import { Checkbox, Form, Input, SubmitButton } from '../components/form'
import * as Yup from 'yup'
import { Alert, Button, InputGroup, Modal } from 'react-bootstrap'
import LayoutCenter from '../components/layout-center'
import { useState } from 'react'
import { gql, useMutation, useQuery } from '@apollo/client'
import { getGetServerSideProps } from '../api/ssrApollo'
import LoginButton from '../components/login-button'
import { signIn } from 'next-auth/client'
import ModalButton from '../components/modal-button'
import { LightningAuth } from '../components/lightning-auth'
import { SETTINGS } from '../fragments/users'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import Info from '../components/info'
export const getServerSideProps = getGetServerSideProps(SETTINGS)
export const SettingsSchema = Yup.object({
tipDefault: Yup.number().typeError('must be a number').required('required')
.positive('must be positive').integer('must be whole')
const warningMessage = 'If I logout, even accidentally, I will never be able to access my account again'
export const WarningSchema = Yup.object({
warning: Yup.string().matches(warningMessage, 'does not match').required('required')
export default function Settings ({ data: { settings } }) {
const [success, setSuccess] = useState()
const [setSettings] = useMutation(
mutation setSettings($tipDefault: Int!, $noteItemSats: Boolean!, $noteEarning: Boolean!,
$noteAllDescendants: Boolean!, $noteMentions: Boolean!, $noteDeposits: Boolean!,
$noteInvites: Boolean!, $noteJobIndicator: Boolean!, $hideInvoiceDesc: Boolean!) {
setSettings(tipDefault: $tipDefault, noteItemSats: $noteItemSats,
noteEarning: $noteEarning, noteAllDescendants: $noteAllDescendants,
noteMentions: $noteMentions, noteDeposits: $noteDeposits, noteInvites: $noteInvites,
noteJobIndicator: $noteJobIndicator, hideInvoiceDesc: $hideInvoiceDesc)
const { data } = useQuery(SETTINGS)
if (data) {
({ settings } = data)
return (