import UpBolt from '@/svgs/bolt.svg' import styles from './upvote.module.css' import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client' import ActionTooltip from './action-tooltip' import ItemAct, { ZapUndoController, useZap } from './item-act' import { useMe } from './me' import getColor from '@/lib/rainbow' import { useCallback, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react' import LongPressable from './long-pressable' import Overlay from 'react-bootstrap/Overlay' import Popover from 'react-bootstrap/Popover' import { useShowModal } from './modal' import { numWithUnits } from '@/lib/format' import { Dropdown } from 'react-bootstrap' const UpvotePopover = ({ target, show, handleClose }) => { const me = useMe() return ( Zapping
Press the bolt again to zap {me?.privates?.tipDefault || 1} more sat{me?.privates?.tipDefault > 1 ? 's' : ''}.
Repeatedly press the bolt to zap more sats.
) } const TipPopover = ({ target, show, handleClose }) => ( Press and hold
Press and hold bolt to zap a custom amount.
As you zap more, the bolt color follows the rainbow.
) export function DropdownItemUpVote ({ item }) { const showModal = useShowModal() return ( { showModal(onClose => ) }} > zap ) } export const nextTip = (meSats, { tipDefault, turboTipping }) => { // what should our next tip be? if (!turboTipping) return (tipDefault || 1) let sats = tipDefault || 1 if (turboTipping) { while (meSats >= sats) { sats *= 10 } // deduct current sats since turbo tipping is about total zap not making the next zap 10x sats -= meSats } return sats } export default function UpVote ({ item, className }) { const showModal = useShowModal() const [voteShow, _setVoteShow] = useState(false) const [tipShow, _setTipShow] = useState(false) const ref = useRef() const me = useMe() const [hover, setHover] = useState(false) const [setWalkthrough] = useMutation( gql` mutation setWalkthrough($upvotePopover: Boolean, $tipPopover: Boolean) { setWalkthrough(upvotePopover: $upvotePopover, tipPopover: $tipPopover) }` ) const [controller, setController] = useState(null) const pending = controller?.started && !controller.done const setVoteShow = useCallback((yes) => { if (!me) return // if they haven't seen the walkthrough and they have sats if (yes && !me.privates?.upvotePopover && me.privates?.sats) { _setVoteShow(true) } if (voteShow && !yes) { _setVoteShow(false) setWalkthrough({ variables: { upvotePopover: true } }) } }, [me, voteShow, setWalkthrough]) const setTipShow = useCallback((yes) => { if (!me) return // if we want to show it, yet we still haven't shown if (yes && !me.privates?.tipPopover && me.privates?.sats) { _setTipShow(true) } // if it's currently showing and we want to hide it if (tipShow && !yes) { _setTipShow(false) setWalkthrough({ variables: { tipPopover: true } }) } }, [me, tipShow, setWalkthrough]) const zap = useZap() const disabled = useMemo(() => item?.mine || item?.meForward || item?.deletedAt, [item?.mine, item?.meForward, item?.deletedAt]) const [meSats, overlayText, color, nextColor] = useMemo(() => { const meSats = (item?.meSats || item?.meAnonSats || 0) // what should our next tip be? const sats = nextTip(meSats, { }) return [ meSats, me ? numWithUnits(sats, { abbreviate: false }) : 'zap it', getColor(meSats), getColor(meSats + sats)] }, [item?.meSats, item?.meAnonSats, me?.privates?.tipDefault, me?.privates?.turboDefault]) const handleModalClosed = () => { setHover(false) } const handleLongPress = (e) => { if (!item) return // we can't tip ourselves if (disabled) { return } setTipShow(false) if (pending) { controller.abort() setController(null) return } const c = new ZapUndoController() setController(c) showModal(onClose => , { onClose: handleModalClosed }) } const handleShortPress = async () => { if (me) { if (!item) return // we can't tip ourselves if (disabled) { return } if (meSats) { setVoteShow(false) } else { setTipShow(true) } if (pending) { controller.abort() setController(null) return } const c = new ZapUndoController() setController(c) await zap({ item, me, abortSignal: c.signal }) } else { showModal(onClose => , { onClose: handleModalClosed }) } } const fillColor = hover || pending ? nextColor : color return (
setHover(true)} onMouseLeave={() => setHover(false)} onTouchEnd={() => setHover(false)} width={26} height={26} className={ `${styles.upvote} ${className || ''} ${disabled ? styles.noSelfTips : ''} ${meSats ? styles.voted : ''} ${pending ? styles.pending : ''}` } style={meSats || hover || pending ? { fill: fillColor, filter: `drop-shadow(0 0 6px ${fillColor}90)` } : undefined} />
setTipShow(false)} /> setVoteShow(false)} />
) }