import { string } from '@/lib/yup' export const galoyBlinkUrl = '' export const galoyBlinkDashboardUrl = '' export const name = 'blink' export const walletType = 'BLINK' export const walletField = 'walletBlink' export const fields = [ { name: 'apiKey', label: 'api key', type: 'password', help: `you can get an API key from [Blink Dashboard](${galoyBlinkDashboardUrl})`, placeholder: 'blink_...', clientOnly: true, validate: string() .matches(/^blink_[A-Za-z0-9]+$/, { message: 'must match pattern blink_A-Za-z0-9' }) }, { name: 'currency', label: 'wallet type', type: 'text', help: 'the blink wallet to use (BTC or USD for stablesats)', placeholder: 'BTC', optional: true, clear: true, autoComplete: 'off', clientOnly: true, validate: string() .transform(value => value ? value.toUpperCase() : 'BTC') .oneOf(['USD', 'BTC'], 'must be BTC or USD') } ] export const card = { title: 'Blink', subtitle: 'use [Blink]( for payments', badges: ['send only'] }