import { deleteObjects } from '../api/s3' export function deleteUnusedImages ({ models }) { return async function ({ name }) { console.log('running', name) // delete all images in database and S3 which weren't paid in the last 24 hours const unpaidImages = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT id FROM "Upload" WHERE (paid = 'f' OR ( -- for non-textarea images, they are free and paid is null paid IS NULL -- if the image is not used by a user or item (eg jobs), delete it AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM users WHERE "photoId" = "Upload".id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM "Item" WHERE "uploadId" = "Upload".id) )) AND created_at < date_trunc('hour', now() - interval '24 hours')` const s3Keys ={ id }) => id) console.log('deleting images:', s3Keys) await deleteObjects(s3Keys) await models.upload.deleteMany({ where: { id: { in: s3Keys } } }) } }