import { Relay } from '@/lib/nostr' import { parseNwcUrl } from '@/lib/url' import { string } from '@/lib/yup' import { finalizeEvent, nip04, verifyEvent } from 'nostr-tools' export const name = 'nwc' export const walletType = 'NWC' export const walletField = 'walletNWC' export const fields = [ { name: 'nwcUrl', label: 'connection', type: 'password', optional: 'for sending', clientOnly: true, requiredWithout: 'nwcUrlRecv', validate: string().nwcUrl() }, { name: 'nwcUrlRecv', label: 'connection', type: 'password', optional: 'for receiving', serverOnly: true, requiredWithout: 'nwcUrl', validate: string().nwcUrl() } ] export const card = { title: 'NWC', subtitle: 'use Nostr Wallet Connect for payments', badges: ['send', 'receive', 'budgetable'] } export async function nwcCall ({ nwcUrl, method, params }, { logger, timeout } = {}) { const { relayUrl, walletPubkey, secret } = parseNwcUrl(nwcUrl) const relay = await Relay.connect(relayUrl, { timeout }) logger?.ok(`connected to ${relayUrl}`) try { const payload = { method, params } const encrypted = await nip04.encrypt(secret, walletPubkey, JSON.stringify(payload)) const request = finalizeEvent({ kind: 23194, created_at: Math.floor( / 1000), tags: [['p', walletPubkey]], content: encrypted }, secret) // we need to subscribe to the response before publishing the request // since NWC events are ephemeral (20000 <= kind < 30000) const subscription = relay.fetch([{ kinds: [23195], authors: [walletPubkey], '#e': [] }], { timeout }) await relay.publish(request, { timeout }) logger?.info(`published ${method} request`) logger?.info(`waiting for ${method} response ...`) const [response] = await subscription if (!response) { throw new Error(`no ${method} response`) } logger?.ok(`${method} response received`) if (!verifyEvent(response)) throw new Error(`invalid ${method} response: failed to verify`) const decrypted = await nip04.decrypt(secret, walletPubkey, response.content) const content = JSON.parse(decrypted) if (content.error) throw new Error(content.error.message) if (content.result) return content.result throw new Error(`invalid ${method} response: missing error or result`) } finally { relay?.close() logger?.info(`closed connection to ${relayUrl}`) } } export async function supportedMethods (nwcUrl, { logger, timeout } = {}) { const result = await nwcCall({ nwcUrl, method: 'get_info' }, { logger, timeout }) return result.methods }