import { retryPaidAction } from '../paidAction' import { USER_ID, WALLET_MAX_RETRIES, WALLET_RETRY_TIMEOUT_MS } from '@/lib/constants' function paidActionType (actionType) { switch (actionType) { case 'ITEM_CREATE': case 'ITEM_UPDATE': return 'ItemPaidAction' case 'ZAP': case 'DOWN_ZAP': case 'BOOST': return 'ItemActPaidAction' case 'TERRITORY_CREATE': case 'TERRITORY_UPDATE': case 'TERRITORY_BILLING': case 'TERRITORY_UNARCHIVE': return 'SubPaidAction' case 'DONATE': return 'DonatePaidAction' case 'POLL_VOTE': return 'PollVotePaidAction' case 'RECEIVE': return 'ReceivePaidAction' case 'BUY_CREDITS': return 'BuyCreditsPaidAction' default: throw new Error('Unknown action type') } } export default { Query: { paidAction: async (parent, { invoiceId }, { models, me }) => { const invoice = await models.invoice.findUnique({ where: { id: invoiceId, userId: me?.id ?? USER_ID.anon } }) if (!invoice) { throw new Error('Invoice not found') } return { type: paidActionType(invoice.actionType), invoice, result: invoice.actionResult, paymentMethod: invoice.actionOptimistic ? 'OPTIMISTIC' : 'PESSIMISTIC' } } }, Mutation: { retryPaidAction: async (parent, { invoiceId, newAttempt }, { models, me, lnd }) => { if (!me) { throw new Error('You must be logged in') } // make sure only one client at a time can retry by acquiring a lock that expires const [invoice] = await models.$queryRaw` UPDATE "Invoice" SET "retryPendingSince" = now() WHERE id = ${invoiceId} AND "userId" = ${} AND "actionState" = 'FAILED' AND ("retryPendingSince" IS NULL OR "retryPendingSince" < now() - ${`${WALLET_RETRY_TIMEOUT_MS} milliseconds`}::interval) RETURNING *` if (!invoice) { throw new Error('Invoice not found or retry pending') } // do we want to retry a payment from the beginning with all sender and receiver wallets? const paymentAttempt = newAttempt ? invoice.paymentAttempt + 1 : invoice.paymentAttempt if (paymentAttempt > WALLET_MAX_RETRIES) { throw new Error('Payment has been retried too many times') } const result = await retryPaidAction(invoice.actionType, { invoice }, { paymentAttempt, models, me, lnd }) return { ...result, type: paidActionType(invoice.actionType) } } }, PaidAction: { __resolveType: obj => obj.type } }