import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { Select } from './form' import { EXTRA_LONG_POLL_INTERVAL, SSR } from '@/lib/constants' import { SUBS } from '@/fragments/subs' import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client' import styles from './sub-select.module.css' import { useMe } from './me' export function SubSelectInitial ({ sub }) { const router = useRouter() sub = sub || router.query.sub || 'pick territory' return { sub } } const DEFAULT_PREPEND_SUBS = [] const DEFAULT_APPEND_SUBS = [] const DEFAULT_FILTER_SUBS = () => true export function useSubs ({ prependSubs = DEFAULT_PREPEND_SUBS, sub, filterSubs = DEFAULT_FILTER_SUBS, appendSubs = DEFAULT_APPEND_SUBS }) { const { data, refetch } = useQuery(SUBS, SSR ? {} : { pollInterval: EXTRA_LONG_POLL_INTERVAL, nextFetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network' }) const { me } = useMe() useEffect(() => { refetch() }, [me?.privates?.nsfwMode]) const [subs, setSubs] = useState([ ...prependSubs.filter(s => s !== sub), ...(sub ? [sub] : []), ...appendSubs.filter(s => s !== sub)]) useEffect(() => { if (!data) return const joined = data.subs.filter(filterSubs).filter(s => !s.meMuteSub).map(s => const muted = data.subs.filter(filterSubs).filter(s => s.meMuteSub).map(s => const mutedSection = muted.length ? [{ label: 'muted', items: muted }] : [] setSubs([ ...prependSubs, ...joined, ...mutedSection, ...appendSubs]) }, [data]) return subs } export default function SubSelect ({ prependSubs, sub, onChange, size, appendSubs, filterSubs, className, ...props }) { const router = useRouter() const subs = useSubs({ prependSubs, sub, filterSubs, appendSubs }) const valueProps = props.noForm ? { value: sub } : { overrideValue: sub } // If logged out user directly visits a nsfw sub, subs will not contain `sub`, so manually add it // to display the correct sub name in the sub selector const subItems = !sub || subs.find((s) => s === sub) ? subs : [sub].concat(subs) return ( <Select onChange={onChange || ((_, e) => { const sub = ['home', 'pick territory'].includes( ? undefined : if (sub === 'create') { router.push('/territory') return } let asPath // are we currently in a sub (ie not home) if (router.query.sub) { // are we going to a sub or home? const subReplace = sub ? `/~${sub}` : '' // if we are going to a sub, replace the current sub with the new one asPath = router.asPath.replace(`/~${router.query.sub}`, subReplace) // if we're going to home, just go there directly if (asPath === '') { router.push('/') return } } else { // we're currently on the home sub // are we in a sub aware route? if (router.pathname.startsWith('/~')) { // if we are, go to the same path but in the sub asPath = `/~${sub}` + router.asPath } else { // otherwise, just go to the sub router.push(sub ? `/~${sub}` : '/') return } } const query = { ...router.query, sub } delete query.nodata router.push({ pathname: router.pathname, query }, asPath) })} name='sub' size='sm' {...valueProps} {...props} className={`${className} ${styles.subSelect} ${size === 'large' ? styles.subSelectLarge : size === 'medium' ? styles.subSelectMedium : ''}`} items={subItems} /> ) }