import ServiceWorkerStorage from 'serviceworker-storage' import { numWithUnits } from '@/lib/format' import { CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS, clearAppBadge, setAppBadge } from '@/lib/badge' import { ACTION_PORT, DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION, MESSAGE_PORT, STORE_OS, STORE_SUBSCRIPTION, SYNC_SUBSCRIPTION } from '@/components/serviceworker' // import { getLogger } from '@/lib/logger' // we store existing push subscriptions and OS to keep them in sync with server const storage = new ServiceWorkerStorage('sw:storage', 1) // for communication between app and service worker // see let messageChannelPort let actionChannelPort // operating system. the value will be received via a STORE_OS message from app since service workers don't have access to window.navigator let os = '' async function getOS () { if (!os) { os = await storage.getItem('os') || '' } return os } // current push notification count for badge purposes let activeCount = 0 // message event listener for communication between app and service worker const log = (message, level = 'info', context) => { messageChannelPort?.postMessage({ level, message, context }) } export function onPush (sw) { return (event) => { // in case of push notifications, make sure that the logger has an HTTPS endpoint // const logger = getLogger('sw:push', ['onPush']) let payload = if (!payload) return // ignore push events without payload, like isTrusted events const { tag } = payload.options const nid = crypto.randomUUID() // notification id for tracking // iOS requirement: group all promises const promises = [] // On immediate notifications we update the counter if (immediatelyShowNotification(tag)) { //`[${nid}] showing immediate notification with title: ${payload.title}`) promises.push(setAppBadge(sw, ++activeCount)) } else { //`[${nid}] checking for existing notification with tag ${tag}`) // Check if there are already notifications with the same tag and merge them promises.push(sw.registration.getNotifications({ tag }).then((notifications) => { //`[${nid}] found ${notifications.length} notifications with tag ${tag}`) if (notifications.length) { //`[${nid}] found ${notifications.length} notifications with tag ${tag}`) payload = mergeNotification(event, sw, payload, notifications, tag, nid) } })) } // iOS requirement: wait for all promises to resolve before showing the notification event.waitUntil(Promise.all(promises).then(() => { return sw.registration.showNotification(payload.title, payload.options) })) } } // if there is no tag or the tag is one of the following // we show the notification immediately const immediatelyShowNotification = (tag) => !tag || ['TIP', 'FORWARDEDTIP', 'EARN', 'STREAK', 'TERRITORY_TRANSFER'].includes(tag.split('-')[0]) // merge notifications with the same tag const mergeNotification = (event, sw, payload, currentNotifications, tag, nid) => { // const logger = getLogger('sw:push:mergeNotification', ['mergeNotification']) // sanity check const otherTagNotifications = currentNotifications.filter(({ tag: nTag }) => nTag !== tag) if (otherTagNotifications.length > 0) { // we can't recover from this here. bail. // logger.error(`${nid} - bailing -- more than one notification with tag ${tag} found after manual filter`) return } const { data: incomingData } = payload.options //`[sw:push] ${nid} - incoming ${JSON.stringify(incomingData)}`) // we can ignore everything after the first dash in the tag for our control flow const compareTag = tag.split('-')[0] //`[sw:push] ${nid} - using ${compareTag} for control flow`) // merge notifications into single notification payload // --- // tags that need to know the amount of notifications with same tag for merging const AMOUNT_TAGS = ['REPLY', 'THREAD', 'MENTION', 'ITEM_MENTION', 'REFERRAL', 'INVITE', 'FOLLOW', 'TERRITORY_POST'] // tags that need to know the sum of sats of notifications with same tag for merging const SUM_SATS_TAGS = ['DEPOSIT', 'WITHDRAWAL'] // this should reflect the amount of notifications that were already merged before const initialAmount = currentNotifications.length || 1 const initialSats = currentNotifications[0]?.data?.sats || 0 //`[sw:push] ${nid} - initial amount: ${initialAmount}`) //`[sw:push] ${nid} - initial sats: ${initialSats}`) // currentNotifications.reduce causes iOS to sum n notifications + initialAmount which is already n notifications const mergedPayload = { ...incomingData, url: '/notifications', // when merged we should always go to the notifications page amount: initialAmount + 1, sats: initialSats + incomingData.sats } //`[sw:push] ${nid} - merged payload: ${JSON.stringify(mergedPayload)}`) // calculate title from merged payload const { amount, followeeName, subName, subType, sats } = mergedPayload let title = '' if (AMOUNT_TAGS.includes(compareTag)) { if (compareTag === 'REPLY') { title = `you have ${amount} new replies` } else if (compareTag === 'THREAD') { title = `you have ${amount} new follow-up replies` } else if (compareTag === 'MENTION') { title = `you were mentioned ${amount} times` } else if (compareTag === 'ITEM_MENTION') { title = `your items were mentioned ${amount} times` } else if (compareTag === 'REFERRAL') { title = `${amount} stackers joined via your referral links` } else if (compareTag === 'INVITE') { title = `your invite has been redeemed by ${amount} stackers` } else if (compareTag === 'FOLLOW') { title = `@${followeeName} ${subType === 'POST' ? `created ${amount} posts` : `replied ${amount} times`}` } else if (compareTag === 'TERRITORY_POST') { title = `you have ${amount} new posts in ~${subName}` } } else if (SUM_SATS_TAGS.includes(compareTag)) { if (compareTag === 'DEPOSIT') { title = `${numWithUnits(sats, { abbreviate: false, unitSingular: 'sat was', unitPlural: 'sats were' })} deposited in your account` } else if (compareTag === 'WITHDRAWAL') { title = `${numWithUnits(sats, { abbreviate: false, unitSingular: 'sat was', unitPlural: 'sats were' })} withdrawn from your account` } } //`[sw:push] ${nid} - calculated title: ${title}`) const options = { icon: payload.options?.icon, tag, data: { ...mergedPayload } } //`[sw:push] ${nid} - show notification with title "${title}"`) return { title, options } // send the new, merged, payload } // iOS-specific bug, notificationclick event only works when the app is closed export function onNotificationClick (sw) { return (event) => { const promises = [] // const logger = getLogger('sw:onNotificationClick', ['onNotificationClick']) const url = //`[sw:onNotificationClick] clicked notification with url ${url}`) if (url) { promises.push(sw.clients.openWindow(url)) } activeCount = Math.max(0, activeCount - 1) if (activeCount === 0) { promises.push(clearAppBadge(sw)) } else { promises.push(setAppBadge(sw, activeCount)) } event.waitUntil(Promise.all(promises)) event.notification.close() } } export function onPushSubscriptionChange (sw) { // // `isSync` is passed if function was called because of 'SYNC_SUBSCRIPTION' event // this makes sure we can differentiate between 'pushsubscriptionchange' events and our custom 'SYNC_SUBSCRIPTION' event return async (event, isSync) => { // const logger = getLogger('sw:onPushSubscriptionChange', ['onPushSubscriptionChange']) let { oldSubscription, newSubscription } = event // // fallbacks since browser may not set oldSubscription and newSubscription //'[sw:handlePushSubscriptionChange] invoked') oldSubscription ??= await storage.getItem('subscription') newSubscription ??= await sw.registration.pushManager.getSubscription() if (!newSubscription) { if (isSync && oldSubscription?.swVersion === 2) { // service worker lost the push subscription somehow, we assume this is a bug -> resubscribe // see // NOTE: this is only run on IndexedDB subscriptions stored under service worker version 2 since this is not backwards compatible // see discussion in //'[sw:handlePushSubscriptionChange] service worker lost subscription') actionChannelPort?.postMessage({ action: 'RESUBSCRIBE' }) return } // no subscription exists at the moment //'[sw:handlePushSubscriptionChange] no existing subscription found') return } if (oldSubscription?.endpoint === newSubscription.endpoint) { // subscription did not change. no need to sync with server //'[sw:handlePushSubscriptionChange] old subscription matches existing subscription') return } // convert keys from ArrayBuffer to string newSubscription = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newSubscription)) const variables = { endpoint: newSubscription.endpoint, p256dh: newSubscription.keys.p256dh, auth: newSubscription.keys.auth, oldEndpoint: oldSubscription?.endpoint } const query = ` mutation savePushSubscription($endpoint: String!, $p256dh: String!, $auth: String!, $oldEndpoint: String!) { savePushSubscription(endpoint: $endpoint, p256dh: $p256dh, auth: $auth, oldEndpoint: $oldEndpoint) { id } }` const body = JSON.stringify({ query, variables }) await fetch('/api/graphql', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json' }, body }) //'[sw:handlePushSubscriptionChange] synced push subscription with server', 'info', { endpoint: variables.endpoint, oldEndpoint: variables.oldEndpoint }) await storage.setItem('subscription', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newSubscription))) } } export function onMessage (sw) { return async (event) => { if ( === ACTION_PORT) { actionChannelPort = event.ports[0] return } if ( === STORE_OS) { event.waitUntil(storage.setItem('os', return } if ( === MESSAGE_PORT) { messageChannelPort = event.ports[0] } log('[sw:message] received message', 'info', { action: }) const currentOS = event.waitUntil(getOS()) log('[sw:message] stored os: ' + currentOS, 'info', { action: }) if ( === STORE_SUBSCRIPTION) { log('[sw:message] storing subscription in IndexedDB', 'info', { endpoint: }) return event.waitUntil(storage.setItem('subscription', {, swVersion: 2 })) } if ( === SYNC_SUBSCRIPTION) { return event.waitUntil(onPushSubscriptionChange(sw)(event, true)) } if ( === DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION) { return event.waitUntil(storage.removeItem('subscription')) } if ( === CLEAR_NOTIFICATIONS) { const promises = [] promises.push(sw.registration.getNotifications().then((notifications) => { notifications.forEach(notification => notification.close()) })) promises.push(clearAppBadge(sw)) activeCount = 0 event.waitUntil(Promise.all(promises)) } } }