#!/usr/bin/env node function usage () { console.log('Usage: scripts/welcome.js <fetch-after> [--prod]') process.exit(1) } let args = process.argv.slice(2) const useProd = args.indexOf('--prod') !== -1 const SN_API_URL = useProd ? 'https://stacker.news' : 'http://localhost:3000' args = args.filter(arg => arg !== '--prod') console.log('> url:', SN_API_URL) // this is the item id of the last bio that was included in the previous post of the series const FETCH_AFTER = args[0] console.log('> fetch-after:', FETCH_AFTER) if (!FETCH_AFTER) { usage() } const SN_API_KEY = process.env.SN_API_KEY if (!SN_API_KEY) { console.log('SN_API_KEY must be set in environment') process.exit(1) } async function gql (query, variables = {}) { const response = await fetch(`${SN_API_URL}/api/graphql`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': SN_API_KEY }, body: JSON.stringify({ query, variables }) }) if (response.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`request failed: ${response.statusText}`) } const json = await response.json() if (json.errors) { throw new Error(json.errors[0].message) } return json.data } async function assertSettings () { const { me } = await gql(` query me { me { id name privates { wildWestMode satsFilter } } } `) console.log(`> logged in as @${me.name}`) if (!me.privates.wildWestMode) { throw new Error('wild west mode must be enabled') } if (me.privates.satsFilter !== 0) { throw new Error('sats filter must be set to 0') } } function fetchRecentBios () { // fetch all recent bios. we assume here there won't be more than 21 // since the last bio we already included in a post as defined by FETCH_AFTER. return gql( `query NewBios { items(sort: "recent", type: "bios", limit: 21) { items { id title createdAt user { name since nitems optional { stacked } } } } }` ) } function filterBios (bios) { const newBios = bios.filter(b => b.id > FETCH_AFTER) if (newBios.length === bios.length) { throw new Error('last bio not found. increase limit') } return newBios } async function populate (bios) { return await Promise.all( bios.map( async bio => { bio.user.since = await fetchItem(bio.user.since) bio.user.items = await fetchUserItems(bio.user.name) bio.user.credits = sumBy(bio.user.items, 'credits') bio.user.sats = sumBy(bio.user.items, 'sats') - bio.user.credits bio.user.satstandard = bio.user.sats / (bio.user.sats + bio.user.credits) return bio } ) ) } async function printTable (bios) { console.log('| nym | bio (stacking since) | items | sats/ccs stacked | sat standard |') console.log('| --- | -------------------- | ----- | ---------------- | ------------ |') for (const bio of bios) { const { user } = bio const bioCreatedAt = formatDate(bio.createdAt) let col2 = dateLink(bio) if (Number(bio.id) !== user.since.id) { const sinceCreatedAt = formatDate(user.since.createdAt) // stacking since might not be the same item as the bio // but it can still have been created on the same day if (bioCreatedAt !== sinceCreatedAt) { col2 += ` (${dateLink(user.since)})` } } console.log(`| @${user.name} | ${col2} | ${user.nitems} | ${user.sats}/${user.credits} | ${user.satstandard.toFixed(2)} |`) } console.log(`${bios.length} rows`) return bios } function formatDate (date) { return new Date(date).toLocaleDateString('en-US', { month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }) } function sumBy (arr, key) { return arr.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item[key], 0) } function itemLink (id) { return `https://stacker.news/items/${id}` } function dateLink (item) { return `[${formatDate(item.createdAt)}](${itemLink(item.id)})` } async function fetchItem (id) { const data = await gql(` query Item($id: ID!) { item(id: $id) { id createdAt } }`, { id } ) return data.item } async function fetchUserItems (name) { const data = await gql(` query UserItems($name: String!) { items(sort: "user", name: $name) { items { id createdAt sats credits } } }`, { name } ) return data.items.items } assertSettings() .then(fetchRecentBios) .then(data => filterBios(data.items.items)) .then(populate) .then(printTable) .catch(console.error)