import { useMe } from '@/components/me' import { WALLETS } from '@/fragments/wallet' import { NORMAL_POLL_INTERVAL, SSR } from '@/lib/constants' import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client' import { createContext, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { getStorageKey, getWalletByType, Status, walletPrioritySort, canSend } from './common' import useVault from '@/components/vault/use-vault' import { useWalletLogger } from '@/components/wallet-logger' import { bolt11Tags } from '@/lib/bolt11' import walletDefs from 'wallets/client' const WalletsContext = createContext({ wallets: [] }) function useLocalWallets () { const { me } = useMe() const [wallets, setWallets] = useState([]) const loadWallets = useCallback(() => { // form wallets into a list of { config, def } const wallets = => { try { const config = window.localStorage.getItem(getStorageKey(, me)) return { def: w, config: JSON.parse(config) } } catch (e) { return null } }).filter(Boolean) setWallets(wallets) }, [me, setWallets]) // watch for changes to local storage useEffect(() => { loadWallets() // reload wallets if local storage to wallet changes const handler = (event) => { if (event.key.startsWith('wallet:')) { loadWallets() } } window.addEventListener('storage', handler) return () => window.removeEventListener('storage', handler) }, [loadWallets]) return wallets } const walletDefsOnly = => ({ def: w, config: {} })) export function WalletsProvider ({ children }) { const { me } = useMe() const { decrypt } = useVault() const localWallets = useLocalWallets() // TODO: instead of polling, this should only be called when the vault key is updated // or a denormalized field on the user 'vaultUpdatedAt' is changed const { data } = useQuery(WALLETS, { pollInterval: NORMAL_POLL_INTERVAL, nextFetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network', skip: !me?.id || SSR }) const wallets = useMemo(() => { // form wallets into a list of { config, def } const wallets = data?.wallets?.map(w => { const def = getWalletByType(w.type) const { vaultEntries, ...config } = w for (const { key, value } of vaultEntries) { config[key] = decrypt(value) } return { config, def } }) ?? [] // merge wallets on name const merged = {} for (const wallet of [...walletDefsOnly, ...localWallets, ...wallets]) { merged[] = { ...merged[], ...wallet } } return Object.values(merged) .sort(walletPrioritySort) .map(w => ({ ...w, status: w.config?.enabled ? Status.Enabled : Status.Disabled })) }, [data?.wallets, localWallets]) // provides priority sorted wallets to children return ( {children} ) } export function useWallets () { return useContext(WalletsContext) } export function useWallet (name) { const wallets = useWallets() const wallet = useMemo(() => { if (name) { return wallets.find(w => === name) } return wallets .filter(w => !w.def.isAvailable || w.def.isAvailable()) .filter(w => w.config?.enabled && canSend(w))[0] }, [wallets, name]) const { logger } = useWalletLogger(wallet?.def) const sendPayment = useCallback(async (bolt11) => { const hash = bolt11Tags(bolt11).payment_hash'sending payment:', `payment_hash=${hash}`) try { const preimage = await wallet.def.sendPayment(bolt11, wallet.config, { logger }) logger.ok('payment successful:', `payment_hash=${hash}`, `preimage=${preimage}`) } catch (err) { const message = err.message || err.toString?.() logger.error('payment failed:', `payment_hash=${hash}`, message) throw err } }, [wallet, logger]) return { ...wallet, sendPayment } }