import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client' import Link from 'next/link' import { getGetServerSideProps } from '@/api/ssrApollo' import Nav from 'react-bootstrap/Nav' import Layout from '@/components/layout' import MoreFooter from '@/components/more-footer' import { WALLET_HISTORY } from '@/fragments/wallet' import styles from '@/styles/satistics.module.css' import Moon from '@/svgs/moon-fill.svg' import Check from '@/svgs/check-double-line.svg' import ThumbDown from '@/svgs/thumb-down-fill.svg' import { Checkbox, Form } from '@/components/form' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import Item from '@/components/item' import { CommentFlat } from '@/components/comment' import ItemJob from '@/components/item-job' import PageLoading from '@/components/page-loading' import PayerData from '@/components/payer-data' import { Badge } from 'react-bootstrap' import navStyles from '../settings/settings.module.css' export const getServerSideProps = getGetServerSideProps({ query: WALLET_HISTORY, authRequired: true }) function satusClass (status) { if (!status) { return '' } switch (status) { case 'CONFIRMED': return 'text-reset' case 'PENDING': return 'text-muted' default: return `${styles.failed} text-muted` } } function Satus ({ status }) { if (!status) { return null } let color = 'danger'; let desc switch (status) { case 'CONFIRMED': desc = 'confirmed' color = 'success' break case 'EXPIRED': desc = 'expired' color = 'muted' break case 'CANCELLED': desc = 'cancelled' color = 'muted' break case 'PENDING': desc = 'pending' color = 'muted' break case 'INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE': desc = "you didn't have enough sats" break case 'INVALID_PAYMENT': desc = 'invalid payment' break case 'PATHFINDING_TIMEOUT': case 'ROUTE_NOT_FOUND': desc = 'no route found' break default: return 'unknown failure' } const Icon = () => { switch (status) { case 'CONFIRMED': return <Check width='20' height='20' className={`fill-${color}`} /> case 'PENDING': return <Moon width='20' height='20' className={`fill-${color} spin`} /> default: return <ThumbDown width='18' height='18' className={`fill-${color}`} /> } } return ( <span className='d-inline-block'> <Icon /><small className={`text-${color} fw-bold ms-2`}>{desc}</small> </span> ) } function Detail ({ fact }) { if (fact.type === 'earn') { return ( <Link href={`/rewards/${new Date(fact.createdAt).toISOString().slice(0, 10)}`} className='px-3 text-reset' style={{ lineHeight: '140%' }}> SN distributes the sats it earns back to its best stackers daily. These sats come from jobs, boosts, posting fees, and donations. </Link> ) } if (fact.type === 'donation') { return ( <div className='px-3'> You made a donation to <Link href='/rewards'>daily rewards</Link>! </div> ) } if (fact.type === 'referral') { return ( <div className='px-3'> You stacked sats from <Link href='/referrals/month'>a referral</Link>! </div> ) } if (fact.type === 'billing') { return ( <div className='px-3'>billing for <Link href={`/~${fact.subName}`}>~{fact.subName}</Link></div> ) } if (fact.type === 'revenue') { return ( <div className='px-3'>revenue for <Link href={`/~${fact.subName}`}>~{fact.subName}</Link></div> ) } if (!fact.item) { let zap try { zap = JSON.parse(fact.description) } catch { } return ( <div className='px-3'> <Link className={satusClass(fact.status)} href={`/${fact.type}s/${}`}> {(!fact.bolt11 && <span className='d-block text-muted fw-bold fst-italic'>invoice deleted</span>) || (zap && <span className='d-block'>nostr zap{zap.content && `: ${zap.content}`}</span>) || (fact.description && <span className='d-block'>{fact.description}</span>)} <PayerData data={fact.invoicePayerData} className='text-muted' header /> {fact.invoiceComment && <small className='text-muted'><b>sender says:</b> {fact.invoiceComment}</small>} <Satus status={fact.status} />{fact.autoWithdraw && <Badge className={styles.badge} bg={null}>autowithdraw</Badge>} </Link> </div> ) } if (fact.item.title) { if (fact.item.isJob) { return <ItemJob className={styles.itemWrapper} item={fact.item} /> } return <Item item={fact.item} siblingComments /> } return <CommentFlat item={fact.item} includeParent noReply truncate /> } function Fact ({ fact }) { const factDate = new Date(fact.createdAt) return ( <> <div className={`${styles.type} ${satusClass(fact.status)} ${fact.sats > 0 ? '' : 'text-muted'}`}>{fact.type}</div> <div className={styles.detail}> <Detail fact={fact} /> <div className='text-muted px-3'>{`${factDate.toLocaleDateString()} ${factDate.toLocaleTimeString()}`}</div> </div> <div className={`${styles.sats} ${satusClass(fact.status)} ${fact.sats > 0 ? '' : 'text-muted'}`}>{fact.sats}</div> </> ) } export function SatisticsHeader () { const router = useRouter() const pathParts = router.asPath.split('?')[0].split('/').filter(segment => !!segment) const activeKey = pathParts[1] ?? 'history' return ( <> <h2 className='mb-2 text-start'>satistics</h2> <Nav className={navStyles.nav} activeKey={activeKey} > <Nav.Item> <Link href='/satistics?inc=invoice,withdrawal,stacked,spent' passHref legacyBehavior> <Nav.Link eventKey='history'>history</Nav.Link> </Link> </Nav.Item> <Nav.Item> <Link href='/satistics/graphs/day' passHref legacyBehavior> <Nav.Link eventKey='graphs'>graphs</Nav.Link> </Link> </Nav.Item> </Nav> </> ) } export default function Satistics ({ ssrData }) { const router = useRouter() const { data, fetchMore } = useQuery(WALLET_HISTORY, { variables: { inc: } }) if (!data && !ssrData) return <PageLoading /> function filterRoutePush (filter, add) { const inc = new Set(',')) inc.delete('') // depending on addrem, add or remove filter if (add) { inc.add(filter) } else { inc.delete(filter) } const incstr = [].join(',') router.push(`/satistics?inc=${incstr}`) } function included (filter) { const inc = new Set(',')) return inc.has(filter) } const { walletHistory: { facts, cursor } } = data || ssrData return ( <Layout> <div className='mt-2'> <SatisticsHeader /> <Form initial={{ invoice: included('invoice'), withdrawal: included('withdrawal'), stacked: included('stacked'), spent: included('spent') }} > <div className='d-flex justify-content-around flex-wrap'> <Checkbox label='invoice' name='invoice' inline checked={included('invoice')} handleChange={c => filterRoutePush('invoice', c)} /> <Checkbox label='withdrawal' name='withdrawal' inline checked={included('withdrawal')} handleChange={c => filterRoutePush('withdrawal', c)} /> <Checkbox label='stacked' name='stacked' inline checked={included('stacked')} handleChange={c => filterRoutePush('stacked', c)} /> <Checkbox label='spent' name='spent' inline checked={included('spent')} handleChange={c => filterRoutePush('spent', c)} /> </div> </Form> <div className='py-2 px-0 mb-0 mw-100'> <div className={styles.rows}> <div className={[styles.type, styles.head].join(' ')}>type</div> <div className={[styles.detail, styles.head].join(' ')}>detail</div> <div className={[styles.sats, styles.head].join(' ')}>sats</div> { => <Fact key={f.type +} fact={f} />)} </div> </div> <MoreFooter cursor={cursor} count={facts?.length} fetchMore={fetchMore} Skeleton={PageLoading} /> </div> </Layout> ) }