// verify k1 exists // send back import models from '../../api/models' import getSSRApolloClient from '../../api/ssrApollo' import { CREATE_WITHDRAWL } from '../../fragments/wallet' export default async ({ query }, res) => { if (query.pr) { return doWithdrawal(query, res) } let reason try { // TODO: make sure lnwith was recently generated ... or better use a stateless // bearer token to auth user const lnwith = await models.lnWith.findUnique({ where: { k1: query.k1 } }) if (lnwith) { const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: lnwith.userId } }) if (user) { return res.status(200).json({ tag: 'withdrawRequest', // type of LNURL callback: process.env.LNWITH_URL, // The URL which LN SERVICE would accept a withdrawal Lightning invoice as query parameter k1: query.k1, // Random or non-random string to identify the user's LN WALLET when using the callback URL defaultDescription: `Withdrawal for @${user.name} on SN`, // A default withdrawal invoice description minWithdrawable: 1000, // Min amount (in millisatoshis) the user can withdraw from LN SERVICE, or 0 maxWithdrawable: user.msats - 10000 // Max amount (in millisatoshis) the user can withdraw from LN SERVICE, or equal to minWithdrawable if the user has no choice over the amounts }) } else { reason = 'user not found' } } else { reason = 'withdrawal not found' } } catch (error) { console.log(error) reason = 'internal server error' } return res.status(400).json({ status: 'ERROR', reason }) } async function doWithdrawal (query, res) { if (!query.k1) { return res.status(400).json({ status: 'ERROR', reason: 'k1 not provided' }) } const lnwith = await models.lnWith.findUnique({ where: { k1: query.k1 } }) if (!lnwith) { return res.status(400).json({ status: 'ERROR', reason: 'invalid k1' }) } const me = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: lnwith.userId } }) if (!me) { return res.status(400).json({ status: 'ERROR', reason: 'user not found' }) } // create withdrawal in gql const client = await getSSRApolloClient(null, me) const { error, data } = await client.mutate({ mutation: CREATE_WITHDRAWL, variables: { invoice: query.pr, maxFee: 10 } }) if (error || !data?.createWithdrawl) { return res.status(400).json({ status: 'ERROR', reason: error?.toString() || 'could not generate withdrawl' }) } // store withdrawal id lnWith so client can show it await models.lnWith.update({ where: { k1: query.k1 }, data: { withdrawalId: Number(data.createWithdrawl.id) } }) return res.status(200).json({ status: 'OK' }) }