000)::INT), json_build_object('name', 'fees', 'value', (sum(fees) / 1000)::INT), json_build_object('name', 'boost', 'value', (sum(boost) / 1000)::INT), json_build_object('name', 'jobs', 'value', (sum(jobs) / 1000)::INT), json_build_object('name', 'anon''s stack', 'value', (sum(anons_stack) / 1000)::INT) ) AS sources FROM rewards_days WHERE date_trunc('month', rewards_days.t) = date_trunc('month', ${when?.[0]}::text::timestamp - interval '1 month')` } async function getRewards (when, models) { if (when) { if (when.length > 1) { throw new GqlInputError('too many dates') } when.forEach(w => { if (isNaN(new Date(w))) { throw new GqlInputError('invalid date') } }) if (new Date(when[0]) > new Date(when[when.length - 1])) { throw new GqlInputError('bad date range') } if (new Date(when[0]).getTime() > new Date('2024-03-01').getTime() && new Date(when[0]).getTime() < new Date('2024-05-02').getTime()) { // after 3/1/2024 and until 5/1/2024, we reward monthly on the 1st if (new Date(when[0]).getUTCDate() !== 1) { throw new GqlInputError('bad reward date') } return await getMonthlyRewards(when, models) } } const results = await models.$queryRaw` WITH days_cte (day) AS ( SELECT date_trunc('day', t) FROM generate_series( COALESCE(${when?.[0]}::text::timestamp - interval '1 day', now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago'), COALESCE(${when?.[when.length - 1]}::text::timestamp - interval '1 day', now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago'), interval '1 day') AS t ) SELECT (total / 1000)::INT as total, + interval '1 day' as time, json_build_array( json_build_object('name', 'donations', 'value', donations / 1000), json_build_object('name', 'fees', 'value', fees / 1000), json_build_object('name', 'boost', 'value', boost / 1000), json_build_object('name', 'jobs', 'value', jobs / 1000), json_build_object('name', 'anon''s stack', 'value', anons_stack / 1000) ) AS sources FROM days_cte JOIN rewards_days ON rewards_days.t = GROUP BY, total, donations, fees, boost, jobs, anons_stack ORDER BY ASC` return results.length ? results : [{ total: 0, time: '0', sources: [] }] } export default { Query: { rewards: async (parent, { when }, { models }) => when ? await getRewards(when, models) : await getCachedActiveRewards(5000, models), meRewards: async (parent, { when }, { me, models }) => { if (!me) { return null } if (!when || when.length > 2) { throw new GqlInputError('bad date range') } for (const w of when) { if (isNaN(new Date(w))) { throw new GqlInputError('invalid date') } } const results = await models.$queryRaw` WITH days_cte (day) AS ( SELECT date_trunc('day', t) FROM generate_series( ${when[0]}::text::timestamp, ${when[when.length - 1]}::text::timestamp, interval '1 day') AS t ) SELECT coalesce(sum(sats), 0) as total, json_agg("Earn".*) as rewards FROM days_cte CROSS JOIN LATERAL ( (SELECT FLOOR("Earn".msats / 1000.0) as sats, type, rank, "typeId" FROM "Earn" WHERE "Earn"."userId" = ${} AND (type IS NULL OR type NOT IN ('FOREVER_REFERRAL', 'ONE_DAY_REFERRAL')) AND date_trunc('day', "Earn".created_at AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago') = ORDER BY "Earn".msats DESC) ) "Earn" GROUP BY ORDER BY ASC` return results } }, Rewards: { leaderboard: async (parent, args, { models, ...context }) => { // get to and from using postgres because it's easier to do there const [{ to, from }] = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT date_trunc('day', (now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago')) AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago' as from, (date_trunc('day', (now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago')) AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago') + interval '1 day - 1 second' as to` return await topUsers(parent, { when: 'custom', to: new Date(to).getTime().toString(), from: new Date(from).getTime().toString(), limit: 100 }, { models, ...context }) }, total: async (parent, args, { models }) => { if (! { return 0 } return }, ad: async (parent, args, { me, models }) => { return await getAd(parent, { }, { me, models }) } }, Mutation: { donateToRewards: async (parent, { sats }, { me, models, lnd }) => { await ssValidate(amountSchema, { amount: sats }) return await performPaidAction('DONATE', { sats }, { me, models, lnd }) } }, Reward: { item: async (reward, args, { me, models }) => { if (!reward.typeId) { return null } return getItem(reward, { id: reward.typeId }, { me, models }) } } }