? children({ index: i, readOnly: i < readOnlyLen, placeholder: i >= min ? 'optional' : undefined })
: = min ? 'optional' : undefined} />}
{options.length - 1 === i && options.length !== max
? fieldArrayHelpers.push(emptyItem)} />
// filler div for col alignment across rows
: }
{options.length - 1 === i &&
{hint && {hint}}
{form.touched[name] && typeof form.errors[name] === 'string' &&
export function Checkbox ({ children, label, groupClassName, hiddenLabel, extra, handleChange, inline, disabled, ...props }) {
// React treats radios and checkbox inputs differently other input types, select, and textarea.
// Formik does this too! When you specify `type` to useField(), it will
// return the correct bag of props for you
const [field,, helpers] = useField({ ...props, type: 'checkbox' })
return (
{hiddenLabel && {label}}
handleChange && handleChange(e.target.checked, helpers.setValue)