import { USER_ID } from '@/lib/constants' import { imageFeesInfo } from '../resolvers/image' import { getItemMentions, getMentions, performBotBehavior } from './lib/item' import { notifyItemMention, notifyMention } from '@/lib/webPush' import { satsToMsats } from '@/lib/format' export const anonable = false export const supportsPessimism = true export const supportsOptimism = false export async function getCost ({ id, boost = 0, uploadIds }, { me, models }) { // the only reason updating items costs anything is when it has new uploads // or more boost const old = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: parseInt(id) } }) const { totalFeesMsats } = await imageFeesInfo(uploadIds, { models, me }) return BigInt(totalFeesMsats) + satsToMsats(boost - (old.boost || 0)) } export async function perform (args, context) { const { id, boost = 0, uploadIds = [], options: pollOptions = [], forwardUsers: itemForwards = [], invoiceId, } = args const { tx, me, models } = context const old = await tx.item.findUnique({ where: { id: parseInt(id) }, include: { threadSubscriptions: true, mentions: true, itemForwards: true, itemReferrers: true, itemUploads: true } }) const boostMsats = satsToMsats(boost - (old.boost || 0)) const itemActs = [] if (boostMsats > 0) { itemActs.push({ msats: boostMsats, act: 'BOOST', userId: me?.id || USER_ID.anon }) } // createMany is the set difference of the new - old // deleteMany is the set difference of the old - new // updateMany is the intersection of the old and new const difference = (a = [], b = [], key = 'userId') => a.filter(x => !b.find(y => y[key] === x[key])) const intersectionMerge = (a = [], b = [], key) => a.filter(x => b.find(y => y.userId === x.userId)) .map(x => ({ [key]: x[key], ...b.find(y => y.userId === x.userId) })) const mentions = await getMentions(args, context) const itemMentions = await getItemMentions(args, context) const itemUploads = => ({ uploadId: id })) await tx.upload.updateMany({ where: { id: { in: uploadIds } }, data: { paid: true } }) const item = await tx.item.update({ where: { id: parseInt(id) }, include: { mentions: true, itemReferrers: { include: { refereeItem: true } } }, data: {, boost, pollOptions: { createMany: { data: pollOptions?.map(option => ({ option })) } }, itemUploads: { create: difference(itemUploads, old.itemUploads, 'uploadId').map(({ uploadId }) => ({ uploadId })), deleteMany: { uploadId: { in: difference(old.itemUploads, itemUploads, 'uploadId').map(({ uploadId }) => uploadId) } } }, itemActs: { createMany: { data: itemActs } }, itemForwards: { deleteMany: { userId: { in: difference(old.itemForwards, itemForwards).map(({ userId }) => userId) } }, createMany: { data: difference(itemForwards, old.itemForwards) }, update: intersectionMerge(old.itemForwards, itemForwards, 'id').map(({ id, }) => ({ where: { id }, data })) }, threadSubscriptions: { deleteMany: { userId: { in: difference(old.itemForwards, itemForwards).map(({ userId }) => userId) } }, createMany: { data: difference(itemForwards, old.itemForwards).map(({ userId }) => ({ userId })) } }, mentions: { deleteMany: { userId: { in: difference(old.mentions, mentions).map(({ userId }) => userId) } }, createMany: { data: difference(mentions, old.mentions) } }, itemReferrers: { deleteMany: { refereeId: { in: difference(old.itemReferrers, itemMentions, 'refereeId').map(({ refereeId }) => refereeId) } }, create: difference(itemMentions, old.itemReferrers, 'refereeId') } } }) await tx.$executeRaw`INSERT INTO pgboss.job (name, data, retrylimit, retrybackoff, startafter) VALUES ('imgproxy', jsonb_build_object('id', ${id}::INTEGER), 21, true, now() + interval '5 seconds')` await performBotBehavior(args, context) // TODO: referals for boost // notify all the mentions if the mention is new for (const { userId, createdAt } of item.mentions) { if (item.updatedAt.getTime() === createdAt.getTime()) continue notifyMention({ models, item, userId }).catch(console.error) } for (const { refereeItem, createdAt } of item.itemReferrers) { if (item.updatedAt.getTime() === createdAt.getTime()) continue notifyItemMention({ models, referrerItem: item, refereeItem }).catch(console.error) } // ltree is unsupported in Prisma, so we have to query it manually (FUCK!) return (await tx.$queryRaw` SELECT *, ltree2text(path) AS path, created_at AS "createdAt", updated_at AS "updatedAt" FROM "Item" WHERE id = ${parseInt(id)}::INTEGER` )[0] } export async function describe ({ id, parentId }, context) { return `SN: update ${parentId ? `reply to #${parentId}` : 'post'}` }