#!/usr/bin/env bash cat <<EOF .__ .__ __ ____ ____ ______ _ _______ | | | | _____/ |_ / ___\_/ __ \ / \ \/ \/ /\__ \ | | | | _/ __ \ __\\ / /_/ > ___/| | \ / / __ \| |_| |_\ ___/| | \___ / \___ >___| /\/\_/ (____ /____/____/\___ >__| /_____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ EOF error () { echo -n "error: $1" exit 1 } wallet=$1 [ -z $wallet ] && read -p "Enter wallet name: " wallet [ -z $wallet ] && error "name required" # default is wallet in UPPERCASE walletType="${wallet^^}" read -p "Enter walletType (default $walletType): " _walletType if [ ! -z $_walletType ]; then walletType=$_walletType fi # default is wallet capitalized with "wallet" prefix walletField="wallet${wallet^}" read -p "Enter walletField (default $walletField): " _walletField if [ ! -z $_walletField ]; then walletField=$_walletField fi # exit on first failed command set -e todo() { echo "// $wallet::TODO" } # create folder and index.js mkdir -p wallets/$wallet cat > wallets/$wallet/index.js <<EOF $(todo) // create validation schema for wallet and import here // import { ${wallet}Schema } from '@/lib/validate' export const name = '$wallet' $(todo) // configure wallet fields export const fields = [] $(todo) // configure wallet card export const card = { title: '$wallet', subtitle: '', } $(todo) // set validation schema export const fieldValidation = null // ${wallet}Schema export const walletType = '$walletType' export const walletField = '$walletField' EOF # create client.js cat > wallets/$wallet/client.js <<EOF export * from '@/wallets/$wallet' export async function testSendPayment (config, { logger }) { $(todo) } export async function sendPayment (bolt11, config) { $(todo) } EOF # create server.js cat > wallets/$wallet/server.js <<EOF export * from '@/wallets/$wallet' export async function testCreateInvoice (config) { $(todo) } export async function createInvoice ( { msats, description, descriptionHash, expiry }, config ) { $(todo) } EOF # add TODOs where manual update is needed fragments=fragments/wallet.js i=0 grep -n "// XXX \[WALLET\]" $fragments | while read -r match; do lineno=$(echo $match | cut -d':' -f1) sed -i "$((lineno+i))i $(todo)" $fragments i=$((i+1)) done client=wallets/client.js lineno=$(grep -n "export default" $client | cut -d':' -f1) sed -i "${lineno}i $(todo)" $client server=wallets/server.js lineno=$(grep -n "export default" $server | cut -d':' -f1) sed -i "${lineno}i $(todo)" $server # need to disable exit on failure since we run grep to check its exit code set +e # check if prisma/schema.prisma needs patch schema=prisma/schema.prisma grep --quiet "$walletField" $schema if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then tablename=${walletField^} # find line to insert walletField in wallet model lineno=$(grep -n "model Wallet {" $schema | cut -d':' -f1) offset=$(tail -n +$lineno $schema | grep -nm 1 "}" | cut -d':' -f1) offset=$(tail -n +$lineno $schema | head -n $offset | grep -nE "wallet[[:alpha:]]+\s+ Wallet[[:alpha:]]" | cut -d':' -f1 | tail -n1) sed -i "$((lineno+offset))i\ \ $walletField $tablename?" $schema # find line to insert model for wallet lineno=$(grep -nE "model Wallet[[:alpha:]]+ {" $schema | cut -d':' -f1 | tail -n1) offset=$(tail -n +$((lineno+1)) $schema | grep -nm 1 "{" | cut -d':' -f1) i=$((lineno+offset)) sed -i "${i}i $(todo)" $schema sed -i "$((i+1))i model Wallet${wallet^} {\n" $schema sed -i "$((i+2))i\ \ id Int @id @default(autoincrement())" $schema sed -i "$((i+3))i\ \ walletId Int @unique" $schema sed -i "$((i+4))i\ \ wallet Wallet @relation(fields: [walletId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)" $schema sed -i "$((i+5))i\ \ createdAt DateTime @default(now()) @map(\"created_at\")" $schema sed -i "$((i+6))i\ \ updatedAt DateTime @default(now()) @updatedAt @map(\"updated_at\")" $schema sed -i "$((i+7))i }" $schema # find line to insert wallet type lineno=$(grep -nE "enum WalletType {" $schema | cut -d':' -f1) offset=$(tail -n +$lineno $schema | grep -nm 1 "}" | cut -d':' -f1) i=$((lineno+offset-1)) sed -i "${i} i\ \ ${walletType}" $schema # create migration file with TODOs migrationDir="prisma/migrations/$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S_$wallet)" mkdir -p $migrationDir cat > $migrationDir/migration.sql <<EOF -- AlterEnum ALTER TYPE "WalletType" ADD VALUE '${walletType}'; -- CreateTable CREATE TABLE "$tablename" ( "id" SERIAL NOT NULL, "walletId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updated_at" TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- $wallet::TODO CONSTRAINT "${tablename}_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("int") ); -- CreateIndex CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "${tablename}_walletId_key" ON "$tablename"("walletId"); -- AddForeignKey ALTER TABLE "$tablename" ADD CONSTRAINT "${tablename}_walletId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("walletId") REFERENCES "Wallet"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; CREATE TRIGGER wallet_${wallet}_as_jsonb AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON "$tablename" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE wallet_wallet_type_as_jsonb(); EOF fi