import { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react' import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client' import Comment, { CommentSkeleton } from './comment' import Item from './item' import ItemJob from './item-job' import { NOTIFICATIONS } from '../fragments/notifications' import MoreFooter from './more-footer' import Invite from './invite' import { ignoreClick } from '../lib/clicks' import { dayMonthYear, timeSince } from '../lib/time' import Link from 'next/link' import Check from '../svgs/check-double-line.svg' import HandCoin from '../svgs/hand-coin-fill.svg' import { LOST_BLURBS, FOUND_BLURBS } from '../lib/constants' import CowboyHatIcon from '../svgs/cowboy.svg' import BaldIcon from '../svgs/bald.svg' import { RootProvider } from './root' import Alert from 'react-bootstrap/Alert' import styles from './notifications.module.css' import { useServiceWorker } from './serviceworker' import { Checkbox, Form } from './form' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { useData } from './use-data' import { nostrZapDetails } from '../lib/nostr' import Text from './text' import NostrIcon from '../svgs/nostr.svg' import { numWithUnits } from '../lib/format' import BountyIcon from '../svgs/bounty-bag.svg' import { LongCountdown } from './countdown' import { nextBillingWithGrace } from '../lib/territory' import { commentSubTreeRootId } from '../lib/item' function Notification ({ n, fresh }) { const type = n.__typename return ( <NotificationLayout nid={nid(n)} {...defaultOnClick(n)} fresh={fresh}> { (type === 'Earn' && <EarnNotification n={n} />) || (type === 'Revenue' && <RevenueNotification n={n} />) || (type === 'Invitification' && <Invitification n={n} />) || (type === 'InvoicePaid' && (n.invoice.nostr ? <NostrZap n={n} /> : <InvoicePaid n={n} />)) || (type === 'Referral' && <Referral n={n} />) || (type === 'Streak' && <Streak n={n} />) || (type === 'Votification' && <Votification n={n} />) || (type === 'ForwardedVotification' && <ForwardedVotification n={n} />) || (type === 'Mention' && <Mention n={n} />) || (type === 'JobChanged' && <JobChanged n={n} />) || (type === 'Reply' && <Reply n={n} />) || (type === 'SubStatus' && <SubStatus n={n} />) || (type === 'FollowActivity' && <FollowActivity n={n} />) || (type === 'TerritoryPost' && <TerritoryPost n={n} />) } </NotificationLayout> ) } function NotificationLayout ({ children, nid, href, as, fresh }) { const router = useRouter() if (!href) return <div className={fresh ? styles.fresh : ''}>{children}</div> return ( <div className={ `clickToContext ${fresh ? styles.fresh : ''} ${router?.query?.nid === nid ? 'outline-it' : ''}` } onClick={async (e) => { if (ignoreClick(e)) return nid && await router.replace({ pathname: router.pathname, query: { ...router.query, nid } }, router.asPath, { ...router.options, shallow: true }) router.push(href, as) }} > {children} </div> ) } const defaultOnClick = n => { const type = n.__typename if (type === 'Earn') { let href = '/rewards/' if (n.minSortTime !== n.sortTime) { href += `${dayMonthYear(new Date(n.minSortTime))}/` } href += dayMonthYear(new Date(n.sortTime)) return { href } } if (type === 'Revenue') return { href: `/~${n.subName}` } if (type === 'SubStatus') return { href: `/~${}` } if (type === 'Invitification') return { href: '/invites' } if (type === 'InvoicePaid') return { href: `/invoices/${}` } if (type === 'Referral') return { href: '/referrals/month' } if (type === 'Streak') return {} // Votification, Mention, JobChanged, Reply all have item if (!n.item.title) { const rootId = commentSubTreeRootId(n.item) return { href: { pathname: '/items/[id]', query: { id: rootId, commentId: } }, as: `/items/${rootId}` } } else { return { href: { pathname: '/items/[id]', query: { id: } }, as: `/items/${}` } } } function Streak ({ n }) { function blurb (n) { const index = Number( % Math.min(FOUND_BLURBS.length, LOST_BLURBS.length) if (n.days) { return `After ${numWithUnits(n.days, { abbreviate: false, unitSingular: 'day', unitPlural: 'days' })}, ` + LOST_BLURBS[index] } return FOUND_BLURBS[index] } return ( <div className='d-flex ms-2 py-1'> <div style={{ fontSize: '2rem' }}>{n.days ? <BaldIcon className='fill-grey' height={40} width={40} /> : <CowboyHatIcon className='fill-grey' height={40} width={40} />}</div> <div className='ms-1 p-1'> <span className='fw-bold'>you {n.days ? 'lost your' : 'found a'} cowboy hat</span> <div><small style={{ lineHeight: '140%', display: 'inline-block' }}>{blurb(n)}</small></div> </div> </div> ) } function EarnNotification ({ n }) { const time = n.minSortTime === n.sortTime ? dayMonthYear(new Date(n.minSortTime)) : `${dayMonthYear(new Date(n.minSortTime))} to ${dayMonthYear(new Date(n.sortTime))}` return ( <div className='d-flex ms-2 py-1'> <HandCoin className='align-self-center fill-boost mx-1' width={24} height={24} style={{ flex: '0 0 24px', transform: 'rotateY(180deg)' }} /> <div className='ms-2'> <div className='fw-bold text-boost'> you stacked {numWithUnits(n.earnedSats, { abbreviate: false })} in rewards<small className='text-muted ms-1 fw-normal' suppressHydrationWarning>{time}</small> </div> {n.sources && <div style={{ fontSize: '80%', color: 'var(--theme-grey)' }}> {n.sources.posts > 0 && <span>{numWithUnits(n.sources.posts, { abbreviate: false })} for top posts</span>} {n.sources.comments > 0 && <span>{n.sources.posts > 0 && ' \\ '}{numWithUnits(n.sources.comments, { abbreviate: false })} for top comments</span>} {n.sources.tipPosts > 0 && <span>{(n.sources.comments > 0 || n.sources.posts > 0) && ' \\ '}{numWithUnits(n.sources.tipPosts, { abbreviate: false })} for zapping top posts early</span>} {n.sources.tipComments > 0 && <span>{(n.sources.comments > 0 || n.sources.posts > 0 || n.sources.tipPosts > 0) && ' \\ '}{numWithUnits(n.sources.tipComments, { abbreviate: false })} for zapping top comments early</span>} </div>} <div style={{ lineHeight: '140%' }}> SN distributes the sats it earns back to its best stackers daily. These sats come from <Link href='/~jobs'>jobs</Link>, boosts, posting fees, and donations. You can see the daily rewards pool and make a donation <Link href='/rewards'>here</Link>. </div> <small className='text-muted ms-1 pb-1 fw-normal'>click for details</small> </div> </div> ) } function RevenueNotification ({ n }) { return ( <div className='d-flex ms-2 py-1'> <BountyIcon className='align-self-center fill-success mx-1' width={24} height={24} style={{ flex: '0 0 24px' }} /> <div className='ms-2 pb-1'> <div className='fw-bold text-success'> you stacked {numWithUnits(n.earnedSats, { abbreviate: false })} in territory revenue<small className='text-muted ms-1 fw-normal' suppressHydrationWarning>{timeSince(new Date(n.sortTime))}</small> </div> <div style={{ lineHeight: '140%' }}> As the founder of territory <Link href={`/~${n.subName}`}>~{n.subName}</Link>, you receive 50% of the revenue it generates and the other 50% go to <Link href='/rewards'>rewards</Link>. </div> </div> </div> ) } function SubStatus ({ n }) { const dueDate = nextBillingWithGrace(n.sub) return ( <div className={`fw-bold text-${n.sub.status === 'ACTIVE' ? 'success' : 'danger'} ms-2`}> {n.sub.status === 'ACTIVE' ? 'your territory is active again' : (n.sub.status === 'GRACE' ? <>your territory payment for ~{} is due or your territory will be archived in <LongCountdown date={dueDate} /></> : <>your territory ~{} has been archived</>)} <small className='text-muted d-block pb-1 fw-normal'>click to visit territory and pay</small> </div> ) } function Invitification ({ n }) { return ( <> <small className='fw-bold text-secondary ms-2'> your invite has been redeemed by {numWithUnits(n.invite.invitees.length, { abbreviate: false, unitSingular: 'stacker', unitPlural: 'stackers' })} </small> <div className='ms-4 me-2 mt-1'> <Invite invite={n.invite} active={ !n.invite.revoked && !(n.invite.limit && n.invite.invitees.length >= n.invite.limit) } /> </div> </> ) } function NostrZap ({ n }) { const { nostr } = n.invoice const { npub, content, note } = nostrZapDetails(nostr) return ( <> <div className='fw-bold text-nostr ms-2 py-1'> <NostrIcon width={24} height={24} className='fill-nostr me-1' />{numWithUnits(n.earnedSats)} zap from <Link className='mx-1 text-reset text-underline' target='_blank' href={`${npub}`} rel='noreferrer'> {npub.slice(0, 10)}... </Link> on {note ? ( <Link className='mx-1 text-reset text-underline' target='_blank' href={`${note}`} rel='noreferrer'> {note.slice(0, 12)}... </Link>) : 'nostr'} <small className='text-muted ms-1 fw-normal' suppressHydrationWarning>{timeSince(new Date(n.sortTime))}</small> {content && <small className='d-block ms-4 ps-1 mt-1 mb-1 text-muted fw-normal'><Text>{content}</Text></small>} </div> </> ) } function InvoicePaid ({ n }) { let payerSig if (n.invoice.lud18Data) { const { name, identifier, email, pubkey } = n.invoice.lud18Data const id = identifier || email || pubkey payerSig = '- ' if (name) { payerSig += name if (id) payerSig += ' \\ ' } if (id) payerSig += id } return ( <div className='fw-bold text-info ms-2 py-1'> <Check className='fill-info me-1' />{numWithUnits(n.earnedSats, { abbreviate: false, unitSingular: 'sat was', unitPlural: 'sats were' })} deposited in your account <small className='text-muted ms-1 fw-normal' suppressHydrationWarning>{timeSince(new Date(n.sortTime))}</small> {n.invoice.comment && <small className='d-block ms-4 ps-1 mt-1 mb-1 text-muted fw-normal'> <Text>{n.invoice.comment}</Text> {payerSig} </small>} </div> ) } function Referral ({ n }) { return ( <small className='fw-bold text-secondary ms-2'> someone joined via one of your referral links <small className='text-muted ms-1 fw-normal' suppressHydrationWarning>{timeSince(new Date(n.sortTime))}</small> </small> ) } function Votification ({ n }) { let forwardedSats = 0 let ForwardedUsers = null if (n.item.forwards?.length) { forwardedSats = Math.floor(n.earnedSats * => fwd.pct).reduce((sum, cur) => sum + cur) / 100) ForwardedUsers = () =>, i) => <span key={}> <Link className='text-success' href={`/${}`}> @{} </Link> {i !== n.item.forwards.length - 1 && ' '} </span>) } return ( <> <small className='fw-bold text-success d-inline-block ms-2 my-1' style={{ lineHeight: '1.25' }}> your {n.item.title ? 'post' : 'reply'} stacked {numWithUnits(n.earnedSats, { abbreviate: false })} {n.item.forwards?.length > 0 && <> {' '}and forwarded {numWithUnits(forwardedSats, { abbreviate: false })} to{' '} <ForwardedUsers /> </>} </small> <div> {n.item.title ? <Item item={n.item} /> : ( <div className='pb-2'> <RootProvider root={n.item.root}> <Comment item={n.item} noReply includeParent clickToContext /> </RootProvider> </div> )} </div> </> ) } function ForwardedVotification ({ n }) { return ( <> <small className='fw-bold text-success d-inline-block ms-2 my-1' style={{ lineHeight: '1.25' }}> you were forwarded {numWithUnits(n.earnedSats, { abbreviate: false })} from </small> <div> {n.item.title ? <Item item={n.item} /> : ( <div className='pb-2'> <RootProvider root={n.item.root}> <Comment item={n.item} noReply includeParent clickToContext /> </RootProvider> </div> )} </div> </> ) } function Mention ({ n }) { return ( <> <small className='fw-bold text-info ms-2'> you were mentioned in </small> <div> {n.item.title ? <Item item={n.item} /> : ( <div className='pb-2'> <RootProvider root={n.item.root}> <Comment item={n.item} noReply includeParent rootText={n.__typename === 'Reply' ? 'replying on:' : undefined} clickToContext /> </RootProvider> </div>)} </div> </> ) } function JobChanged ({ n }) { return ( <> <small className={`fw-bold text-${n.item.status === 'ACTIVE' ? 'success' : 'boost'} ms-1`}> {n.item.status === 'ACTIVE' ? 'your job is active again' : (n.item.status === 'NOSATS' ? 'your job promotion ran out of sats' : 'your job has been stopped')} </small> <ItemJob item={n.item} /> </> ) } function Reply ({ n }) { return ( <div className='py-2'> {n.item.title ? <Item item={n.item} /> : ( <div className='pb-2'> <RootProvider root={n.item.root}> <Comment item={n.item} noReply includeParent clickToContext rootText='replying on:' /> </RootProvider> </div> )} </div> ) } function FollowActivity ({ n }) { return ( <> <small className='fw-bold text-info ms-2'> a stacker you subscribe to {n.item.parentId ? 'commented' : 'posted'} </small> {n.item.title ? <div className='ms-2'><Item item={n.item} /></div> : ( <div className='pb-2'> <RootProvider root={n.item.root}> <Comment item={n.item} noReply includeParent clickToContext rootText='replying on:' /> </RootProvider> </div> )} </> ) } function TerritoryPost ({ n }) { return ( <> <small className='fw-bold text-info ms-2'> new post in ~{} </small> <div> <Item item={n.item} /> </div> </> ) } export function NotificationAlert () { const [showAlert, setShowAlert] = useState(false) const [hasSubscription, setHasSubscription] = useState(false) const [error, setError] = useState(null) const [supported, setSupported] = useState(false) const sw = useServiceWorker() useEffect(() => { const isSupported = && && if (isSupported) { const isDefaultPermission = sw.permission.notification === 'default' setShowAlert(isDefaultPermission && !window.localStorage.getItem('hideNotifyPrompt')) sw.registration?.pushManager.getSubscription().then(subscription => setHasSubscription(!!subscription)) setSupported(true) } }, [sw]) const close = () => { window.localStorage.setItem('hideNotifyPrompt', 'yep') setShowAlert(false) } return ( error ? ( <Alert variant='danger' dismissible onClose={() => setError(null)}> <span>{error.toString()}</span> </Alert> ) : showAlert ? ( <Alert variant='info' dismissible onClose={close}> <span className='align-middle'>Enable push notifications?</span> <button className={`${styles.alertBtn} mx-1`} onClick={async () => { await sw.requestNotificationPermission() .then(close) .catch(setError) }} >Yes </button> <button className={styles.alertBtn} onClick={close}>No</button> </Alert> ) : ( <Form className={`d-flex justify-content-end ${supported ? 'visible' : 'invisible'}`} initial={{ pushNotify: hasSubscription }}> <Checkbox name='pushNotify' label={<span className='text-muted'>push notifications</span>} groupClassName={`${styles.subFormGroup} mb-1 me-sm-3 me-0`} inline checked={hasSubscription} handleChange={async () => { await sw.togglePushSubscription().catch(setError) }} /> </Form> ) ) } const nid = n => n.__typename + + n.sortTime export default function Notifications ({ ssrData }) { const { data, fetchMore } = useQuery(NOTIFICATIONS) const router = useRouter() const dat = useData(data, ssrData) const { notifications: { notifications, lastChecked, cursor } } = useMemo(() => { return dat || { notifications: {} } }, [dat]) useEffect(() => { if (lastChecked && !router?.query?.checkedAt) { router.replace({ pathname: router.pathname, query: { ...router.query, nodata: true, // make sure nodata is set so we don't fetch on back/forward checkedAt: lastChecked } }, router.asPath, { ...router.options, shallow: true }) } }, [router, lastChecked]) if (!dat) return <CommentsFlatSkeleton /> return ( <> { => <Notification n={n} key={nid(n)} fresh={new Date(n.sortTime) > new Date(router?.query?.checkedAt)} />)} <MoreFooter cursor={cursor} count={notifications?.length} fetchMore={fetchMore} Skeleton={CommentsFlatSkeleton} noMoreText='NO MORE' /> </> ) } function CommentsFlatSkeleton () { const comments = new Array(21).fill(null) return ( <div> {, i) => ( <CommentSkeleton key={i} skeletonChildren={0} /> ))} </div> ) }