import serialize from '@/api/resolvers/serial.js' import { getInvoice, getPayment, cancelHodlInvoice, deletePayment, subscribeToInvoices, subscribeToPayments, subscribeToInvoice } from 'ln-service' import { notifyDeposit, notifyWithdrawal } from '@/lib/webPush' import { INVOICE_RETENTION_DAYS } from '@/lib/constants' import { datePivot, sleep } from '@/lib/time.js' import retry from 'async-retry' export async function subscribeToWallet (args) { await subscribeToDeposits(args) await subscribeToWithdrawals(args) } // lnd subscriptions can fail, so they need to be retried function subscribeForever (subscribe) { retry(async bail => { let sub try { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { sub = subscribe(resolve, bail) if (!sub) { return bail(new Error('function passed to subscribeForever must return a subscription object or promise')) } if (sub.then) { // sub is promise sub.then(sub => sub.on('error', reject)) } else { sub.on('error', reject) } }) } catch (error) { console.error(error) throw new Error('error subscribing - trying again') } finally { sub?.removeAllListeners() } }, // retry every .1-10 seconds forever { forever: true, minTimeout: 100, maxTimeout: 10000, onRetry: e => console.error(e.message) }) } const logEvent = (name, args) => console.log(`event ${name} triggered with args`, args) const logEventError = (name, error) => console.error(`error running ${name}`, error) async function subscribeToDeposits (args) { const { models, lnd } = args subscribeForever(async () => { const [lastConfirmed] = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT "confirmedIndex" FROM "Invoice" ORDER BY "confirmedIndex" DESC NULLS LAST LIMIT 1` const sub = subscribeToInvoices({ lnd, confirmed_after: lastConfirmed?.confirmedIndex }) sub.on('invoice_updated', async (inv) => { try { if (inv.secret) { logEvent('invoice_updated', inv) await checkInvoice({ data: { hash: }, ...args }) } else { // this is a HODL invoice. We need to use SubscribeToInvoice which has is_held transitions // // SubscribeToInvoices is only for invoice creation and settlement transitions // subscribeToHodlInvoice({ hash:, ...args }) } } catch (error) { logEventError('invoice_updated', error) } }) return sub }) // check pending deposits as a redundancy in case we failed to record // an invoice_updated event await checkPendingDeposits(args) } function subscribeToHodlInvoice (args) { const { lnd, hash } = args subscribeForever((resolve, reject) => { const sub = subscribeToInvoice({ id: hash, lnd }) sub.on('invoice_updated', async (inv) => { logEvent('hodl_invoice_updated', inv) try { // record the is_held transition if (inv.is_held) { await checkInvoice({ data: { hash: }, ...args }) // after that we can stop listening for updates resolve() } } catch (error) { logEventError('hodl_invoice_updated', error) reject(error) } }) return sub }) } async function checkInvoice ({ data: { hash }, boss, models, lnd }) { const inv = await getInvoice({ id: hash, lnd }) // invoice could be created by LND but wasn't inserted into the database yet // this is expected and the function will be called again with the updates const dbInv = await models.invoice.findUnique({ where: { hash } }) if (!dbInv) { console.log('invoice not found in database', hash) return } if (inv.is_confirmed) { // NOTE: confirm invoice prevents double confirmations (idempotent) // ALSO: is_confirmed and is_held are mutually exclusive // that is, a hold invoice will first be is_held but not is_confirmed // and once it's settled it will be is_confirmed but not is_held const [[{ confirm_invoice: code }]] = await serialize(models, models.$queryRaw`SELECT confirm_invoice(${}, ${Number(inv.received_mtokens)})`, models.invoice.update({ where: { hash }, data: { confirmedIndex: inv.confirmed_index } }) ) // don't send notifications for JIT invoices if (dbInv.preimage) return if (code === 0) { notifyDeposit(dbInv.userId, { comment: dbInv.comment, ...inv }) } return await boss.send('nip57', { hash }) } if (inv.is_held) { // First query makes sure that after payment, JIT invoices are settled // within 60 seconds or they will be canceled to minimize risk of // force closures or wallets banning us. // Second query is basically confirm_invoice without setting confirmed_at // and without setting the user balance // those will be set when the invoice is settled by user action const expiresAt = new Date(Math.min(dbInv.expiresAt, datePivot(new Date(), { seconds: 60 }))) return await serialize(models, models.$queryRaw` INSERT INTO pgboss.job (name, data, retrylimit, retrybackoff, startafter) VALUES ('finalizeHodlInvoice', jsonb_build_object('hash', ${hash}), 21, true, ${expiresAt})`, models.invoice.update({ where: { hash }, data: { msatsReceived: Number(inv.received_mtokens), expiresAt, isHeld: true } })) } if (inv.is_canceled) { return await serialize(models, models.invoice.update({ where: { hash: }, data: { cancelled: true } })) } } async function subscribeToWithdrawals (args) { const { lnd } = args // subscribeForever(() => { const sub = subscribeToPayments({ lnd }) sub.on('confirmed', async (payment) => { logEvent('confirmed', payment) try { await checkWithdrawal({ data: { hash: }, ...args }) } catch (error) { logEventError('confirmed', error) } }) sub.on('failed', async (payment) => { logEvent('failed', payment) try { await checkWithdrawal({ data: { hash: }, ...args }) } catch (error) { logEventError('failed', error) } }) return sub }) // check pending withdrawals since they might have been paid while worker was down await checkPendingWithdrawals(args) } async function checkWithdrawal ({ data: { hash }, boss, models, lnd }) { const dbWdrwl = await models.withdrawl.findFirst({ where: { hash, status: null } }) if (!dbWdrwl) { // [WARNING] LND paid an invoice that wasn't created via the SN GraphQL API. // >>> an adversary might be draining our funds right now <<< console.error('unexpected outgoing payment detected:', hash) // TODO: log this in Slack return } let wdrwl let notFound = false try { wdrwl = await getPayment({ id: hash, lnd }) } catch (err) { if (err[1] === 'SentPaymentNotFound') { notFound = true } else { console.error('error getting payment', err) return } } if (wdrwl?.is_confirmed) { const fee = Number(wdrwl.payment.fee_mtokens) const paid = Number(wdrwl.payment.mtokens) - fee const [{ confirm_withdrawl: code }] = await serialize(models, models.$queryRaw` SELECT confirm_withdrawl(${}::INTEGER, ${paid}, ${fee})`) if (code === 0) { notifyWithdrawal(dbWdrwl.userId, wdrwl) } } else if (wdrwl?.is_failed || notFound) { let status = 'UNKNOWN_FAILURE' if (wdrwl?.failed.is_insufficient_balance) { status = 'INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE' } else if (wdrwl?.failed.is_invalid_payment) { status = 'INVALID_PAYMENT' } else if (wdrwl?.failed.is_pathfinding_timeout) { status = 'PATHFINDING_TIMEOUT' } else if (wdrwl?.failed.is_route_not_found) { status = 'ROUTE_NOT_FOUND' } await serialize(models, models.$executeRaw` SELECT reverse_withdrawl(${}::INTEGER, ${status}::"WithdrawlStatus")` ) } } export async function autoDropBolt11s ({ models, lnd }) { const retention = `${INVOICE_RETENTION_DAYS} days` // This query will update the withdrawls and return what the hash and bol11 values were before the update const invoices = await models.$queryRaw` WITH to_be_updated AS ( SELECT id, hash, bolt11 FROM "Withdrawl" WHERE "userId" IN (SELECT id FROM users WHERE "autoDropBolt11s") AND now() > created_at + interval '${retention}' AND hash IS NOT NULL ), updated_rows AS ( UPDATE "Withdrawl" SET hash = NULL, bolt11 = NULL FROM to_be_updated WHERE "Withdrawl".id = SELECT * FROM to_be_updated;` if (invoices.length > 0) { for (const invoice of invoices) { try { await deletePayment({ id: invoice.hash, lnd }) } catch (error) { console.error(`Error removing invoice with hash ${invoice.hash}:`, error) await models.withdrawl.update({ where: { id: }, data: { hash: invoice.hash, bolt11: invoice.bolt11 } }) } } } } // The callback subscriptions above will NOT get called for JIT invoices that are already paid. // So we manually cancel the HODL invoice here if it wasn't settled by user action export async function finalizeHodlInvoice ({ data: { hash }, models, lnd, ...args }) { const inv = await getInvoice({ id: hash, lnd }) if (inv.is_confirmed) { return } await cancelHodlInvoice({ id: hash, lnd }) // sync LND invoice status with invoice status in database await checkInvoice({ data: { hash }, models, lnd, ...args }) } export async function checkPendingDeposits (args) { const { models } = args const pendingDeposits = await models.invoice.findMany({ where: { confirmedAt: null, cancelled: false } }) for (const d of pendingDeposits) { try { await checkInvoice({ data: { id:, hash: d.hash }, ...args }) await sleep(10) } catch { console.error('error checking invoice', d.hash) } } } export async function checkPendingWithdrawals (args) { const { models } = args const pendingWithdrawals = await models.withdrawl.findMany({ where: { status: null } }) for (const w of pendingWithdrawals) { try { await checkWithdrawal({ data: { id:, hash: w.hash }, ...args }) await sleep(10) } catch { console.error('error checking withdrawal', w.hash) } } }