import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql' import { serializeInvoicable } from './serial' import { TERRITORY_COST_MONTHLY, TERRITORY_COST_ONCE, TERRITORY_COST_YEARLY, TERRITORY_PERIOD_COST } from '../../lib/constants' import { datePivot, whenRange } from '../../lib/time' import { ssValidate, territorySchema } from '../../lib/validate' import { nextBilling, proratedBillingCost } from '../../lib/territory' import { decodeCursor, LIMIT, nextCursorEncoded } from '../../lib/cursor' import { subViewGroup } from './growth' export function paySubQueries (sub, models) { if (sub.billingType === 'ONCE') { return [] } // if in active or grace, consider we are billing them from where they are paid up // and use grandfathered cost let billedLastAt = sub.billPaidUntil let billingCost = sub.billingCost // if the sub is archived, they are paying to reactivate it if (sub.status === 'STOPPED') { // get non-grandfathered cost and reset their billing to start now billedLastAt = new Date() billingCost = TERRITORY_PERIOD_COST(sub.billingType) } const billPaidUntil = nextBilling(billedLastAt, sub.billingType) const cost = BigInt(billingCost) * BigInt(1000) return [ models.user.update({ where: { id: sub.userId }, data: { msats: { decrement: cost } } }), // update 'em models.sub.update({ where: { name: }, data: { billedLastAt, billPaidUntil, billingCost, status: 'ACTIVE' } }), // record 'em models.subAct.create({ data: { userId: sub.userId, subName:, msats: cost, type: 'BILLING' } }) ] } export async function getSub (parent, { name }, { models, me }) { if (!name) return null return await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name }, ...(me ? { include: { MuteSub: { where: { userId: Number(me?.id) } }, SubSubscription: { where: { userId: Number(me?.id) } } } } : {}) }) } export default { Query: { sub: getSub, subs: async (parent, args, { models, me }) => { if (me) { const currentUser = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: } }) const showNsfw = currentUser ? currentUser.nsfwMode : false return await models.$queryRawUnsafe(` SELECT "Sub".*, COALESCE(json_agg("MuteSub".*) FILTER (WHERE "MuteSub"."userId" IS NOT NULL), '[]') AS "MuteSub" FROM "Sub" LEFT JOIN "MuteSub" ON "Sub".name = "MuteSub"."subName" AND "MuteSub"."userId" = ${}::INTEGER WHERE status <> 'STOPPED' ${showNsfw ? '' : 'AND "Sub"."nsfw" = FALSE'} GROUP BY "Sub".name, "MuteSub"."userId" ORDER BY "Sub".name ASC `) } return await models.sub.findMany({ where: { status: { not: 'STOPPED' }, nsfw: false }, orderBy: { name: 'asc' } }) }, subLatestPost: async (parent, { name }, { models, me }) => { const latest = await models.item.findFirst({ where: { subName: name }, orderBy: { createdAt: 'desc' } }) return latest?.createdAt }, topSubs: async (parent, { cursor, when, by, from, to, limit = LIMIT }, { models, me }) => { const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor) const range = whenRange(when, from, to || decodeCursor.time) let column switch (by) { case 'revenue': column = 'revenue'; break case 'spent': column = 'spent'; break case 'posts': column = 'nposts'; break case 'comments': column = 'ncomments'; break default: column = 'stacked'; break } const subs = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(` SELECT "Sub".*, COALESCE(floor(sum(msats_revenue)/1000), 0) as revenue, COALESCE(floor(sum(msats_stacked)/1000), 0) as stacked, COALESCE(floor(sum(msats_spent)/1000), 0) as spent, COALESCE(sum(posts), 0) as nposts, COALESCE(sum(comments), 0) as ncomments FROM ${subViewGroup(range)} ss JOIN "Sub" on "Sub".name = ss.sub_name GROUP BY "Sub".name ORDER BY ${column} DESC NULLS LAST, "Sub".created_at ASC OFFSET $3 LIMIT $4`, ...range, decodedCursor.offset, limit) return { cursor: subs.length === limit ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor, limit) : null, subs } }, userSubs: async (_parent, { name, cursor, when, by, from, to, limit = LIMIT }, { models }) => { if (!name) { throw new GraphQLError('must supply user name', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name } }) if (!user) { throw new GraphQLError('no user has that name', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor) const range = whenRange(when, from, to || decodeCursor.time) let column switch (by) { case 'revenue': column = 'revenue'; break case 'spent': column = 'spent'; break case 'posts': column = 'nposts'; break case 'comments': column = 'ncomments'; break default: column = 'stacked'; break } const subs = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(` SELECT "Sub".*, COALESCE(floor(sum(msats_revenue)/1000), 0) as revenue, COALESCE(floor(sum(msats_stacked)/1000), 0) as stacked, COALESCE(floor(sum(msats_spent)/1000), 0) as spent, COALESCE(sum(posts), 0) as nposts, COALESCE(sum(comments), 0) as ncomments FROM ${subViewGroup(range)} ss JOIN "Sub" on "Sub".name = ss.sub_name WHERE "Sub"."userId" = $3 AND "Sub".status = 'ACTIVE' GROUP BY "Sub".name ORDER BY ${column} DESC NULLS LAST, "Sub".created_at ASC OFFSET $4 LIMIT $5`, ...range,, decodedCursor.offset, limit) return { cursor: subs.length === limit ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor, limit) : null, subs } } }, Mutation: { upsertSub: async (parent, { hash, hmac, }, { me, models, lnd }) => { if (!me) { throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } }) } await ssValidate(territorySchema, data, { models, me }) if (data.oldName) { return await updateSub(parent, data, { me, models, lnd, hash, hmac }) } else { return await createSub(parent, data, { me, models, lnd, hash, hmac }) } }, paySub: async (parent, { name, hash, hmac }, { me, models, lnd }) => { // check that they own the sub const sub = await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name } }) if (!sub) { throw new GraphQLError('sub not found', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } if (sub.userId !== { throw new GraphQLError('you do not own this sub', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } if (sub.status === 'ACTIVE') { return sub } const queries = paySubQueries(sub, models) if (queries.length === 0) { return sub } const results = await serializeInvoicable( queries, { models, lnd, hash, hmac, me, enforceFee: sub.billingCost }) return results[1] }, toggleMuteSub: async (parent, { name }, { me, models }) => { if (!me) { throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } }) } const lookupData = { userId: Number(, subName: name } const where = { userId_subName: lookupData } const existing = await models.muteSub.findUnique({ where }) if (existing) { await models.muteSub.delete({ where }) return false } else { await models.muteSub.create({ data: { ...lookupData } }) return true } }, toggleSubSubscription: async (sub, { name }, { me, models }) => { if (!me) { throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } }) } const lookupData = { userId:, subName: name } const where = { userId_subName: lookupData } const existing = await models.subSubscription.findUnique({ where }) if (existing) { await models.subSubscription.delete({ where }) return false } else { await models.subSubscription.create({ data: lookupData }) return true } } }, Sub: { optional: sub => sub, user: async (sub, args, { models }) => { if (sub.user) { return sub.user } return await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: sub.userId } }) }, meMuteSub: async (sub, args, { models }) => { return sub.meMuteSub || sub.MuteSub?.length > 0 }, nposts: async (sub, { when, from, to }, { models }) => { if (typeof sub.nposts !== 'undefined') { return sub.nposts } }, ncomments: async (sub, { when, from, to }, { models }) => { if (typeof sub.ncomments !== 'undefined') { return sub.ncomments } }, meSubscription: async (sub, args, { me, models }) => { return sub.meSubscription || sub.SubSubscription?.length > 0 } } } async function createSub (parent, data, { me, models, lnd, hash, hmac }) { const { billingType } = data let billingCost = TERRITORY_COST_MONTHLY let billPaidUntil = datePivot(new Date(), { months: 1 }) if (billingType === 'ONCE') { billingCost = TERRITORY_COST_ONCE billPaidUntil = null } else if (billingType === 'YEARLY') { billingCost = TERRITORY_COST_YEARLY billPaidUntil = datePivot(new Date(), { years: 1 }) } const cost = BigInt(1000) * BigInt(billingCost) try { const results = await serializeInvoicable([ // bill 'em models.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { msats: { decrement: cost } } }), // create 'em models.sub.create({ data: {, billPaidUntil, billingCost, rankingType: 'WOT', userId: } }), // record 'em models.subAct.create({ data: { userId:, subName:, msats: cost, type: 'BILLING' } }), // notify 'em (in the future) models.subSubscription.create({ data: { userId:, subName: } }) ], { models, lnd, hash, hmac, me, enforceFee: billingCost }) return results[1] } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'P2002') { throw new GraphQLError('name taken', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } throw error } } async function updateSub (parent, { oldName, }, { me, models, lnd, hash, hmac }) { const oldSub = await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name: oldName, userId:, // this function's logic is only valid if the sub is not stopped // so prevent updates to stopped subs status: { not: 'STOPPED' } } }) if (!oldSub) { throw new GraphQLError('sub not found', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } try { // if the cost is changing, record the new cost and update billing job if (oldSub.billingType !== data.billingType) { // make sure the current cost is recorded so they are grandfathered in data.billingCost = TERRITORY_PERIOD_COST(data.billingType) // we never want to bill them again if they are changing to ONCE if (data.billingType === 'ONCE') { data.billPaidUntil = null data.billingAutoRenew = false } // if they are changing to YEARLY, bill them in a year // if they are changing to MONTHLY from YEARLY, do nothing if (oldSub.billingType === 'MONTHLY' && data.billingType === 'YEARLY') { data.billPaidUntil = datePivot(new Date(oldSub.billedLastAt), { years: 1 }) } // if this billing change makes their bill paid up, set them to active if (data.billPaidUntil === null || data.billPaidUntil >= new Date()) { data.status = 'ACTIVE' } // if the billing type is changing such that it's more expensive, bill 'em the difference const proratedCost = proratedBillingCost(oldSub, data.billingType) if (proratedCost > 0) { const cost = BigInt(1000) * BigInt(proratedCost) const results = await serializeInvoicable([ models.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { msats: { decrement: cost } } }), models.subAct.create({ data: { userId:, subName: oldName, msats: cost, type: 'BILLING' } }), models.sub.update({ data, where: { name: oldName, userId: } }) ], { models, lnd, hash, hmac, me, enforceFee: proratedCost }) return results[2] } } // if we get here they are changin in a way that doesn't cost them anything return await models.sub.update({ data, where: { name: oldName, userId: } }) } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'P2002') { throw new GraphQLError('name taken', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } throw error } }