import LogMessage from './log-message'
import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import styles from '@/styles/log.module.css'
import { Button } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { useToast } from './toast'
import { useShowModal } from './modal'
import { WALLET_LOGS } from '@/fragments/wallet'
import { getWalletByType, walletTag } from '@/wallets/common'
import { gql, useLazyQuery, useMutation } from '@apollo/client'
import { useMe } from './me'
import useIndexedDB, { getDbName } from './use-indexeddb'
import { SSR } from '@/lib/constants'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
export function WalletLogs ({ wallet, embedded }) {
const { logs, setLogs, hasMore, loadMore, loading } = useWalletLogs(wallet)
const showModal = useShowModal()
return (
showModal(onClose => )
>clear logs
{, i) => (
: logs.length === 0 &&
------ start of logs ------
function DeleteWalletLogsObstacle ({ wallet, setLogs, onClose }) {
const { deleteLogs } = useWalletLogManager(setLogs)
const toaster = useToast()
const prompt = `Do you really want to delete all ${wallet ? '' : 'wallet'} logs ${wallet ? 'of this wallet' : ''}?`
return (
const INDICES = [
{ name: 'ts', keyPath: 'ts' },
{ name: 'wallet_ts', keyPath: ['wallet', 'ts'] }
function getWalletLogDbName (userId) {
return getDbName(userId)
function useWalletLogDB () {
const { me } = useMe()
// memoize the idb config to avoid re-creating it on every render
const idbConfig = useMemo(() =>
({ dbName: getWalletLogDbName(me?.id), storeName: 'wallet_logs', indices: INDICES }), [me?.id])
const { add, getPage, clear, error, notSupported } = useIndexedDB(idbConfig)
return { add, getPage, clear, error, notSupported }
export function useWalletLogManager (setLogs) {
const { add, clear, notSupported } = useWalletLogDB()
const appendLog = useCallback(async (wallet, level, message, context) => {
const log = { wallet: walletTag(wallet.def), level, message, ts: +new Date(), context }
try {
if (notSupported) {
console.log('cannot persist wallet log: indexeddb not supported')
} else {
await add(log)
setLogs?.(prevLogs => [log, ...prevLogs])
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to append wallet log:', error)
}, [add, notSupported])
const [deleteServerWalletLogs] = useMutation(
mutation deleteWalletLogs($wallet: String) {
deleteWalletLogs(wallet: $wallet)
onCompleted: (_, { variables: { wallet: walletType } }) => {
setLogs?.(logs => logs.filter(l => walletType ? l.wallet !== getWalletByType(walletType).name : false))
const deleteLogs = useCallback(async (wallet, options) => {
if ((!wallet || wallet.def.walletType) && !options?.clientOnly) {
await deleteServerWalletLogs({ variables: { wallet: wallet?.def.walletType } })
if (!wallet || wallet.sendPayment) {
try {
const tag = wallet ? walletTag(wallet.def) : null
if (notSupported) {
console.log('cannot clear wallet logs: indexeddb not supported')
} else {
await clear('wallet_ts', tag ? window.IDBKeyRange.bound([tag, 0], [tag, Infinity]) : null)
setLogs?.(logs => logs.filter(l => wallet ? l.wallet !== tag : false))
} catch (e) {
console.error('failed to delete logs', e)
}, [clear, deleteServerWalletLogs, setLogs, notSupported])
return { appendLog, deleteLogs }
export function useWalletLogs (wallet, initialPage = 1, logsPerPage = 10) {
const [logs, _setLogs] = useState([])
const [page, setPage] = useState(initialPage)
const [hasMore, setHasMore] = useState(true)
const [cursor, setCursor] = useState(null)
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true)
const latestTimestamp = useRef()
const { me } = useMe()
const router = useRouter()
const { getPage, error, notSupported } = useWalletLogDB()
const [getWalletLogs] = useLazyQuery(WALLET_LOGS, SSR ? {} : { fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network' })
const setLogs = useCallback((action) => {
// action can be a React state dispatch function
const newLogs = typeof action === 'function' ? action(logs) : action
// make sure 'more' button is removed if logs were deleted
if (newLogs.length === 0) setHasMore(false)
latestTimestamp.current = newLogs[0]?.ts
}, [logs, _setLogs, setHasMore])
const loadLogsPage = useCallback(async (page, pageSize, walletDef, variables = {}) => {
try {
let result = { data: [], hasMore: false }
if (notSupported) {
console.log('cannot get client wallet logs: indexeddb not supported')
} else {
const indexName = walletDef ? 'wallet_ts' : 'ts'
const query = walletDef ? window.IDBKeyRange.bound([walletTag(walletDef), -Infinity], [walletTag(walletDef), Infinity]) : null
result = await getPage(page, pageSize, indexName, query, 'prev')
// if given wallet has no walletType it means logs are only stored in local IDB
if (walletDef && !walletDef.walletType) {
return result
const oldestTs = result?.data[ - 1]?.ts // start of local logs
const newestTs = result?.data[0]?.ts // end of local logs
let from
if (variables?.from !== undefined) {
from = variables.from
} else if (oldestTs && result.hasMore) {
// fetch all missing, intertwined server logs since start of local logs
from = String(oldestTs)
} else {
from = null
let to
if (variables?.to !== undefined) {
to =
} else if (newestTs && cursor) {
// fetch next old page of server logs
// ( if cursor is available, we will use decoded time of cursor )
to = String(newestTs)
} else {
to = null
const { data } = await getWalletLogs({
variables: {
type: walletDef?.walletType,
const newLogs ={ createdAt, wallet: walletType, ...log }) => ({
ts: +new Date(createdAt),
wallet: walletTag(getWalletByType(walletType)),
const combinedLogs = uniqueSort([, ...newLogs])
return {
data: combinedLogs,
hasMore: result.hasMore || !!data.walletLogs.cursor
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading logs from IndexedDB:', error)
return { data: [], hasMore: false }
}, [getPage, setCursor, cursor, notSupported])
if (error) {
console.error('IndexedDB error:', error)
const loadMore = useCallback(async () => {
if (hasMore) {
const result = await loadLogsPage(page + 1, logsPerPage, wallet?.def)
_setLogs(prevLogs => uniqueSort([...prevLogs,]))
setPage(prevPage => prevPage + 1)
}, [loadLogsPage, page, logsPerPage, wallet?.def, hasMore])
const loadNew = useCallback(async () => {
const latestTs = latestTimestamp.current
const variables = { from: latestTs?.toString(), to: null }
const result = await loadLogsPage(1, logsPerPage, wallet?.def, variables)
_setLogs(prevLogs => uniqueSort([, ...prevLogs]))
if (!latestTs) {
// we only want to update the more button if we didn't fetch new logs since it is about old logs.
// we didn't fetch new logs if this is our first fetch (no newest timestamp available)
}, [wallet?.def, loadLogsPage])
useEffect(() => {
// only fetch new logs if we are on a page that uses logs
const needLogs = router.asPath.startsWith('/settings/wallets') || router.asPath.startsWith('/wallet/logs')
if (!me || !needLogs) return
let timeout
let stop = false
const poll = async () => {
await loadNew().catch(console.error)
if (!stop) timeout = setTimeout(poll, 1_000)
timeout = setTimeout(poll, 1_000)
return () => {
stop = true
}, [me?.id, router.pathname, loadNew])
return { logs, hasMore: !loading && hasMore, loadMore, setLogs, loading }
function uniqueSort (logs) {
return Array.from(new Set(, b) => b.ts - a.ts)