import Dropdown from 'react-bootstrap/Dropdown' import { useShowModal } from './modal' import { useToast } from './toast' import ItemAct from './item-act' import AccordianItem from './accordian-item' import Flag from '../svgs/flag-fill.svg' import { useMemo } from 'react' import getColor from '../lib/rainbow' import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client' export function DownZap ({ id, meDontLikeSats, ...props }) { const style = useMemo(() => (meDontLikeSats ? { fill: getColor(meDontLikeSats), filter: `drop-shadow(0 0 6px ${getColor(meDontLikeSats)}90)` } : undefined), [meDontLikeSats]) return ( } /> ) } function DownZapper ({ id, As, children }) { const toaster = useToast() const showModal = useShowModal() return ( { try { showModal(onClose => { onClose() toaster.success('item downzapped') }} itemId={id} down >
  • downzaps are just like zaps but cause items to lose ranking position
  • downzaps also reduce trust between you and whoever zaps it so you'll see less of what they zap in the future
  • all sats from downzaps go to rewards
  • } />
    ) } catch (error) { toaster.danger('failed to downzap item') } }} > {children}
    ) } export default function DontLikeThisDropdownItem ({ id }) { return ( downzap ) } export function OutlawDropdownItem ({ item }) { const toaster = useToast() const [toggleOutlaw] = useMutation( gql` mutation toggleOutlaw($id: ID!) { toggleOutlaw(id: $id) { outlawed } }`, { update (cache, { data: { toggleOutlaw } }) { cache.modify({ id: `Item:${}`, fields: { outlawed: () => true } }) } } ) return ( { try { await toggleOutlaw({ variables: { id: } }) } catch { toaster.danger('failed to outlaw') return } toaster.success('item outlawed') }} > outlaw ) }