import ServiceWorkerStorage from 'serviceworker-storage' import { numWithUnits } from '../lib/format' // we store existing push subscriptions to keep them in sync with server const storage = new ServiceWorkerStorage('sw:storage', 1) // for communication between app and service worker // see let messageChannelPort // keep track of item ids where we received a MENTION notification already to not show one again const itemMentions = [] export function onPush (sw) { return async (event) => { const payload = if (!payload) return const { tag } = payload.options event.waitUntil((async () => { if (skipNotification(payload)) return if (immediatelyShowNotification(payload)) { return sw.registration.showNotification(payload.title, payload.options) } // fetch existing notifications with same tag const notifications = await sw.registration.getNotifications({ tag }) // since we used a tag filter, there should only be zero or one notification if (notifications.length > 1) { const message = `[sw:push] more than one notification with tag ${tag} found` messageChannelPort?.postMessage({ level: 'error', message }) console.error(message) return null } // save item id of MENTION notification so we can skip following ones if (tag === 'MENTION' && itemMentions.push( if (notifications.length === 0) { // incoming notification is first notification with this tag return sw.registration.showNotification(payload.title, payload.options) } const currentNotification = notifications[0] return mergeAndShowNotification(sw, payload, currentNotification) })()) } } const skipNotification = ({ options: { tag, data } }) => { return tag === 'MENTION' && itemMentions.includes(data.itemId) } // if there is no tag or it's a TIP, FORWARDEDTIP or EARN notification // we don't need to merge notifications and thus the notification should be immediately shown using `showNotification` const immediatelyShowNotification = ({ options: { tag } }) => !tag || ['TIP', 'FORWARDEDTIP', 'EARN'].includes(tag.split('-')[0]) const mergeAndShowNotification = (sw, payload, currentNotification) => { const { data: incomingData } = payload.options const { tag, data: currentData } = currentNotification // how many notification with this tag are there already? // (start from 2 and +1 to include incoming notification) const amount = ? + 1 : 2 let title = '' const newData = {} if (tag === 'REPLY') { title = `You have ${amount} new replies` } else if (tag === 'MENTION') { title = `You were mentioned ${amount} times` } else if (tag === 'REFERRAL') { title = `${amount} stackers joined via your referral links` } else if (tag === 'INVITE') { title = `your invite has been redeemed by ${amount} stackers` } else if (tag === 'DEPOSIT') { const currentSats = currentData.sats const incomingSats = incomingData.sats const newSats = currentSats + incomingSats title = `${numWithUnits(newSats, { abbreviate: false })} were deposited in your account` newData.sats = newSats } // close current notification before showing new one to "merge" notifications currentNotification.close() const newNotificationOptions = { icon: currentNotification.icon, tag, data: { url: '/notifications', amount, ...newData } } return sw.registration.showNotification(title, newNotificationOptions) } export function onNotificationClick (sw) { return (event) => { const url = if (url) { event.waitUntil(sw.clients.openWindow(url)) } event.notification.close() } } export function onPushSubscriptionChange (sw) { // return async (oldSubscription, newSubscription) => { // // fallbacks since browser may not set oldSubscription and newSubscription messageChannelPort?.postMessage({ message: '[sw:handlePushSubscriptionChange] invoked' }) oldSubscription ??= await storage.getItem('subscription') newSubscription ??= await sw.registration.pushManager.getSubscription() if (!newSubscription) { // no subscription exists at the moment messageChannelPort?.postMessage({ message: '[sw:handlePushSubscriptionChange] no existing subscription found' }) return } if (oldSubscription?.endpoint === newSubscription.endpoint) { // subscription did not change. no need to sync with server messageChannelPort?.postMessage({ message: '[sw:handlePushSubscriptionChange] old subscription matches existing subscription' }) return } // convert keys from ArrayBuffer to string newSubscription = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newSubscription)) const variables = { endpoint: newSubscription.endpoint, p256dh: newSubscription.keys.p256dh, auth: newSubscription.keys.auth, oldEndpoint: oldSubscription?.endpoint } const query = ` mutation savePushSubscription($endpoint: String!, $p256dh: String!, $auth: String!, $oldEndpoint: String!) { savePushSubscription(endpoint: $endpoint, p256dh: $p256dh, auth: $auth, oldEndpoint: $oldEndpoint) { id } }` const body = JSON.stringify({ query, variables }) await fetch('/api/graphql', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json' }, body }) messageChannelPort?.postMessage({ message: '[sw:handlePushSubscriptionChange] synced push subscription with server', context: { endpoint: variables.endpoint, oldEndpoint: variables.oldEndpoint } }) await storage.setItem('subscription', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newSubscription))) } } export function onMessage (sw) { return (event) => { if ( === 'MESSAGE_PORT') { messageChannelPort = event.ports[0] } messageChannelPort?.postMessage({ message: '[sw:message] received message', context: { action: } }) if ( === 'STORE_SUBSCRIPTION') { messageChannelPort?.postMessage({ message: '[sw:message] storing subscription in IndexedDB', context: { endpoint: } }) return event.waitUntil(storage.setItem('subscription', } if ( === 'SYNC_SUBSCRIPTION') { return event.waitUntil(onPushSubscriptionChange(sw)(event.oldSubscription, event.newSubscription)) } } }