WITH RECURSIVE base AS ( SELECT "Item".id, "Item".created_at as "createdAt", "Item".updated_at as "updatedAt", "Item".title, "Item".text, "Item".url, "Item"."userId", "Item"."parentId", ltree2text("Item"."path") AS "path", ARRAY[row_number() OVER (ORDER BY (x.sats-1)/POWER(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ((NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') - "Item".created_at))/3600+2, 1.5) DESC NULLS LAST, "Item"."path")] AS sort_path FROM "Item" LEFT JOIN (SELECT i.id, SUM("Vote".sats) as sats FROM "Item" i JOIN "Vote" ON i.id = "Vote"."itemId" WHERE i."parentId" IS NULL GROUP BY i.id) x ON "Item".id = x.id WHERE "parentId" IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT "Item".id, "Item".created_at as "createdAt", "Item".updated_at as "updatedAt", "Item".title, "Item".text, "Item".url, "Item"."userId", "Item"."parentId", ltree2text("Item"."path") AS "path", p.sort_path || row_number() OVER (ORDER BY (x.sats-1)/POWER(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ((NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') - "Item".created_at))/3600+2, 1.5) DESC NULLS LAST, "Item"."path") FROM base p JOIN "Item" ON ltree2text(subpath("Item"."path", 0, -1)) = p."path" LEFT JOIN (SELECT i.id, SUM("Vote".sats) as sats FROM "Item" i JOIN "Vote" ON i.id = "Vote"."itemId" WHERE i."parentId" IS NULL GROUP BY i.id) x ON "Item".id = x.id ) select * from base order by sort_path; WITH RECURSIVE base AS ( SELECT "Item".id, "Item".created_at as "createdAt", "Item".updated_at as "updatedAt", "Item".title, "Item".text, "Item".url, "Item"."userId", "Item"."parentId", ltree2text("Item"."path") AS "path", ARRAY[row_number() OVER (ORDER BY "Item".created_at, "Item"."path")] AS sort_path FROM "Item" WHERE "parentId" IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT "Item".id, "Item".created_at as "createdAt", "Item".updated_at as "updatedAt", "Item".title, "Item".text, "Item".url, "Item"."userId", "Item"."parentId", ltree2text("Item"."path") AS "path", p.sort_path || row_number() OVER (ORDER BY "Item".created_at, "Item"."path") FROM base p JOIN "Item" ON ltree2text(subpath("Item"."path", 0, -1)) = p."path" ) select * from base order by sort_path;