import { memo, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react' import classNames from 'classnames' import useDarkMode from './dark-mode' import styles from './text.module.css' import { Button } from 'react-bootstrap' import { TwitterTweetEmbed } from 'react-twitter-embed' import YouTube from 'react-youtube' function TweetSkeleton ({ className }) { return ( <div className={classNames(styles.tweetsSkeleton, className)}> <div className={styles.tweetSkeleton}> <div className={`${styles.img} clouds`} /> <div className={styles.content1}> <div className={`${styles.line} clouds`} /> <div className={`${styles.line} clouds`} /> <div className={`${styles.line} clouds`} /> </div> </div> </div> ) } export const NostrEmbed = memo(function NostrEmbed ({ src, className, topLevel, darkMode, id }) { const [show, setShow] = useState(false) const iframeRef = useRef(null) useEffect(() => { if (!iframeRef.current) return const setHeightFromIframe = (e) => { if (e.origin !== '' || !e?.data?.height || e.source !== iframeRef.current.contentWindow) return iframeRef.current.height = `${}px` } window?.addEventListener('message', setHeightFromIframe) const handleIframeLoad = () => { iframeRef.current.contentWindow.postMessage({ setDarkMode: darkMode }, '*') } if (iframeRef.current.complete) { handleIframeLoad() } else { iframeRef.current.addEventListener('load', handleIframeLoad) } // iframeRef.current.src = `${id}?embed=yes` return () => { window?.removeEventListener('message', setHeightFromIframe) iframeRef.current?.removeEventListener('load', handleIframeLoad) } }, [iframeRef.current, darkMode]) return ( <div className={classNames(styles.nostrContainer, !show && styles.twitterContained, className)}> <iframe ref={iframeRef} width={topLevel ? '550px' : '350px'} style={{ maxWidth: '100%' }} height={iframeRef.current?.height || (topLevel ? '200px' : '150px')} frameBorder='0' sandbox='allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox' allow='' /> {!show && <Button size='md' variant='info' className={styles.twitterShowFull} onClick={() => setShow(true)}> <div>show full note</div> <small className='fw-normal fst-italic'>or other stuff</small> </Button>} </div> ) }) const SpotifyEmbed = function SpotifyEmbed ({ src, className }) { const iframeRef = useRef(null) // // Remove any additional path segments const url = new URL(src) url.pathname = url.pathname.replace(/\/intl-\w+\//, '/') useEffect(() => { if (!iframeRef.current) return const id = url.pathname.split('/').pop() // window.onSpotifyIframeApiReady = (IFrameAPI) => { const options = { uri: `spotify:episode:${id}` } const callback = (EmbedController) => {} IFrameAPI.createController(iframeRef.current, options, callback) } return () => { window.onSpotifyIframeApiReady = null } }, [iframeRef.current, url.pathname]) return ( <div className={classNames(styles.spotifyWrapper, className)}> <iframe ref={iframeRef} title='Spotify Web Player' src={`${url.pathname}`} width='100%' height='152' allowFullScreen frameBorder='0' allow='encrypted-media; clipboard-write;' style={{ borderRadius: '12px' }} sandbox='allow-scripts allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-presentation' /> </div> ) } const Embed = memo(function Embed ({ src, provider, id, meta, className, topLevel, onError }) { const [darkMode] = useDarkMode() const [overflowing, setOverflowing] = useState(true) const [show, setShow] = useState(false) // This Twitter embed could use similar logic to the video embeds below if (provider === 'twitter') { return ( <div className={classNames(styles.twitterContainer, !show && styles.twitterContained, className)}> <TwitterTweetEmbed tweetId={id} options={{ theme: darkMode ? 'dark' : 'light', width: topLevel ? '550px' : '350px' }} key={darkMode ? '1' : '2'} placeholder={<TweetSkeleton className={className} />} onLoad={() => setOverflowing(true)} /> {overflowing && !show && <Button size='lg' variant='info' className={styles.twitterShowFull} onClick={() => setShow(true)}> show full tweet </Button>} </div> ) } if (provider === 'nostr') { return ( <NostrEmbed src={src} className={className} topLevel={topLevel} id={id} darkMode={darkMode} /> ) } if (provider === 'wavlake') { return ( <div className={classNames(styles.wavlakeWrapper, className)}> <iframe src={`${id}`} width='100%' height='380' frameBorder='0' allow='encrypted-media' sandbox='allow-scripts allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-forms allow-same-origin' /> </div> ) } if (provider === 'spotify') { return ( <SpotifyEmbed src={src} className={className} /> ) } if (provider === 'youtube') { return ( <div className={classNames(styles.videoWrapper, className)}> <YouTube videoId={id} className={styles.videoContainer} opts={{ playerVars: { start: meta?.start || 0 } }} /> </div> ) } if (provider === 'rumble') { return ( <div className={classNames(styles.videoWrapper, className)}> <div className={styles.videoContainer}> <iframe title='Rumble Video' allowFullScreen src={meta?.href} sandbox='allow-scripts' /> </div> </div> ) } if (provider === 'peertube') { return ( <div className={classNames(styles.videoWrapper, className)}> <div className={styles.videoContainer}> <iframe title='PeerTube Video' allowFullScreen src={meta?.href} sandbox='allow-scripts' /> </div> </div> ) } return null }) export default Embed