import { createInvoice, decodePaymentRequest, payViaPaymentRequest } from 'ln-service' import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql' import serialize from './serial' import { decodeCursor, LIMIT, nextCursorEncoded } from '../../lib/cursor' import lnpr from 'bolt11' import { SELECT } from './item' import { lnurlPayDescriptionHash } from '../../lib/lnurl' import { msatsToSats, msatsToSatsDecimal } from '../../lib/format' import { amountSchema, lnAddrSchema, ssValidate, withdrawlSchema } from '../../lib/validate' import { ANON_USER_ID } from '../../lib/constants' export async function getInvoice (parent, { id }, { me, models }) { const inv = await models.invoice.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) }, include: { user: true } }) if (!inv) { throw new GraphQLError('invoice not found', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } if ( === ANON_USER_ID) { return inv } if (!me) { throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } }) } if ( !== { throw new GraphQLError('not ur invoice', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } }) } return inv } export default { Query: { invoice: getInvoice, withdrawl: async (parent, { id }, { me, models, lnd }) => { if (!me) { throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } }) } const wdrwl = await models.withdrawl.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) }, include: { user: true } }) if ( !== { throw new GraphQLError('not ur withdrawal', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } }) } return wdrwl }, connectAddress: async (parent, args, { lnd }) => { return process.env.LND_CONNECT_ADDRESS }, walletHistory: async (parent, { cursor, inc }, { me, models, lnd }) => { const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor) if (!me) { throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } }) } const include = new Set(inc?.split(',')) const queries = [] if (include.has('invoice')) { queries.push( `(SELECT ('invoice' || id) as id, id as "factId", bolt11, created_at as "createdAt", COALESCE("msatsReceived", "msatsRequested") as msats, NULL as "msatsFee", CASE WHEN "confirmedAt" IS NOT NULL THEN 'CONFIRMED' WHEN "expiresAt" <= $2 THEN 'EXPIRED' WHEN cancelled THEN 'CANCELLED' ELSE 'PENDING' END as status, 'invoice' as type FROM "Invoice" WHERE "userId" = $1 AND created_at <= $2)`) } if (include.has('withdrawal')) { queries.push( `(SELECT ('withdrawal' || id) as id, id as "factId", bolt11, created_at as "createdAt", CASE WHEN status = 'CONFIRMED' THEN "msatsPaid" ELSE "msatsPaying" END as msats, CASE WHEN status = 'CONFIRMED' THEN "msatsFeePaid" ELSE "msatsFeePaying" END as "msatsFee", COALESCE(status::text, 'PENDING') as status, 'withdrawal' as type FROM "Withdrawl" WHERE "userId" = $1 AND created_at <= $2)`) } if (include.has('stacked')) { queries.push( `(SELECT ('stacked' || "Item".id) as id, "Item".id as "factId", NULL as bolt11, MAX("ItemAct".created_at) as "createdAt", sum("ItemAct".msats) as msats, 0 as "msatsFee", NULL as status, 'stacked' as type FROM "ItemAct" JOIN "Item" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id WHERE act = 'TIP' AND (("Item"."userId" = $1 AND "Item"."fwdUserId" IS NULL) OR ("Item"."fwdUserId" = $1 AND "ItemAct"."userId" <> "Item"."userId")) AND "ItemAct".created_at <= $2 GROUP BY "Item".id)`) queries.push( `(SELECT ('earn' || min("Earn".id)) as id, min("Earn".id) as "factId", NULL as bolt11, created_at as "createdAt", sum(msats), 0 as "msatsFee", NULL as status, 'earn' as type FROM "Earn" WHERE "Earn"."userId" = $1 AND "Earn".created_at <= $2 GROUP BY "userId", created_at)`) queries.push( `(SELECT ('referral' || "ReferralAct".id) as id, "ReferralAct".id as "factId", NULL as bolt11, created_at as "createdAt", msats, 0 as "msatsFee", NULL as status, 'referral' as type FROM "ReferralAct" WHERE "ReferralAct"."referrerId" = $1 AND "ReferralAct".created_at <= $2)`) } if (include.has('spent')) { queries.push( `(SELECT ('spent' || "Item".id) as id, "Item".id as "factId", NULL as bolt11, MAX("ItemAct".created_at) as "createdAt", sum("ItemAct".msats) as msats, 0 as "msatsFee", NULL as status, 'spent' as type FROM "ItemAct" JOIN "Item" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id WHERE "ItemAct"."userId" = $1 AND "ItemAct".created_at <= $2 GROUP BY "Item".id)`) queries.push( `(SELECT ('donation' || "Donation".id) as id, "Donation".id as "factId", NULL as bolt11, created_at as "createdAt", sats * 1000 as msats, 0 as "msatsFee", NULL as status, 'donation' as type FROM "Donation" WHERE "userId" = $1 AND created_at <= $2)`) } if (queries.length === 0) { return { cursor: null, facts: [] } } let history = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(` ${queries.join(' UNION ALL ')} ORDER BY "createdAt" DESC OFFSET $3 LIMIT ${LIMIT}`,, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset) history = => { if (f.bolt11) { const inv = lnpr.decode(f.bolt11) if (inv) { const { tags } = inv for (const tag of tags) { if (tag.tagName === 'description') { f.description = break } } } } switch (f.type) { case 'withdrawal': f.msats = (-1 * Number(f.msats)) - Number(f.msatsFee) break case 'spent': f.msats *= -1 break case 'donation': f.msats *= -1 break default: break } return f }) return { cursor: history.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null, facts: history } } }, Mutation: { createInvoice: async (parent, { amount }, { me, models, lnd }) => { await ssValidate(amountSchema, { amount }) const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me ? : ANON_USER_ID } }) // set expires at to 3 hours into future const expiresAt = new Date(new Date().setHours(new Date().getHours() + 3)) const description = `Funding @${} on` try { const invoice = await createInvoice({ description: user.hideInvoiceDesc ? undefined : description, lnd, tokens: amount, expires_at: expiresAt }) const [inv] = await serialize(models, models.$queryRaw`SELECT * FROM create_invoice(${}, ${invoice.request}, ${expiresAt}::timestamp, ${amount * 1000}, ${}::INTEGER, ${description})`) return inv } catch (error) { console.log(error) throw error } }, createWithdrawl: createWithdrawal, sendToLnAddr: async (parent, { addr, amount, maxFee }, { me, models, lnd }) => { await ssValidate(lnAddrSchema, { addr, amount, maxFee }) const [name, domain] = addr.split('@') let req try { req = await fetch(`https://${domain}/.well-known/lnurlp/${name}`) } catch (e) { throw new Error(`error initiating protocol with https://${domain}`) } const res1 = await req.json() if (res1.status === 'ERROR') { throw new Error(res1.reason) } const milliamount = amount * 1000 // check that amount is within min and max sendable if (milliamount < res1.minSendable || milliamount > res1.maxSendable) { throw new GraphQLError(`amount must be >= ${res1.minSendable / 1000} and <= ${res1.maxSendable / 1000}`, { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } const callback = new URL(res1.callback) callback.searchParams.append('amount', milliamount) // call callback with amount const res2 = await (await fetch(callback.toString())).json() if (res2.status === 'ERROR') { throw new Error(res2.reason) } // decode invoice let decoded try { decoded = await decodePaymentRequest({ lnd, request: }) } catch (error) { console.log(error) throw new Error('could not decode invoice') } if (decoded.description_hash !== lnurlPayDescriptionHash(res1.metadata)) { throw new Error('description hash does not match') } // take pr and createWithdrawl return await createWithdrawal(parent, { invoice:, maxFee }, { me, models, lnd }) } }, Withdrawl: { satsPaying: w => msatsToSats(w.msatsPaying), satsPaid: w => msatsToSats(w.msatsPaid), satsFeePaying: w => msatsToSats(w.msatsFeePaying), satsFeePaid: w => msatsToSats(w.msatsFeePaid) }, Invoice: { satsReceived: i => msatsToSats(i.msatsReceived) }, Fact: { item: async (fact, args, { models }) => { if (fact.type !== 'spent' && fact.type !== 'stacked') { return null } const [item] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" WHERE id = $1`, Number(fact.factId)) return item }, sats: fact => msatsToSatsDecimal(fact.msats), satsFee: fact => msatsToSatsDecimal(fact.msatsFee) } } async function createWithdrawal (parent, { invoice, maxFee }, { me, models, lnd }) { await ssValidate(withdrawlSchema, { invoice, maxFee }) // remove 'lightning:' prefix if present invoice = invoice.replace(/^lightning:/, '') // decode invoice to get amount let decoded try { decoded = await decodePaymentRequest({ lnd, request: invoice }) } catch (error) { console.log(error) throw new GraphQLError('could not decode invoice', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } if (!decoded.mtokens || BigInt(decoded.mtokens) <= 0) { throw new GraphQLError('your invoice must specify an amount', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } const msatsFee = Number(maxFee) * 1000 const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: } }) // create withdrawl transactionally (id, bolt11, amount, fee) const [withdrawl] = await serialize(models, models.$queryRaw`SELECT * FROM create_withdrawl(${}, ${invoice}, ${Number(decoded.mtokens)}, ${msatsFee}, ${})`) payViaPaymentRequest({ lnd, request: invoice, // can't use max_fee_mtokens max_fee: Number(maxFee), pathfinding_timeout: 30000 }) return withdrawl }